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  • Adriene: Jacob, you're a teacher, so on behalf of students everywhere, Pop Quiz on you! What

  • was the average price of a new car in 1950? What was the tuition at Harvard in 1900? What

  • was is the highest grossing movie of all time?

  • Jacob: Sharknado? Adriene: Yeah.

  • Jacob: Really? Adriene: No.

  • [Theme Music]

  • Adriene: When it comes to inflation, most people think prices go up over time. Ok, I get it. Who cares?

  • Well, you do. A lot. Let's say you got a two percent raise at your job. But while you're

  • raking in your extra two percent, prices rise by five percent. Guess what. That means you

  • didn't get a real raise. Sorry. After adjusting for inflation, you're actually losing three

  • percent of your purchasing power.

  • Well, let's take a look at Stan. Hello, Stan. Purchasing power tells him how much physical

  • stuff, like pizza, haircuts, and Neutral Milk Hotel tickets he can actually consume. If

  • prices go down, he can consume more stuff. His purchasing power has increased. Or if

  • prices go up, he has to consume less. His purchasing power has decreased. A rise in

  • prices is effectively the exact same thing as a cut in wages, and vice versa.

  • The first thing we need to know is how economists measure inflation, or the overall price levels

  • in a countries. Using that measure they can do things like adjust prices from the past

  • into today's dollars, and give us a reading on how fast prices are rising.

  • Second, we're going to look at inflation and talk about what leads one country to have

  • inflation while another has falling prices. Finally, we're going to look at bubbles, which

  • happen when the price of just one good soars, as a result of collective delusions and irrational exuberance.

  • Jacob: We all know that prices tend to go up over time. The average movie ticket in

  • the U.S. today is $8.00. In 1939, when Gone With The Wind was released, it was 23 cents.

  • So to compare box office sales between different years, we have to adjust for inflation. But

  • how do we do that? I mean, the prices for some things are rising quickly, like college

  • tuition and health care. And for other things it's rising slowly, like for cars and food.

  • But, prices for stuff like electronics, are even dropping. Stan, how much are DVD players again?

  • So when they're adjusting for inflation, economists first pick out a list of goods that represents

  • what an average consumer buys in a year. Say, twelve months of rent, three hundred gallons

  • of gasoline, fifty loaves of bread, twenty burritos, and seven movie tickets. That kind

  • of thing. It's called a consumer basket. They add up the price of this year's basket, and

  • do the same thing next year, and the year after that. So eventually you have a long

  • list of basket costs for a bunch of different years.

  • Then, you pick a base year. It can be any year you want. You divide the basket cost

  • of each year, by the basket cost in the base year and multiply it times 100. That gives

  • you something called the consumer price index. The CPI shows how prices have changed between

  • different years, and it's by far the most commonly used measure of inflation.

  • Adriene: To determine, the highest grossing movie of all time, we have to adjust for inflation.

  • Gone with the Wind, Avatar, and Star Wars were all made in different years, with different

  • ticket prices. The CPI allows us to adjust for inflation by leveling the playing field

  • and putting all the earnings in the same base year prices. You'll hear economists using

  • the words "nominal" and "real" a lot.

  • "Real" means that a price from the past has been adjusted for inflation. "Nominal" means

  • a price from the past that hasn't been adjusted for inflation. So the highest "nominal" box

  • office receipts list is quite different. Avatar, Titanic, Avengers, Jurassic World. Of course,

  • most of these movies are more recent, since ticket prices are higher today. But the point

  • is, when economists make historical comparisons, they always use "real" values.

  • It's worth noting that the CPI isn't perfect. Since we have to keep the market basket constant

  • over time, a traditional CPI won't adjust for either new products on increases in product

  • quality. So a market basket from the 1950s might include a black and white TV that gets

  • like, a few channels and weighs like, a "billion" pounds. It's nothing like your 40-inch flat screen.

  • Government economists use adjustment factors to simultaneously account for technological

  • progress and keep two different years comparable. But, it's very complicated. Economists can

  • also use the Consumer Price Index to calculate the rate of inflation, how quickly the price

  • level is rising from year to year.

  • Here's the rate of inflation over time, and as you can see, prices grew slowly in the

  • '50s and '60s, sped up during the '70s and '80s, and when back to growing slowly. On

  • the other hand, here's the rate of inflation in Japan. For the past 25 years, prices in

  • Japan have actually been falling slightly. Economists call that deflation. And here's

  • the rate of inflation in Venezuela. The past several years have seen prices rising very

  • fast there. At the end of 2014, the inflation rate was nearly 70%. But what causes inflation?

  • Let's go find out in the Thought Bubble.

  • Jacob: So let's assume we gave John $10 million U.S. dollars. Is he rich? Well, not if you're

  • stuck on a desert island. Being rich isn't about how much money you have. It's about

  • how much purchasing power you have. Let's put John back into society so he can start

  • buying stuff. If other people also have a lot of money, they're going to bid up the

  • prices of goods and services. That last slice of pizza is $2.00, but Hank might offer $3.00.

  • John might counter-offer $10.00. Actually this might be a bad example since John and

  • Hank would probably share the pizza. They're brothers.

  • The point is that if people have a lot of money and they want to buy more stuff, they're

  • going to bid up the prices of things, causing inflation. This is actually called Demand

  • Pull Inflation. In the language of economists, it's "too much money, chasing too few goods."

  • Now a nother cause of inflation is the decrease of availability of an important productive

  • resource, like oil or something. An oil shortage, would increase the price of gasoline, increasing

  • the cost of delivering flour, and cheese, and pepperoni. This would increase the cost

  • of producing pizza. And therefore decrease the number of pizzas that can be produced.

  • Economists call this Supply Shock, and it causes something called Cost Push Inflation.

  • So, to keep it simple, inflation is caused by either consumers bidding up the prices

  • of stuff, or producers rising prices and producing less, because there's an increase in production

  • cost. Either way, inflation is the result of having more money than goods and services.

  • Adriene: Thanks Thought Bubble. So, who's got inflation today? Venezuela. In the 1950s

  • and 60s and 70s, Venezuela had one of the strongest economies in Latin America with

  • stable inflation. It's also a country with huge amounts of oil. But this is Case Number

  • 478 that natural resources don't equal economic bliss.

  • Economic mis-management and political instability have reduce oil exports from Venezuela. The

  • government's tried to keep the economy growing by printing more money, but that's only resulted

  • in soaring prices. It's a bad scene.

  • But prices go up all the time without necessarily causing inflation. Let's look at the prices

  • of chocolate over the past few months. and the price of housing ten years ago. Lots of

  • inflation, right? Well, no.

  • Jacob: In the case of chocolate, we have a straight forward supply and demand story.

  • As China and other nations develop, their consumers are spending more on treats, like

  • chocolate. Also, dark chocolate has become more popular world-wide. Now both of these

  • trends have increased demands for the coca beans, which is used to produce chocolate.

  • Now at the same time, disease and drought have limited harvests and decreased supply.

  • Higher demand and lower supply means higher prices for chocolate.

  • Now on the other hand, it's hard to explain the rise in home prices with just supply and

  • demand. The population didn't suddenly skyrocket or get that much richer, and it's not like

  • there was a shortage in building materials. Between 2001 and 2006, home prices diverged from

  • these fundamentals, in what economists call "a bubble." In the early 2000s, low interest rates and deceitful

  • lending practices encouraged more people to buy homes. That raised demand and increased the price.

  • But then people saw prices increase and assumed it would continue forever. So they liquidated

  • their beanie baby portfolios and bought houses in hopes of making a huge profit. This is

  • called speculation. More buyers are pulled into the market and prices rose faster and

  • faster. In fact, average home prices in the U.S. doubled between 2000 and 2006, and nearly

  • tripled in cities like Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

  • There were even more dramatic spikes in home prices in countries like Ireland and Spain.

  • News stories about rising real estate prices, along with easy credit, convinced even more

  • people that buying a home was a one way ticket to riches.

  • Adriene: At the time, there were plenty of people pointing out that rising home prices

  • were unsustainable. In fact, in 2005 the Economist magazine called the global rise in home prices the

  • biggest bubble in history. And economists like Robert Shiller and Nouriel Roubini were predicting a crash.

  • But those warnings couldn't compete with your brother-in-law bragging about how much he

  • just made flipping a home. Or banks pushing NINJA loans, so more and more people got into

  • the act. Wait, Stan. There were ninja bankers? That's amazing! Oh, NINJA stands for No Interest,

  • No Jobs, and No Assets. That's not so amazing.

  • The problem with a bubble is that depends on an ever increasing supply of buyers,

  • each person is betting that they'll be able to sell at a higher price to the next

  • person. But eventually, you run out of buyers and the bubble bursts.

  • Bubbles aren't a new thing. In the late 1990s there was a stock market bubble for companies

  • involved in this brand new computer thingy, called the internet. Investors poured billions

  • of dollars into internet stocks, and they got in on the ground floor of or

  • It turns out these companies had only one floor, and it a deep, deep basement.

  • The stock market collapsed in early 2000.

  • Perhaps the granddaddy of all bubbles was Dutch tulip mania in the 1630s. Tulip gardens

  • became a social fad among the emerging class of wealthy merchants, driving up their price.

  • More and more people got in on the tulip action, making quick fortunes. And that brought in

  • even more people, desperate to get their hands on a tulip bulb. At the height of the mania,

  • people were willing to exchange twelve acres of land, or ten years worth of salary for a single tulip bulb.

  • While a tulip bubble sounds incredibly beautiful, incredibly lovely; just floating petals, red and

  • pink and yellow -- Sorry. What am I talking about? The bubble burst and tulip bulbs are now less than a dollar.

  • Understanding inflation is not just academic. This affects you. Someday you might have to

  • ask your boss for a raise. Knowing some economics can help you negotiate a real raise, adjusted

  • for inflation. Thanks for watching. See you next time.

  • Thanks for watching Crash Course Economics. It was made with the help of all these nice

  • people and the greatest bubble of all. Thanks Thought Bubble. If you want to help keep Crash

  • Course free for everyone forever, consider going over to Patreon. It's a voluntary subscription

  • platform that allows you to pay whatever you want monthly. Thanks for watching. Don't forget

  • to be "irrationally exuberant," at least with your feelings.

Adriene: Jacob, you're a teacher, so on behalf of students everywhere, Pop Quiz on you! What


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通貨膨脹、保麗龍和鬱金香。經濟學速成班#7 (Inflation and Bubbles and Tulips: Crash Course Economics #7)

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    Jack 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日