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Welcome to twominenglish.com. Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.
In this lesson you will learn how to interact with someone when you are asking him or her out on a date.
Hi Jones, what're you doing today?
You mean after church?
Yes. Do you have any plans?
No, not really. No plans.
Let's go for a movie.
Hmm... Which movie?
Well, I was thinking about the new movie “Norwegian Wood,” but I don't mind if you want to watch something else.
I saw the trailer for this movie. It seems to be a good one!
Hi there, Cindy.
How are you doing?
I'm doing great! I was wondering if you'd have dinner with me.
Dinner! Hmm... Why not? When?
How about tonight?
Well...If I say I can't make it tonight, then... ?
Then, can you make it tomorrow?
Okay! I was just kidding.
So,you come tonight, then?
Yes, I will. It's a date.
How are you Wilma?
I'm fine. How are you?
I'm fine too. Wilma, can I ask you something, if you don't mind?
Sure Kurt.
Can we go out on a date this Saturday?
Err...A date? I think it's...
It's okay if you are busy, we can go some other time.
I would say ‘yes' you know, but it's my dad. He doesn't like you.
That's alright. Some other time then!
Hello Kurt. How are you?
Hi Wilma. I'm fine and you?
I'm fine too. It's a great day. Isn't it?
Sure Wilma, it is.
Wilma, do you have anything to do after the office today?
No, why?
Let's go for a walk on the beach this evening! If that's alright with you...
Are you asking me out on a date?
Do you have any plans?
Let's go for a movie.
I was wondering if you'd have dinner with me.
Then, can you make it tomorrow?
Yes, I will. It's a date.
Can we go out on a date this Saturday?
Are you asking me out on a date?
Let's go for a walk on the beach this evening!