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Hello. I'm Gill at www.engvid.com,
and today's lesson, we're looking at how to talk about days and times.
And we're going to start by looking at prepositions, because sometimes
it's a little bit confusing which preposition to use for particular references to the day
or the time. Okay?
So, there are two main prepositions. There's "at" and there's "in", and "in the" usually
所以,有兩個主要的介係詞。"at"和"in",也常用"in the"
or always, probably. So, with "at", we can have the... A specific time on the clock:
"At 2pm" or "At 2:00", "At 2:30", "At midnight", all the times on the clock or on your watch
"at 2pm"或者"at 2:00"、"at 2:30","at midnight",說明這些你手錶上的特定的鐘錶時間
is "at". And then when you're referring to mealtimes: "At breakfast time", "At lunchtime",
就用"at"。而當你在說明吃飯時間如:"at breakfast time","at lunchtime"
"At teatime". We like teatime, here in the UK. It's very traditional. Around 4:00, nice
"at teatime"。在英國,我們喜愛午茶時間。這是相當傳統的文化。大約在下午4點時,一杯好茶
cup of tea. Lovely. "At teatime", "At dinnertime", and "At night". Okay? So, "At night". But
多麼棒呀。"at teatime","at dinnertime"和"at night"。可以嗎?所以,"at night"。但是
when it comes to other words that are linked with morning, afternoon, evening, night - we
use a different preposition. So, it's just "night" that has "at" with it there, and then
the mealtime, and the specific times on your watch.
Okay, so let's have a look at the "in" preposition, and see what goes with "in". So, you can say:
"In the morning", "In the afternoon", "In the daytime", meaning anytime during the day.
"in the morning"、"in the afternoon"、"in the daytime",意思是白天當中任何的時刻
"In the daytime", "In the middle of the day", so that's roughly maybe midday, 12:00 or 1:00,
"in the daytime","in the middle of the day",所以大約是中午的時候,12:00或1:00
2:00, that sort of time. "In the middle of the day". "In the evening". You can also say:
2:00之間,那段時間。"in the middle of the day","in the evening" 你也可以說:
"In the night", which has the sort of meaning: "During the night".
"in the night",也有差不多類似的意思:"在晚上的某個時刻"
We've got: "At night" there, but you can say: "In the night" meaning:
我們剛看了"at night",但也可以說:"in the night" 它的意思是:
"Oh, I woke up in the night because I'd had a bad dream."
"oh, I woke up in the night because I'd had a bad dream."
So: "I woke up during the night because I had a bad dream." So you can use
所以:"I woke up during the night because I had a bad dream."所以你可以對
it with "night" with both prepositions. Okay? And then: "In the middle of the night". You
"night"使用這兩個介係詞。了解嗎?而後:"in the middle of the night" 你
can also say: "I woke up in the middle of the night." Okay, so I hope that helps to
也可以說:"I woke up in the middle of the night." 好的,所以我希望這對於
make clear which preposition to use. And now we're going to move on and look at some
past, present, and future words. Okay.
Okay, so moving on to look at some words about the past, the present, and the future. Okay?
Past, present, future. We have, for example: "yesterday". Yesterday was Tuesday.
"Today". Today is Wednesday. "Tomorrow", tomorrow is Thursday. Okay? Yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Then, when you're talking about different parts of today-okay?-we use "this", so you
say: "This morning". That is whether it is morning at the moment:
所以你會說:"this morning"。不論在說的當下是否是早上
"This morning we are going to do something" or you can say: "This morning we had our breakfast at 9:00." So,
"this morning" you can use in the present or the past. "This morning", "this afternoon".
"this morning"可以用在現在是或者過去式當中。"this morning"、"this afternoon"
And again, oh, you could say: "This afternoon we will", so that's like future,
再一次,喔,你可以說:"this afternoon we will",這就是未來式的用法
or: "This afternoon we are doing something", in the present.
或者:"this afternoon we are doing something",就是現在式的用法
So you can use these past, present, future, but it's all with:
"This morning", "This afternoon", "This evening", but it then
"this morning"、"this afternoon"、"this evening"。但有個
changes. We don't say: "This night", we say: "Tonight", all one word, "Tonight". Okay?
例外。我們不會說:"this night",我們說:"tonight",就一個字代表。"tonight",明白嗎?
So that's just one little exception: "Tonight". Okay.
And then looking at something similar for yesterday, we can say: "Yesterday morning",
然後我們來看一個類似的用字,yesterday,我們會說:"yesterday morning"
"Yesterday afternoon we went to see a film", "Yesterday evening we went to see some friends",
but again, we don't say: "Yesterday night", we say: "Last night". Okay, so another little
但再一次,我們不說:"yesterday night",而說:"last night"。了解吧。所以這是另一個
exception. "Tonight", "Last night" are different. Okay. Right.
小例外。"tonight"、"last night"都不同。明白吧。好
And then moving on to look at the future: "Tomorrow morning", "Tomorrow afternoon",
然後來看未來式的用字:"tomorrow morning"、"tomorrow afternoon"
"Tomorrow evening". There is a good program on television tomorrow evening. And this time
"tomorrow evening"。明晚有個好的電視節目可以看。而這次
it's the same: "Tomorrow night". So, it doesn't change. "Tonight", "Last night", "Tomorrow night".
就一樣了,不做變動:"tomorrow night"。所以,並不做更改。"tonight"、"last night","tomorrow night"
And then moving on to look either further back in the past, or other times in the present,
or further into the future. With the day of the week, you can say: "Last Monday", which
或者是很久遠的未來的用法。如果是一個星期以內的,你可以說:"last Monday",也就是
was Monday of last week; you could say: "This Monday", Monday of this week; or "Next Monday"
上個星期的星期一;你可以說:"this Monday",就是這週一;或者"next Monday"
in the future, "Monday of next week". Okay? And similarly, you can use these in combination.
"Last week", "This week", "Next week", "Last month", "This month", "Next month",
如:"last week"、"this week"、"next week"、"last month"、"this month"、"next month"
"Last year", "This year", and "Next year". So they're all very straightforward. Okay?
"last year"、"this year",和"next year"。所以它們全都非常直接明瞭,對吧?
Right. And then to finish with just two little interesting points. First of all, this little
word: "ago", "ago". "A week ago", that means this time last week.
首先是"ago"這個字,"a week ago"指的是上週的這個時間點
"A week ago, I was on holiday."
Okay? Or: "A week ago, I was in my office."
Or: "A week ago, I was travelling on a train."
It's what you were doing this time last week; seven days ago.
So: "A week ago", you could use it with "A month ago", "A year ago". You can make it less, you can
所以:「一週前」,你也可以用在month或year之後變成:"a month ago"、"a year ago"。你可以用在更短的時間內
say: "A minute ago", "An hour ago", "A day ago", okay? So it's always in the past. And
如:"a minute ago"、"an hour ago"、"a day ago",明白嗎?
even longer time: "5 years ago", "10 years ago". So it's a useful little word.
甚至也可以用在比較長的時間如:"5 years agao"、"10 years ago"。這是個很實用的字
And then finally, a lot of people get confused by this strange word: "a fortnight". They
而最後,許多人對這個字感到混淆:"a fortnight"。他們
might think: "Well, four... Four nights." No, it's not four nights. It actually... It
was a very old expression, meaning 14 nights. Okay? And if you think 14 nights, well, okay,
that's two weeks. So, 14 days, but 14 nights. Okay? So, it just means... "A fortnight" means
就是兩週也沒錯。所以,14天,但是14個晚上。明白嗎?"a fortnight"指的是
two weeks. You might find it in books like Jane Austen, but we still use it today as
兩週。你可能會在如Jane Austen的書中看見這樣的用法,但我們仍在日常
well to say: "A fortnight", "A fortnight ago, I was on holiday",
生活中會說:"a fortnight","a fortnight ago, I was on holiday"
or "We are going on holiday for a fortnight". So, we use it a lot in the UK.
或者"we are going on holiday for a fortnight"。我們在英國很常使用這個字來表達
Right, so I hope that was all useful for you.
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And that's it for today.
Hope to see you very soon.
Okay. Bye for now.