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  • Hi I'm Julie Deily from The Little Kitchen and today I'm going to show you how easy it

  • is to make ravioli at home!

  • I used my KitchenAid stand mixer, pasta attachment and a $13 ravioli maker.

  • Use the beater attachment to combine all of your ingredients and then switch to the dough

  • hook.

  • Knead the dough for 2 minutes and then cover it and let rest for 20 to 30 minutes.

  • Then cut it into four portions. You're going to work with one piece at a time, so cover

  • the rest while you're not working with it. Flatten it into a rectangular shape and add

  • flour to both sides.

  • Attach the pasta sheet roller to your stand mixer and set it to #1. Turn on the stand

  • mixer to speed 2 and run the pasta dough through the pasta sheet roller. While on #1, fold

  • the dough in half and run it through again. I do this several times.

  • Be sure to add a little bit of flour on each side of the dough between passes through the

  • pasta sheet roller.

  • You only want to fold the dough on the #1 setting. Change setting to #2 and pass the

  • pasta dough through the sheet roller. I do this twice and then twice each on #3 and then

  • #4 so it gets pretty thin.

  • After rolling the pasta out, I get my ravioli maker out and lay the pasta sheet on top of

  • the filler. Push the pasta sheet into the ravioli cavities and adjust the sheet as needed.

  • I made a spinach and ricotta filling that I put into the refrigerator while the pasta

  • dough was resting earlier. Fill each ravioli with about a teaspoon, I use my fingers to

  • ensure it gets all the way in there and there's no air pockets.

  • You can experiment with different fillings. I even made a chicken sausage and asiago cheese

  • filling for my raviolis...I'll definitely share that recipe soon!

  • After you're finished filling your pasta, add another pasta sheet on top and using your

  • hands, you're going to push down to ensure the sheets are pressed together; you don't

  • want any air pockets. Then cut the pasta sheet at the end with kitchen

  • shears.

  • Once again, press down with your hands and pat it a little, we want to make sure to seal

  • the raviolis.

  • Flip the ravioli filler and remove the filled pasta sheets. Then put the ravioli cutter

  • on the ravioli sheets and line it up correctly. And then flip it over with the ravioli sheets.

  • We're going to use this to cut the raviolis. Run a rolling pin over the top, back and forth.

  • When you're done, remove the excess pasta and and flip it over. Since we floured the

  • pasta sheets, it should come right off. Then lightly, tear the raviolis a part.

  • I like to freeze my raviolis for later. So they don't stick together, Put them on a parchment

  • paper lined baking sheet to flash freeze for a few minutes. Then, put them into a zippered

  • plastic bag and place them in the freezer.

  • For the entire recipe including step by step photos and how to make these baked or fried

  • ravioli appetizers, visit

  • if you liked my video, be sure to comment below and give it a thumbs up.

  • And for more videos, subscribe to my youtube channel.

Hi I'm Julie Deily from The Little Kitchen and today I'm going to show you how easy it


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如何自制餛飩麵的做法 (How to Make Homemade Ravioli Pasta)

  • 186 14
    amber 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日