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So Sunday night's episode was, safe to say, pretty insane. When it comes to Game of Thrones
the 4th episode is usually where things go down. The first three of the season is spent
on building up the story lines while episode 4 serves for it to heat up and continue on.
We get Dany showing off her old magic tricks, we finally get our pink letter and my favorite
character, Petyr Baelish, is back on the scene. I would go as far as to say that this episode
was better than 3 but still doesn't top episode 2 which is to be expected. The main purpose
of this episode is to get the ball going for the remainder of the season and it delivered.
Most of what we got was pretty good but there was one series of scenes that I'm starting
to get tired of and I think you guys will agree with me and I'll explain what I mean.
Let's get to the review.
So first let starts off with the Castle Black scenes. The starting conversation between
Jon and Edd is pretty fantastic and as i thought, he used that little loophole to get out of
the Night's Watch. He gave his life to them and they took it, to by force. Jon did what
we thought was right and now hes done and I can't blame him. Someone in Phil's comment
section last night said Jon has PTSD and I agree with that 100%. Yeah I understand that
this is a fantasy television show but that doesn't mean he can't have realistic issues
like we do in our own world. The guy just came back from the dead and that would disturb
the hell out of anybody. I can't blame Jon for wanting to leave but at the same time...what
will Jon do? knowing fully well that the White Walkers are coming down on them. Edd is right,
he can't just abandon them at this point but at the same time...what can the night's watch
even do? they have less than 50 men stationed there...are they going to fight thousands
of undead wildlings? its a difficult situation to dissect. Just then Sansa and her party
come in and we have a nice reunion between the two family members which i thought was
pretty cool.
The one thing I want to ask you guys is this: Did anybody ever see Sansa talking to Jon
Snow in season 1? I don't remember Sansa at all talking to him. She says that she was
a jerk to him but that might've been off screen. By episode 2 Jon was already on his way to
Castle Black and the only female stark I saw him interact with was Arya.
But as their conversation continues, we find Sansa wanting to fight back against the Boltons.
She brings up the same argument that Stannis and Davos has brought up before about the
wildlings fighting for their place in the north and I got to agree with her. Not because
I want to see Jon form an awesome army with them but because, logically, shes right. The
other Northern houses would not allow any Wildlings to settle on land in their territory
until the warden of the north ensures everybody that it's okay and gives them protection.
Sansa will do it herself if she must, rally some of the loyal houses to her cause but
I still feel bad for Jon. Hes been fighting ever since he got to the Wall and you can
tell hes tired. Hes tired of doing it all but Sansa's argument shines through....they
will not be safe so long as House Bolton holds reign over the north. Outside with get a little
conversation between Davos and Melisandre and some people have been asking "Why does
Davos care about what happens to Jon Snow?" well...I think its because what else is he
going to do? Stannis is dead...he has really nothing left to do. Stannis gave him an order
to go to Castle Black to seek assistance from Jon in defeating the Boltons and maybe hes
continuing on with that mission. Davos' true motivation is a bit blurry but I do hope they
give us a clear answer on that is.
We also learn that Melisandre has turned her services towards Jon but Davos doesn't look
too surprised. You can tell that in a sense, he still doesn't trust Melisandre's version
of what happened and I doubt she'll say anything until the very end. Even though Davos turned
to her to help bring Jon back hes still on the fence about her and I'm sure when the
truth comes out about Shireen's death he'll probably go over the edge and I can't wait
when that happens. As they talk eventually Brienne comes out of nowhere and confesses
that she killed Stannis and everybody gives her the stink eye. I got to say Brienne is
ballsy as hell to admit that but why didn't Davos get pissed off? you could argue that
Brienne is under Sansa's service now and that they're all on the same side but I was expecting
Davos to get really pissed off here but they all just stare at her like shes some kind
of stormtrooper with not enough screen time. Your best friend's killer is right there and
all you do is look at her? I mean come on dude...say something.
Eventually everybody goes to lunch and we find out that Tormund is really into Brienne
which I thought was hilarious and to be honest? it kind of makes sense that he'd be into tall
strong women. As they eat Ramsay sends his infamous pink letter and it's not as....douchey....as
I wanted it to be but it does the job to make everyone a little nervous. See even when Ramsay
isn't in the scene hes still casting a big shadow over everything. This letter makes
Jon want to spring into action and we find out that out of 100,000 wildlings...only 2000
capable fighters remain and a lot of people were asking what the hell happened to all
their men and to that I say...Hardhome. Remember the vast open field filled with people? most
of them were killed and turned into wights. The ones that were spared were the few that
got onto the ships and even then it wasn't that much considering most of the old and
children got on first.
The scenes at Castle Black were pretty fantastic and I loved every bit of them. I thought the
conversation between Jon and Edd was good, I loved Brienne coming out of nowhere to confront
Davos and Melisandre but it left me wanting a bit more. I loved the pink letter scene
and I really enjoyed Sansa and Jon coming together, it was a sweet moment and the music
played it out perfectly. And no I don't think they'll get together in a romantic way. People
were asking me that and sorry but...just because we have a male and female character who're
both attractive doesn't mean they need to be into each other. Castle Black this time
around was great but I have a feeling we won't be seeing much of it in the second half of
season 6...at least not until the end. I'm expecting the season to end with the wall
being destroyed and the white walkers coming through....I just hope Edd isn't around when
it happens.
Next we get my favorite character, Petyr Baelish coming back to the Vale to check in on Robin
Arryn who really sucks at shooting arrows but very good at being a little jerk. This
was a brief scene to show that Petyr has a tight grip over the lord of the vale and to
move into the next step of his plan. He successfully manipulates Robin into ordering the Knights
of the Vale to come to Sansa's aid but I wonder if they'll actually come in on time to turn
the tide of battle. It takes a while for large armies to move across such large terrain,
especially unnoticed. Since the first season Petyr has had control of Lysa and in turn,
control of the Vale and has kept their armies out of any conflict so they're one of the
few Houses who still have most of their forces intact but I do wonder what is his game here.
Hes using Sansa as a means to attack House Bolton without interference from the crown
and to ensure the other Stark loyal houses help him out but that only works as long as
Sansa is alive and well. He was counting on Stannis and Roose to weaken each other out
but he wasn't expecting Ramsay to be such an insane person and I'm sure that changes
his plans a lot...in the next episode preview we do see that he meets up with her again
and I really am interested in seeing what she says to him. But overall Petyr's scenes
were brief but it served its purpose to bring him back and move his story line along too....it's
just a shame we got him back in so late in the season but better late than never
Next we have Tyrion in Mereen trying to make some peace with the masters who have re-taken
Astapor and Yunkai and I've got to agree with both Missandei and Greyworm on this. There
is no making peace with them mainly because of what they said: slavery has been a thing
since the dawn of time and it's quite difficult telling someone who was born into such riches
and power and trying to have them give up some of that power for the good of the people,
I mean just look at North Korean dictator Kim Jong Douche. I love how Tyrion says that
slavery hasn't existed in Westeros for hundreds of years and that there are other ways of
making money without them....yeah but Westeros is rich in gold, copper, silver, fishing,
wheat, and so on while Slavery Bay is mainly located on harsh terrain and rely a lot on
the slaves to do most of the leg work. Tyrion's proposal for seven years to abolish all of
it is generous but I believe all hes really doing is giving them an opening to invade
Mereen. The fact that they met with him and not Dany is really telling and the masters
may see this peace offering as a sign of weakness and will attack. The scene we got afterwards
with the freemen getting annoyed at Tyrion for even starting negotiations with them really
is telling...there is years of hatred among them and I doubt peace is even possible at
all. I like what we got in Mereen this time around, I would even argue its a lot better
than what we've gotten so far and it feels like we're getting things done and moving
forward but the one thing I want to get to is the new Red priestess who is showing up
next episode. I definitely want to see how that plays out.
But it's like I said...at this point peace is almost next to impossible but Tyrion is
trying for a valid solution and I like that. Hes trying his best and nothing seals the
deal like ending negotiations with beautiful women. He knows how to play them but they
may end up playing him. All in all I liked Mereen this time around, it was interesting
and hopefully it continues to be so.
Next we have King's Landing and other than the scene between Margaery and the High Sparrow
which I really liked, I was just bored. I don't know about you guys but I'm starting
to get so annoyed with how slowly things are moving along in King's Landing. I expected
that ever since Jaime came back he would start wrecking the Sparrows but even he is being
hesitant to go in there and kill the them all with the zombie mountain. The High Sparrow
has been running around for the past 4 episodes doing what ever he wants and we're barely
getting anything but talking and talking. You can make the argument that if they all
move in too quickly than something could happen to Margaery but at the same time....Tommen
went in there with several kingsguard of his own...so he couldn't go back there for another
conversation and bring just a bit more men with him and apprehend all of them before
they could get to her? I expected that this would be the episode where things would start
moving along but it seems we have to wait until next week. In the trailer we saw Mace
Tyrell and Jaime leading a large group of Tyrell soldiers to get Margaery back but judging
by that scene with her and Loras she may pull a confession to try and save him and they'll
probably release her soon. I hate to cut King's Landing short but I just wasn't into it this
time around but I still do love Jonathan Pryce as the High Sparrow...he really got me into
that scene very easily.
The one thing I did notice is that Lancel is still with them and that Kevan, who is
now hand of the king, wants his son back...I'm going to assume that towards the end, Cersei
will have the zombie mountain kill Lancel for being a blabber mouth and have her
"little birds" that we saw last week take care of Kevan in the finale. That's just my
guess though
Next lets move on to Theon and his sister on the Iron Islands and I've got to ask...how
come everybody has goddamn teleportation powers? first the sand snakes and now Theon? last
time we was on the outskirts of Winterfell and now he was able to maneuver through all
that terrain and make it on to a boat that coincidentally would take him to Pyke? I'm
sorry but what? no. Regardless, like the Petyr scenes this one is only here so it can move
the Greyjoy story line along....but I'm still a little worried here. It's been 2 episodes
since we've seen Euron Greyjoy and there are no signs of him. One of the main problems
last season was how little we got of House Martell and it seems that they're fixing their
mistake when it comes to these guys but they still need to give us a bit more to actually
make his character meaningful. Theon has come back to help his sister Yara take over the
Iron Islands which was a big shock to me...hell I'm still surprised he managed to get passed
so many Northerners to get there but to help her rule? pretty bold of him. I just hope
Euron isn't used as some obstacle for her to overcome and is actually a legitimate threat.
But as for what we got this week with the Greyjoys? I wasn't too impressed. While Theon
coming back to the Iron Islands is a big game changer, their scenes this time around were
just there to move it along and I am curious to see how Theon will be able to support her
in the next episode when the selection of the kingsmoot begins.
Okay now we come to this controversial scene...I knew this was going to happen but I can't
say it comes as a shock. Ramsay killing Osha was bound to happen but I always thought it
would be towards the end of the battle of the north where he would burn her and maybe
Rickon alive to demoralize Jon's forces....I honestly didn't expect him to kill her but
once I saw her eyeballing that knife? her fate was pretty much sealed. While Osha was
never a really big character it did feel a little cold for them to kill her off that
way but I also understand not everybody gets a big death scenes that satisfies everybody.
People were also asking me if I thought Ramsay is just a little too evil for the sake of
it and to be honest I don't think so. I think hes just the right amount of evil to be the
big bad in the North that everybody hates. I've said it before and I'll say it again
he really is the Joker of Game of Thrones and he plays that part beautifully...even
his little smile when she asks him about the flaying and eating people. Little things like
that make the character for me. But now that Osha is gone I am curious to see if he'll
kill Rickon towards the end. Many of you were sending me pictures of the final battle scene
where you can see the body of someone Ramsay has killed and towards the bottom of the bottom
it kind of looks like a wolf's head...but its too blurry to tell if that is Rickon or
not so I'll save my opinions for when it happens or not. Still, I liked this scene, I thought
it as great but also kind of a bummer that she was taken out like that.
Now we come to the Vaes Dothraki scenes and first let me just say...I really enjoyed the
mission impossible stuff with Daario and Jorah sneaking up and killing those guys but something
tells me that Daario will probably be killed by his own knife since he kept saying hes
really attached to it...I don't know maybe it's just me watching too many Hollywood movies
but Game of Thrones has been a little too Hollywood lately so it's possible. As for
Dany and the killing of the Khals...while I thought it was badass of her i need to call
bullshit on a lot of things that even Preston Jacobs brought up
....first...why didn't she just have Daario slit the throat of that young Khaleesi? I
mean they just met like 10 minutes ago so how do you know she wouldn't of opened her
mouth to the other women? not only that but how the hell can fire move up that quickly
across the stairs and burn wood that fast? not only that but why didn't one of the Khals
just run up to her and just slit her throat? they could've gotten around her, as they did
and just done it. Not only that but why doesn't her hair ever burn off? Targaryens aren't
immune to fire, in the books, but in the show I guess it's just a special genetic trait
that only she has.
Look don't get me wrong...I liked that scene its just that I think they could've done a
better job at making her more of a badass without over doing....also Dothraki hate magic
and witches and they've even said that she allowed Khal Drogo to be bewitched by one...so
when she comes out of that burning hut without a scratch on her wouldn't it make more sense
for them to want to kill her because she wasn't affected by the flames and to those people
that would kind of mean she has some sort of magical abilities? Just a thought. I did
think the scene was pretty cool though, I like that Dany is using her wits and not her
dragons to her advantage. Some peopel didn't like it because of all the bullshit that came
with it but I thought it was pretty cool despite all the weird stuff that happened. But I will
say this...I am sick and tired of these Westerosi coming into this country and killing unarmed
dothraki. hastag dothrakilivesmatter....seriously lets makes this a thing people. come on
With the exception of King's Landing this time around I thought the episode was good
and it did its job of moving along certain storylines for the second half of the season.
Petyr Baelish and the Greyjoys are what I'm really excited to see for the next episode
and I'm also curious to see what Dany will do now with all those Dothraki at her side.
Once again before I end the video I want to put the spotlight on another person in the
Game of Thrones community who I think deserve your attention and this time we have YouTuber
Preston Jacobs who is known around the community for his insane theories but also for his knowledge
of the books and how persuasive he can be in his videos. I'll leave a link in the description
below to his channel if you're interested in checking him out. Guys thank you so much
for watching, as always leave your questions down below for my up coming Q&A video, sorry
I couldn't do one last week but I'll try and make that up to you with some special videos.
Leave your thoughts below, as always and please don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe.
I'll cya guys next time. Baba Booey