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  • ♪ (Jimmy Eat World, "Hear You Me") ♪

  • Oh, my gosh. I saw this video.

  • Oh, Amanda Todd.

  • I heard about her.

  • Oh, no. She flashed them. Watch out.

  • Okay, that's pretty-- not right. That's pretty creepy.

  • Okay, that's really creepy.

  • See, now this is cyberbullying.

  • What a jerk.

  • ♪ I never said thank you for that

  • ♪ I thought I might get one more chance

  • Dude, this is serious.

  • Oh, this is just taking it to a whole new level.

  • Then those aren't true friends, girl.

  • Yeah, the video itself wasn't what got to me.

  • What got to me was the people in the comments.

  • That really pissed me off.

  • Now I'll never have a chance

  • May angels... ♪

  • ♪ (Sia Furler, "Breathe Me") ♪

  • Dude, that is really (bleep) up.

  • I would try to help if I had the chance to.

  • People are cruel, man.

  • People are disgusting.

  • I'm sorry.

  • (FineBros) No, don't apologize.

  • So, had you heard about Amanda Todd before watching this?

  • - Yes, I've seen that video. - Mm-hmm.

  • I had heard about Amanda Todd.

  • No.

  • (FineBros) Do you know what happened to her

  • after this was posted?

  • She killed herself, didn't she?

  • - Yeah, she committed suicide. - No.

  • (FineBros) She actually killed herself

  • about a month after this video went up.

  • Are you serious?

  • (FineBros) She ended up committing suicide.

  • And how does it make you feel hearing this story

  • and knowing that that happened?

  • It's kind of speechless shocked.

  • I feel like she made two little mistakes, and that's not fair.

  • That type of stuff gets to me,

  • and I'm not a very emotional person at all.

  • She felt like her life was that bad to where she killed herself.

  • You know, and...

  • I wish I could just talk to her.

  • It makes me feel like crap. Like...

  • everything bad I've ever done to people,

  • like, everything bad I've ever said to somebody,

  • it makes me feel like that really had a bad effect.

  • She's so Internet-famous now and whatever,

  • yet other kids who have killed themselves

  • for better reasons than that. Like...

  • like no one gives a (bleep) about them, you know?

  • (FineBros) And what do you think

  • of the guy that blackmailed her?

  • I think he should go to jail. That's, like, child pornography.

  • He's a grown man. He shouldn't be picking on some teenage girl.

  • That's pretty (bleep) up, knowing that you killed some girl.

  • How could you deal with that?

  • He should be arrested for the rest of his life.

  • (FineBros) And how do you think people that were tormenting her

  • - feel now that she's done this? - I don't know.

  • Because I never understood,

  • why would they treat her like that in the first place?

  • I hope they feel really horrible.

  • I hope they feel like this for the rest of their lives.

  • "Man, why did I do that to her? Why did I hurt her like that?

  • She's gone now. What have I done?"

  • If they don't feel that way,

  • then that means they don't have a heart.

  • It just depends on the person, how big their pride is.

  • It's like if they let themselves feel guilty.

  • I don't think they're going to entirely stop doing it.

  • People still bully even after terrible things happen.

  • (FineBros) There's still people leaving comments like,

  • "I'm glad she's dead and she deserved it."

  • - Why are people doing that? - I don't know.

  • When is she gonna see this?

  • Are you just doing it for your own pleasure?

  • They just want a reaction,

  • and that's what they really feed off of.

  • People like to talk big on the Internet.

  • Well, I mean, I've seen comments like that

  • just on YouTube comments for the videos,

  • like, "Oh, yeah, this guy should kill himself."

  • It's another form of cyberbullying

  • that needs to be monitored by parents,

  • and it's the parents' fault.

  • They have no repercussions for what they do on the Internet.

  • They can say anything,

  • and that's why people leave horrible comments on these videos.

  • They feel like nothing bad is gonna happen to them.

  • It's 'cause it doesn't.

  • (FineBros) What do you think should happen to the people

  • that would leave comments like this on people's pages?

  • There's not much to do, you know?

  • They should have their accounts revoked.

  • They should just have their comment box removed.

  • Something should happen to them,

  • like some form of punishment,

  • but the reality is nothing is gonna happen.

  • How are they gonna catch all those people?

  • Kids find a way around everything.

  • I think that these websites should be shut down.

  • You can't blame them that this is happening.

  • They have no control over it,

  • but they're providing the resources to let it happen.

  • (FineBros) And what about the rest of what she went through,

  • how she had to keep transferring schools,

  • but the bullying followed her everywhere?

  • Man, people are cruel.

  • I feel so bad for her.

  • I can't even imagine the feeling

  • of not being about to escape something.

  • High school students, you know, they feel weak,

  • so they pick on people weaker than them

  • so they can at least have some power,

  • and they find an easy target

  • like someone who already has past problems,

  • and they make it worse without realizing that

  • that has very bad consequences.

  • (FineBros) Some people have said

  • that she deserves some of what happened to her

  • because of the choices that she made.

  • - What do you think about that? - Well, everyone makes mistakes.

  • All these mean-hearted people are over here like,

  • "She deserved it." No, she didn't.

  • You can justify what they're saying,

  • but, at the same time, it's like, calm down.

  • Just give the girl a little bit of respect and decency.

  • She's just a kid. She doesn't really know any better.

  • The whole point in life is you're gonna learn by messing up,

  • and if she keeps messing up and you keep telling her,

  • "Oh, you're never gonna get better,"

  • she's gonna start to think that life's never gonna get better.

  • (FineBros) At any point during her going through all of this,

  • what do you think could have been done to help her?

  • She just really needed a friend.

  • Somebody could've stood up for her.

  • I would've stood up for her.

  • Her friends could not have abandoned her.

  • Just accept the fact that they did it and be their friend again.

  • In school, they want you to talk to your teachers,

  • the principal, your parents,

  • but it's tough finding someone who can actually understand,

  • because they're not going through it. You are.

  • (FineBros) Do you have any personal experience

  • - with being bullied or teased? - Yeah.

  • In middle school, I was in theater. I was a theater kid.

  • People would call it "gay."

  • Even if I was gay, which I'm not, but it's like, even if I was,

  • how would my sexual orientation affect you in the slightest?

  • Now that "gay" has become a slur, it's just another hateful thing

  • that people can say to hurt a person,

  • even though it really shouldn't be.

  • I've been made fun of in school for a lot of things,

  • called "gay," "short," "stupid," "ugly."

  • Racist remarks sometimes.

  • I used to be kinda overweight back then,

  • and people used to call me "fat" and stuff.

  • As a kid, I was really--

  • I was just trying to fit in so hard,

  • because I didn't really have any friends.

  • They saw that I was trying hard, and they just kinda...

  • like, dismissed me.

  • And then, because they did that,

  • I started getting really mean to everyone.

  • It was around seventh and eighth grade.

  • None of the boys would date me

  • because they said I had the body of an eight-year-old little boy.

  • And I laugh about it now because--

  • I also cry about it too.

  • I couldn't help it, you know? It's just...

  • It's just mean how they would even say that.

  • When I got to high school, stuff about boys didn't really matter.

  • But stuff online got a little bit worse.

  • You're gonna have it your whole life

  • no matter what shape or form it is.

  • I don't get picked on anymore,

  • but then I see people who pick on other people,

  • and at one point in my life,

  • I also went through an amount of depression,

  • and I managed to get through it.

  • Seeing stuff like that,

  • knowing that I've been through it at one point in my life,

  • it really pisses me off.

  • Karma will bite them in the ass one day,

  • and it'll be awesome. (chuckles)

  • (FineBros) What do you do to keep yourself going

  • - and not let it get you down? - Well, I mean, it hurts,

  • but I don't make a big deal about it.

  • I just kind of keep it inside,

  • and then write about it so I can get out my emotions.

  • I mean, writing is a great tool.

  • You just talk about how you feel to yourself.

  • I'm glad I have my mom and my dad, because they help me a lot.

  • As much as a lot of kids hate to go to their parents,

  • your parents know what they're talking about.

  • I just kind of ignored it. Like, I know life's gonna get better.

  • Four years is just a tiny percent of your life.

  • I usually just make a joke out of it.

  • I don't need to fit in, you know? I don't care about you guys.

  • I'm gonna go off on my own

  • and do my own thing that makes me happy.

  • High school is awful,

  • and I'm always going to remember it as awful,

  • but it's something I'm going to get past, and I'm fine with that.

  • (FineBros) And why do some teens end up considering suicide

  • as the answer when this bullying happens to them?

  • They feel like they have no hope left. No friends.

  • Nothing else to live for, I guess.

  • As opposed to letting yourself cry

  • and letting yourself feel those emotions, it's just done.

  • You can just end it yourself.

  • This is the biggest majority of their life,

  • it's all they remember,

  • and they think their life is never gonna get better,

  • 'cause this is all they know, so they end it.

  • With the Internet posts on Facebook, Twitter, anything,

  • it gets around.

  • It will start at the school, it will spread through the school,

  • then it will go to the Internet and it will spread to everybody.

  • When people say things just out loud,

  • people will eventually forget about it,

  • but if it's on the Internet, so many people see it so fast.

  • It just stacks on top of each other, and it doesn't go away.

  • And then they try to talk to adults about it,

  • and then the adults just try to brush it off

  • like nothing's really wrong, so they feel like there's no hope.

  • (FineBros) Some adults say that bullying has always been there

  • and it's just kids being kids. What do you think about that?

  • I mean, I kinda think bullying has gotten overrated.

  • What are they thinking? Oh, my God.

  • They shouldn't be telling their kids that.

  • It's not like a rite of passage that you pass through,

  • 'cause, like Amanda Todd, you can take your own life.

  • It's a serious topic. It's not kids being kids.

  • Bullying should be something presented in Congress.

  • If we treated it like we treat drugs or alcohol,

  • it would be so much different.

  • (FineBros) When it comes to the Internet, how can kids

  • and parents help each other make the situation better?

  • I think the most important thing is that

  • kids and teens need to tell their parents when they get bullied,

  • because the parents can do something about it.

  • Parents could get more involved and actually make Facebooks

  • and friend their kids or something,

  • so that they know what is going on with their kids.

  • I think it's better just to start when they're younger

  • and train them to always be open with you

  • and just always talk to you so you always know what's going on.

  • No matter how much a parent's gonna tell their kid,

  • "Oh, be careful of this, be careful of that,"

  • they're just gonna go and do it anyway, because they wanna see--

  • you know, they're just curious.

  • It's like an iceberg, what parents know.

  • They see this part of the Internet,

  • and this involves Myspace and Facebook and YouTube and Google+,

  • but then once you actually breach

  • this little wall of the Internet,

  • it's this huge thing that involves sites like 4chan,

  • which are these insane places that are really--

  • they can be hilariously funny,

  • seriously just completely (bleep) up.

  • Parents think they know what it is about the Internet.

  • They think they know about the Internet. They have no idea.

  • (FineBros) And what kinds of things has your school

  • specifically done to educate the students about bullying?

  • We actually have a lot of stuff in my school.

  • We have an anti-bully club.

  • They actually have a little club,

  • and they try to stop people from bullying.

  • There will be people out there,

  • and if they see some type of bullying,

  • they'll go up to him and be like, "Hey, was that necessary?"

  • (FineBros) Do you think it's working?

  • Not really, 'cause I'm getting made fun of till this day.

  • At the beginning of the year, they kind of talk about it,

  • and when there's big stuff like this

  • that's going around and that's pretty viral, they talk about it,

  • but other than that, it's not really brought up in schools,

  • which sucks, because everybody thinks

  • that there's so much that gets done for it,

  • and there really isn't.

  • It really feels like you're alone and nobody cares.

  • (FineBros) Do you think that bullying can ever truly stop?

  • - Is there a full answer? - Possibly.

  • If they were just start to notice the bullies,

  • take them, and blow them up, then it would stop.

  • (FineBros) And if anyone was watching that was a bully

  • and was someone that torments people online,

  • - what would you say to them? - You're a dick.

  • It doesn't make you look cool.

  • You just look like a douche-licker.

  • You guys are the people that I hate.

  • I try to be a peaceful person,

  • but those are the people that I hate.

  • End the chain with you.

  • If you're a bully and you stop being mean

  • and you try to be nice to people,

  • you can be the example that others live by.

  • (FineBros) And what would you say to someone who is being bullied

  • or considering suicide and might be watching this?

  • This is so cliche, but it does really get better.

  • Tupac said a great thing.

  • He said, "You got to keep your head up."

  • Stay strong. It's okay.

  • I know it seems like the end of the world.

  • Katy Perry says in that song,

  • "After a hurricane, there's always a rainbow."

  • Honestly, you can get through it.

  • When it comes down to it,

  • you're in charge of who you are and what you do, not them.

  • You need to tell someone if you are feeling that way.

  • Everyone goes through this.

  • And I mean everyone goes through bullies,

  • so don't feel like you're the only one out there.

  • Set a goal and make it a long-term goal

  • or something that you look forward to.

  • There's so many beautiful moments in life.

  • This is just a tiny period of your life,

  • and you have so much to live for. It's amazing.

  • If I let that bully get ahold of me,

  • then I wouldn't be 3,000 miles across the country

  • filming with The Fine Brothers on "Teens React"!

  • Believe in yourself and everything will go fine.

  • Suicide is not the answer, 'cause even if you feel

  • like there's nothing for you to live for anymore,

  • there always is. It'll be okay.

♪ (Jimmy Eat World, "Hear You Me") ♪


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A2 初級 美國腔

青少年對欺凌行為的反應(阿曼達-託德)。 (Teens React to Bullying (Amanda Todd))

  • 222 21
    Hsiao-yun Zhao 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日