字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I have 422 friends, yet I am lonely. 我有422個朋友,不過,我很寂寞 I speak to all of them everyday, yet none of them really know me. 我每天和他們聊天,不過沒有一位是我的知己 The problem I have sits in the spaces between, 問題出在我要直視他們的眼睛 looking into their eyes, or at a name on a screen. 或僅是盯著螢幕上的名字 I took a step back, and opened my eyes, 我退了步想了想,睜開眼睛 I looked around, and then realised 看了看四周,發覺 that this media we call social, is anything but 我們所稱的社群媒體,只不過是 when we open our computers, and it's our doors we shut. 打開電腦後,將自己禁閉於房內的互動而已 All this technology we have, it's just an illusion, 我們所接觸的科技,僅僅是幻覺 of community, companionship, a sense of inclusion 這些社群、同儕、歸屬感 yet when you step away from this device of delusion, 我們一遠離這些科技產品後 you awaken to see, a world of confusion. 我們才覺醒,看見這渾沌的世界 A world where we're slaves to the technology we mastered, 一個處在我們既統御科技、也被科技所奴役的世界 where our information gets sold by some rich greedy bastard. 資訊被富有、貪婪的混蛋拿來做買賣 A world of self-interest, self-image, self-promotion, 自我感知良好、自我形象塑造、自我行銷的世界 where we share all our best bits, but leave out the emotion. 我們秀出最好的一面,但忘卻了情感的表達 We are at our most happy with an experience we share, 獨樂樂不如眾樂樂 but is it the same if no one is there. 不過,獨自一人還能夠眾樂樂嗎? Be there for you friends, and they'll be there too, 與友人共處,他們就會陪伴在你一旁 but no one will be, if a group message will do. 但單靠群組聊天室,是沒有人會在你身邊的 We edit and exaggerate, we crave adulation, 我們做作、誇大不實、期待別人在我們臉書上按個讚 we pretend we don't notice the social isolation. 我們假裝孤立感不存在 We put our words into order, until our lives are glistening, 編寫個片刻絮語,讓我們的生命看起來好像很精彩 we don't even know if anyone is listening. 但卻不知道是否有人會傾聽我們的聲音 Being alone isn't the problem, let me just emphasize, 獨處不是問題,姑且讓我強調一下 that if you read a book, paint a picture, or do some exercise, 假使你閱讀、繪畫、運動 you are being productive, and present, not reserved or recluse, 你是活在當下、有生產力的;而不是封閉的,也不會是個獨行俠 you're being awake and attentive, and putting your time to good use. 你是覺醒、有意識的;且能善用你的光陰 So when you're in public, and you start to feel alone, 當處在外頭,開始覺得孤單 put your hands behind your head, and step away from the phone. 你可以雙手置腦勺後小憩、遠離手機喧擾 You don't need to stare at your menu, or at your contact list, 不必緊盯著手機的主頁面、滑手機看聯絡人清單 just talk to one another, and learn to co-exist. 僅需和身旁的人聊個天,學著「共存」 I can't stand to hear the silence, of a busy commuter train, 我無法忍受忙碌的通勤族在鐵路上的噤聲不語 when no one wants to talk through the fear of looking insane. 沒有人願意發聲,只因為這看起來像個瘋子 We're becoming unsocial, it no longer satisfies 我們變得不會社交 to engage with one another, and look into someone's eyes. 不再因為和他人交涉、和他人四目相交而感到滿足 We're surrounded by children, who since they were born, 生活在我們周遭的孩童,自出生 watch us living like robots, and think it's the norm. 就看著活像機器人的我們,認為這是正常的 It's not very likely you will make world's greatest dad, 不是說你用個iPad娛樂你的小孩 if you cant entertain a child without a using an iPad. 你就是世上最棒的爹地了 When I was a child, I would never be home, 還是個小孩時,我從未宅在家 I'd be out with my friends, on our bikes we would roam. 反倒是騎車與朋友在戶外溜搭 We'd ware holes in our trainers, and graze up our knees; 鞋子磨壞、膝蓋犁田(臺語) we'd build our own clubhouse, high up in the trees. 蓋屬於我們的樹屋秘密基地 Now the parks are so quiet, it gives me a chill 現今的公園冷清得令人寒汗毛直豎 to see no children outside and the swings hanging still. 孩童不在外玩耍、盪鞦韆待命著 There's no skipping or hopscotch, no church and no steeple, 沒有跳跳繩、跳格子的嘻笑;沒人上教堂、沒有聽見鐘聲 we're a generation of idiots, smart phones and dumb people. 我們是愚昧的世代,智慧型手機搭配愚昧使用者 So look up from your phone, shut down that display, 所以別再當低頭族了! 關掉螢幕吧! take in your surroundings, and make the most of today. 看看你的周遭,好好活著每一天 Just one real connection is all it can take, 只需要一個與真人互動的機會 to show you the difference that being there can make. 你就能看到「活著」的不一樣 Be there in the moment, when she gives you the look, 活在她凝視你的每一刻 that you remember forever, as when love overtook. 你永遠記得當愛抵擋不住之時 The time you first hold her hand, or first kiss her lips, 她第一次牽起你的手、或第一次親吻你的那一剎那 the time you first disagree, but still love her to bits. 第一次你倆鬥嘴,但仍愛她的一切 The time you don't need to tell hundreds, about what you've just done, 不必向大家訴說你的所作所為 because you want to share the moment, with just this one. 因為你只想與她共享此刻 The time you sell your computer, so you can buy a ring, 你賣了電腦,買了只戒指給了一位女孩 for the girl of your dreams, who is now the real thing. 一位夢中的她,正在你眼前 The time you want to start a family, and the moment when, 當你想要成家 you first hold your baby girl, and get to fall in love again. 第一次抱著你的小女嬰,再次有了不同的愛 The time she keeps you up at night, and all you want is rest, 夜裡你想休息,她卻吵醒了你 and the time you wipe away the tears, as your baby flees the nest. 當小孩振翅高飛獨立之時,你抹去眼角的淚 The time your little girl returns, with a boy for you to hold, 過去的小女孩,長大後抱回個小男孩讓你抱抱 and the day he calls you granddad, and makes you feel real old 喊你一聲爺爺,發覺你真的老了 The time you take in all you've made, just by giving life attention, 一切的一切皆來自你對生活周遭的關切 and how your glad you didn't waste it, by looking down at some invention 如此慶幸你並未低首滑弄手機,而蹉跎美好光陰 The time you hold your wife's hand, and sit down beside her bed 你坐在內人床邊,握著她的手 you tell her that you love her, and lay a kiss upon her head. 你告訴她你多愛她,在她額上輕輕一吻 She then whispers to you quietly, as her heart gives a final beat, 心臟停止那一刻前,她在你耳邊呢喃說道 that she's lucky she got stopped, by that lost boy in the street. 她很幸運在街上遇到一位迷路的男子 But none of these times ever happened, you never had any of this, 但以上所述從未發生,你壓根兒沒有遇過 When you're too busy looking down, you don't see the chances you miss. 忙著低頭之時,同時也失去了至生至此的機緣 So look up from your phone, shut down those displays, 所以別再當低頭族了! 關掉螢幕吧! we have a finite existence, a set number of days. 生命是有限的,如白駒過隙 Why waste all our time getting caught in the net, 別蹉跎生命在網絡上 as when the end comes, nothing's worse than regret. 當生命將畫下休止符之時,後悔都來不及了 I am guilty too, of being part of this machine, 身為智慧型手機使用者的一員,我也感到罪惡 this digital world, where we are heard but not seen. 數位世界裡的我們,被耳聞但不被目視 Where we type and don't talk, where we read as we chat, 打字取代說話、讀訊息取代聊天 where we spend hours together, without making eye contact. 花數小時的時間在相處,卻沒有眼神交融 Don't give in to a life where you follow the hype, 別向從眾媚俗的世界屈服 give people your love, don't give them your like. 給予身旁的人你有的愛,別只給他們按一個讚 Disconnect from the need to be heard and defined 屏除想被耳聞、被他人定義的慾望 Go out into the world, leave distractions behind. 真正走到這世界,將網路的喧擾棄之一旁 Look up from your phone, shut down that display, 別當低頭族了! 關掉螢幕吧! stop watching this video, live life the real way. 看完這部影片,真正地「活著」吧!