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  • Secretary Kerry: The ocean covers almost three-quarters of our planet, but our ocean today is at grave

  • risk, and the damage is not happening by accident. Human activity is the cause. Harmful fishing

  • practices, even illegal fishing; giant garbage patches; hundreds of dead zones; and rising

  • carbon dioxide levelsall of it threatens life under the sea.

  • That is the bad news. The good news is it doesn't have to be that way. Governments,

  • communities and individuals can act now to reverse these trends. We can protect the ocean

  • if we all start treating it like "our ocean."

  • Wherever you live, you can help in some way. There are things you can do to make a difference.

  • Let's work toward a healthier ocean, for this generation and those to come.

  • Show your support and tell others how you'll make this commitment. Don't throw trash into

  • our ocean or waterways. Ask for sustainable seafood. Volunteer at least one day a year

  • to clean our waterways or beaches.

  • I intend to ask our leaders around the world to act now to create a healthier ocean together,

  • and we'll help lead the way.

  • What will you do to help protect our ocean?

Secretary Kerry: The ocean covers almost three-quarters of our planet, but our ocean today is at grave


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幫助保護我們的海洋 (Help Protect Our Ocean)

  • 490 13
    柯媁涵 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日