字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I really love the article. 我非常喜歡這篇專訪。 And you talk in here about, uh... 在裡頭你提到...... For whatever reason, there... and it's a small group. 不知為何......只有少數的人...... Trust me, it's a small group, but they're loud. 相信我,只有少數的人,但很難不去在意。 And... and for, 'cause I went through this. 然後對於......因為我也有過類似經歷。 And voices that don't like you, and say mean things, really stick with you. 討厭你的聲音,他們說惡毒話,縈繞在耳邊揮之不去。 For some reason more than voices that say "you're great!" 不知為何,比「你很棒」的聲音來得響亮。 So what... when... when that was going on after the Oscars, which you should have been celebrating. 所以你如何面對這樣的事情,在奧斯卡典禮後,原本應該慶祝的。 You won an Oscar, and then all of a sudden... 妳贏得奧斯卡,然後突然之間...... Explain to how... 能否說明如何...... 'Cause you accidentally googled something, and then this is what you found. 因為你無意間在網路上發現,並看到這類評論。 Yeah, um, and...and thank you for all the kind things you said in the asking of that question. 是的,嗯......感謝妳在提問時還幫我說話。 Um, yeah, I had... 是的,我...... I'd gotten out of the habit of googling myself. 我已經戒掉上網搜尋自己的習慣了。 Because that's just a bad idea to ever do that. 因為那真的不是個好主意。 And I... I was trying to come up with a... 然後我,那天我試著想出...... My friends and I had an idea for Funny Or Die. 我和朋友有個想法,想說可以用在《 Funny or Die》。 And we wanted to, like do something on celebrity pregnancy rumors. 我們想要......做名人懷孕謠言的主題。 So we just googled "pregnancy rumors", and then the story came up, and-- 於是我們上網搜尋「懷孕謠言」。然後就出現那篇文章,然後...... What was the story? 什麼樣的文章? The story, the title of it was "Why does everybody hate Anne Hathaway?" 文章的標題寫著「為何大家都討厭安海瑟薇?」。 So I think... and you know... I know. 我覺得......你也知道......我知道。 It's okay. It's really okay. 沒事啦,真的不要緊。 No, no, no, it has a happy ending. 真的沒事,結局是好的。 Life continues. 日子仍要繼續。 Yes, but I know what that feels like. 沒錯,但我懂那種感覺。 And... and I think when people write things like that, or say things like that, it is cyberbullying. 我覺得有人寫出這類的文章,或說出這樣的話,這就是網路霸凌。 And so how did you deal with all that? 那你後來是如何面對的呢? Well... 嗯...... I listened at first. 剛開始我聽進去了。 And that... I couldn't help it. 然後......我無法不受其影響。 You know, you, um... and you try to shut it off. 你試著不讓這些話影響到你。 And I couldn't, and then I realized why I couldn't. 但我做不到,然後我發現我做不到的原因。 Was I hadn't learned to love myself yet. 是因為我還沒學會愛自己。 I hadn't gotten there. 我那時候還沒學會。 And if you don't love yourself, when someone else says horrible things to you, part of you is always gonna believe them. 如果你不愛自己,那別人講那些糟糕的話的時候,一部分的你就一定會去相信他們。 Yep. 是的。 And I... so then I was like, "Okay, I don't want to believe these people." 所以,之後我就想:「好,我不想要相信這些人說的話。 」 Mm-hmm. 嗯。 I don't want to agree with them on any level. 我一點都不想要認同他們。 I want to... and I... I want to figure out who I am. 我想要......我想要認清自己。 I wanna learn who I am, and I don't wanna feel like I'm... I'm fragile every time I leave the house because I'm so dependent on what other people think about me. 我要學著了解自己,我不想要覺得自己好像......每次離開舒適圈都很脆弱,只因為我太在意別人對我的看法。 Mm-hmm. 嗯哼。 So I just took a step back. 所以我試著反思。 And as Matthew would say-- 就像馬修會說的。 Matthew McConaughey, my co-star in "Interstellar", would say, "I just kept living." 馬修麥康納,我在《星際效應》合作的好搭檔,他會說:「日子總得過下去。」 And it's been a really cool journey. 我經歷了很不錯的旅程。 And I feel like I've arrived in a place where, you know, maybe not every minute of every day, but way more than I used to. 也許不是每天的每分每秒,但我覺得我好像到達了另一個境界,比起過去的我好太多。 I have a tremendous amount of love and compassion for everyone else. 現在我對每個人都有無比的愛與同理心。 And best of all, I have it for myself, which I never enjoyed before. 最重要的是,對我自己也是如此,這是我以前做不到的。 Good, good. 很棒! Thank you. 謝謝你。 All right, you know, there's a great phrase that "What you think of me is none of my business." 好的,有句不錯的俚語是這麼說的:「笑罵由人,與我無關。」 That is...yes. 這真是......沒錯。 And you have to just, you know. 你必須要...... And there's nothing wrong with being fragile. I think it's a beautiful thing. 而且脆弱並不是壞事。我覺得它是很美好的。 I think I'm fragile. I'm extremely sensitive. I... I cry easily. 我自認是脆弱、極度敏感的人。我......很愛哭。 I'm also a very strong woman and I also believe in myself. 但我也是個很堅強的女人,我相信我自己。 But, you know, people get their feelings hurt. 不過,人們心裡總會受傷。 But you can have all those things. 你可以同時擁有以上這些特質。 You can be fragile, you can be sensitive, you can be strong, and , um... 你可以脆弱、敏感、也可以堅強,還有...... But I think it's just, it's hurtful. 但我覺得這些批評還是很傷人。 And people need to know there are other people on the other side of those things. 大家必須要了解我們必須顧及到別人的感受。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 TheEllenShow 脆弱 文章 謠言 傷人 想要 【艾倫秀】安海瑟威如何看待自己被霸凌 (Anne Hathaway on Her Bullies) 115599 8562 peihan110 發佈於 2017 年 10 月 09 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字