字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 Crash Course Philosophy is brought to you by Squarespace. 哲學速成班是由 Squarespace 所提供 Squarespace: share your passion with the world. Squarespace:與世界分享你的熱情 We’ve spent quite a bit of time looking at arguments for God’s existence. 我們花了不少時間來討論上帝是否存在 But we haven’t said much yet about this God. 但是我們還沒有聊太多關於這位上帝的事 Like, what’s he like? Is he a he? 像是說:他長得是什麼樣?他是男是女? Is he like strictly Marvel superheroes, or is he more of a DC guy? 他是否像是漫威中的超級英雄?還是像是 DC 漫畫中的角色? Does he prefer his salsa with or without cilantro? I like corn! 他喜歡在莎莎醬中加香菜嗎?我喜歡加玉米! Who’s his favorite Crystal Gem from Steven Universe? 最喜歡「神臍小捲毛」卡通中的裡的哪個「水晶寶石人」? I guess those kinds of questions would only apply to a heavily personalized and anthropomorphic God. 我想這一類的問題,可能只適用於一個很有個性、人格化的神 But the traditional picture of God – the one accepted, and even assumed, throughout 然而上帝的傳統形象 - 即那個被猶太-基督傳統所認定的 Judeo-Christian tradition, up into modern times – is what we might call an “omni-God,” 直到今日 - 是我們所稱之為的「全能神」。 possessing particular divine attributes – the characteristics believed to be held by God. 有著特殊、神聖的屬性 - 也就是我們所相信上帝所擁有的本質。 Now let’s pause a moment to acknowledge that this discussion is of one particular God, 現在我們稍停片刻,要知道以上的討論只是針對一個特定的神 the one who stars in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scriptures. 即那位活躍於猶太、基督、伊斯蘭經典中的那位上帝 Of course, lots of people believe in lots of other gods, and they all have attributes of their own. 當然,許多人還相信其它許多的神明,而且他們每一個都有各自的屬性 We’re focusing on this god because he’s the one all these philosophers we’ve been studying 而我們現在所要討論的神,是因為他是所有知名哲學家 were talking about – he’s the one they believed – or didn’t believe – in. 所熱衷討論的 - 這個神被一些哲學家接納 - 或被排斥 Philosophers like Augustine and Thomas Aquinas – who were themselves influenced by the 像奧古斯丁和托馬斯阿奎那這類的哲學家 - 他們深受 writings of Plato and Aristotle – came up with a general set of divine attributes that 柏拉圖和亞里士多德的著作影響 - 指出了一些神聖的屬性 are still widely held today among theists. 這些屬性至今仍為許多有神論者所認同 And in this view, God is omniscient, which means he knows everything that can be known. 以這個觀點而言,上帝是全知的,也就是他沒有不知道的東西 And he’s also omnipotent, or all-powerful. 同時他也是全能的 He’s been said to be omnibenevolent, or possessing perfect goodness. 他也是全善的,即擁有完美的德性 And he’s omnitemporal and omnipresent – meaning he exists at all places and all times at once. 他也是跨越古今、無所不在 - 代表了他超越了時空、遍布了地極 Now, it’s worth noting that none of these attributes is actually mentioned in the Bible. 值得注意的事,在聖經中並沒有提及以上所說的屬性 But philosophers like Aquinas reasoned that they must be the case, if God is perfect. 但是哲學家湯瑪斯阿奎那認為如果上帝是完全的,祂必須如此 And these philosophers took it as a given that he is. 這些哲學家同時也認為:上帝本是如此 The problem is, a close investigation of these attributes reveals some rather tricky little puzzles. 但問題是,若仔細的來檢視這些屬性,會發現幾個棘手的小問題 No, I take that back. They’re really, really, big puzzles. 不,我收回上一句話 - 是幾個很大、很大的難題 [Theme Music] (主題音樂) Can God create a rock so heavy he can’t lift it? 上帝是否有辦法創造一顆石頭,重到他無法舉起來? – is just one of an infinite number of unanswerable questions that can be asked about God. 上述這個難以被回答的問題,只是對上帝無數疑惑中的其中一個。 Like, if God is omnipotent, he has to be able to create something so heavy he can’t lift it. 這麼說吧,如果上帝是無所不能的,他應該有能力去創造一個重到他抬不起來的東西 Otherwise, his inability to create it would mean there’s at least one thing he couldn’t do. 若不能的話,就代表上帝至少有一樣事情做不到 But then, he wouldn’t be omnipotent, because if he were truly all-powerful, he’d be able to lift anything. 如此,上帝就不能算是全能的,因為他沒有辦法抬起任何的東西 Quandaries like this come up all the time when you consider the divine attributes. 只要我們想到這些神聖本質,就很難不聯想到這些矛盾 And some of the questions that arise are not only about God, but also about us. 另外有些問題不光是關於神,也關係到我們 For instance, if God knows everything, then he also knows the future, right? 例如,如果上帝無所不知,那麼他一定能預見未來,對吧? Which makes sense, if he’s also omnitemporal, because that would mean that he’s already in the future. 這看起來很有道理。如果上帝是超越時空的,代表他已經處在未來了 And also in the past. And don’t forget the present. 同時也處在過去,更不用說是現在 But many theists also believe that God gave us free will. 但許多有神論者同時相信神賜予了我們自由意識 So, how can we be free, if God already knows what we’re gonna do? In that case, are we really free? 如此一來,如果上帝早就知道我們會做什麼,我們如何稱得上是自由?在這種情況下,我們是真自由嗎? Or is freedom just an illusion that he created for us, to make us feel like we’re in control? 還是說「自由意識」只是上帝為我們創造的一種假相?讓我們覺得自己在掌控一切? What we’re seeing here is that, at least on the surface, God’s traditional divine 我們所觀察到的,至少在表面上,是上帝的傳統神聖性 attributes are internally inconsistent – meaning, they can’t all be true at the same time. 至少本質上是自相矛盾的 - 代表這些屬性不可能同時為真。 And what do you do when you hold inconsistent beliefs? 如果你的信仰產生了矛盾,你能做什麼? Well, if you’re being philosophically rational, you either give some of them up, or you figure 嗯,如果你的哲學思考是理性的,你要不可以不去理會「部份」的神聖屬性,或是 out a way to understand them that makes them consistent. 你可以想出一個辦法,使這些神聖屬性能自圓其說 This is what a theist who believes in the omni-God has to do. 這是一個信仰「全能神」的有神論者,所應該去做的事 Let’s think about the contradiction that arises from believing the following propositions: 讓我們想想,如果我們相信了以下的命題,會產生如何的矛盾: 1) God is omniscient 2) Humans have free will (1)上帝是無所不知的(2)人類擁有自由意識 Is there any way to resolve this contradiction, or do we have to surrender one of those beliefs? 有什麼方法可以解決這兩個命題的矛盾?或是我們必須放棄其中一個命題? One possible response is to say that knowledge and causation aren’t the same thing. 有一個可能的答案是:「知道」和「驅使」不是同一回事 So God might know that we’re going to do something, without actually causing us to do it. 所以上帝可能「知道」我們想要去做某事,但不需要「驅使」我們去做 This actually makes sense, if you think about it. 這其實還蠻有道理的,如果我們稍微去想想 Imagine a person standing on a cliff looking down on a train track that curves around a bend. 想像一下,有個人站在懸崖邊往下看,底下有一個弧形的火車軌道。 From her vantage point, the onlooker can see that, just on the other side of the bend, 從這個觀察者的高度觀察時,在軌道轉角的另外一側 a person is stuck on the track as the train approaches. 剛好有一列火車正開過來,而且有一個人卡在鐵軌之中 Too far away to do anything, the onlooker knows the accident will happen before it does, 觀察者因為距離太遠而愛莫能助,因此他只能知道意外將要發生 but the fact that she knows it will happen doesn’t mean that she caused it to happen. 但是「他知道事情將要發生」並不等於「他造成這件事發生」 To use a less gruesome example, if God knew you were going to eat an entire pecan pie 舉另外一個比較不恐怖的例子,如果上帝知道你將要吃一整個胡桃派 by yourself over the course of a lonely weekend, that doesn’t mean that he caused you to do it. 就在這個孤獨無依的週末,這也不代表了是上帝驅使你這樣做 That was all on you. 決定權是你自己 But wait. If God is omniscient, then he can’t be wrong, can he? 但是等一下,如果上帝是無所不知,他就不可能犯錯?是吧? Because if he was ever wrong, then there would have been something he didn’t know. 因為如果他如果犯錯,就代表了他不是每件事都知道 So if God knew you were going to eat the whole pie, then you couldn’t not eat the pie, 所以如果上帝知道你要吃這整個派,你就不能不吃這個派 because if you decided not to at the last minute, then you would have just proven God wrong, 因為如果你在最後一刻決定不吃,你就證明上帝是錯的 thereby single-handedly stripping him of his divine omniscience! Good job! 你等於給全知的上帝打臉,真猛! So the knowledge and power of God are, to say the least, philosophically perplexing. 所以上帝的智慧與力量,至少以哲學觀點而言是很複雜難解的 Now let’s consider another question about God’s personal skill set: Can God sin? 現在,我們再來思考另一個上帝的個人技能:上帝會犯罪嗎? If he’s omnipotent, it would seem that he can, because he can do anything. 如果上帝是無所不能的,就代表他應該可以做任何事 But if he’s omnibenevolent, or inherently good, then it would seem that he can’t. 但如果上帝是全善的,或本質是善的,那麼他就應該無法做壞事 This doctrine, which says that God can’t sin, is known as divine impeccability. 這個「上帝不會犯罪」的教義,即是所謂的「神聖無罪性」 But if God is impeccable and incapable of sin, then doesn’t that mean that he is not omnipotent? 但如果上帝是完全無瑕、不會犯罪,那麼他就稱不上是無所不能 After all, I can sin...easily. 畢竟,連我都可以輕易的做壞事。 I mean, gimme five minutes and I can probably break two or three commandments. 我是指,給我五分鐘,我可能就有機會犯下兩到三條的戒律 Like, the ones about coveting stuff -- not the murdery ones. 像是,「覬覦他人的財物」- 不是謀殺別人那方面的 But still, it seems kinda weird to think that I can do something that God can’t. 但是,這想起來仍然是很詭異,因為我可以做到神所做不到的事 Some people try to solve this particular puzzle by saying that sin is necessarily a failure, 有些人試著去解決這個特別的難題,藉由宣稱說:罪必定代表了失敗 so therefore, a perfect being can’t do it. 因此,一個完美的存在是無法失敗的 Others say that, even though God might do something that would be a sin if a human did it, 也有人說,雖然上帝也有可能做出人類眼中所謂的罪行 the idea of ‘sin’ simply doesn’t apply to God. Perhaps because, given his omnibenevolence, 但「罪」的概念是無法適用於上帝的,也許是因為上帝代表了「全善」 everything God does is inherently good. 所有上帝所行的,本質上都是公義的 Now, many philosophers find this solution troubling, because it kinda makes God’s goodness vacuous. 現在,許多哲學家認為這個說法很有問題,因為這讓上帝的德行變得很空洞 After all, it basically means that saying “God did a thing” would be the same thing 畢竟,這等於是說「上帝做了一件事」 as saying “God did a good thing,” because ipso facto, anything God does is good. 和「上帝做了一件好事」是一個意義,因為依據先前所述,所有上帝所行的都是好的 And if that’s the case, then his goodness doesn’t have any real meaning. 如此一來,所有上帝的德性就不具有真實的意義 Yet another possible contradiction presents itself in the belief that the omni-God is also a personal God. 然而這信仰中還有另一個潛在的矛盾,就是所謂的「全能神」亦是一個「個人神」 Many people find it difficult to suppose that God could be omnitemporal and omniscient, 許多人覺得推論上帝是「超越時空」和「無所不知」是困難的 yet still have a personal relationship with his creatures. 僅管如此,上帝仍會與他的創造物保持一個特殊連繫 It’s hard to understand how God could relate to us – or feel the way we feel – 這有點難去想像上帝是如何去理解我們 - 或去感覺我們的感受 if he doesn’t experience time as we do: If he already knows what’s going to happen, 如果上帝不像我們會感受到時間的限制:即他已知道將會發生的事 how could he ever be surprised, or change his mind? 那麼他如何能感受到驚奇?或是改變他的想法? And if god is omnitemporal, is it even possible that he could be moved to respond to our prayers? 而且如果上帝是超越時空的,那他還有可能會被我們的祈禱感動,並且做出回應? Let’s look at this idea up close in this week’s Flash Philosophy. To the Thought Bubble! 讓我們在本週的「哲學一瞬間」(Flash Philosophy)來深入探討這個想法。來到「思維泡泡」(Thought Bubble) When people talk about praying for something to happen, or to not happen, or are otherwise 當人們在祈禱一件事發生、或不要發生 making a request of God, they’re making what are known as petitionary prayers. 或向上帝許願,他們即是所謂的「許願的祈禱者」 When you pray in this way, you’re asking God for something – to help you pass a test, 當你這樣祈禱時,你在跟上帝要求某事 - 像是讓你通過一場考試 or to save a loved one who’s in danger, or to make sure the Patriots win the game. 或是拯救一個身處險境的心愛之人、或是讓「愛國者隊」贏得比賽 Contemporary American philosopher Eleanor Stump argues that we have no reason to think 當代美國哲學家 Eleanor Stump 認為我們沒有理由去認為 that asking God for something would actually make a difference. 向上帝祈求某事會造成什麼不一樣的結果 She thinks about it like this: If God knows everything, including the future 她的想法是這樣:如果上帝知道任何事,包含了未來 – which he does, if he’s omniscient – 那上帝就會知道 - 如果他是全知的 – and if God has the power to bring about any state of affairs – which he does, if he’s omnipotent – 而且如果上帝有能力使任何事情發生 - 如果他是全能的,他就可以做到 – and if he always wants to bring about the best state of affairs – which he does, if he’s omnibenevolent – 同時如果上帝想要讓最好的事情發生 - 如果他是全善的,他就可以做到 – then God has already decided what’s going to happen in every single case. To everyone. Always. 如此上帝就已經決定了每一件會發生了事,對於每個人都是如此,也永遠是如此 So either your prayer is asking God to do something he was already going to do, in which 所以如果你祈禱的是神已經正在進行的事 case your prayer was kind of a waste of time. 那麼你的祈禱其實說穿了就是浪費時間 Or your prayer is asking God to do something he has already decided not to do, because 或是你向上帝祈禱一個他已經決定不去進行的事,因為 it wasn’t actually the best thing. Sorry Patriots. 那樣不是最好的結果。對不起了,愛國者隊 And in that case, even if God would change his mind, based on your prayer, you wouldn’t 而且在這種情況下,即使上帝因為你的祈禱而改變了心意 want him to, because it would actually make things worse than they would’ve been if 他也不會想要他這麼做,因為這反而會讓事情變得更糟 you’d just let God do his thing. 比起你如果讓上帝照著他原計劃進行的話 In other words, if God knows what’s best, why would you want to change his mind?! 換句話說,如果上帝知道什麼是最好的,那麼你為什麼想要改變他的心意呢? Now, Stump suggests that there might be some value in the asking, even if the prayer doesn’t 現在,Stump 認為祈禱仍有其價值,即使祈禱者 actually change what’s going to happen. Maybe you agree with her. 無法改變將要發生的事。也許你同意她的說法 But at this point, it should be clear just how many problems there are in the divine 但就此而言,我們可以發現在談論「神聖屬性」時的確有許多問題 attributes, when you think about them. Thanks, Thought Bubble! 當你仔細去思考這些事時。謝了,思維泡泡(Thought Bubble) Thomas Aquinas – the thinker who’s largely responsible for the traditional divine attributes 聖湯瑪斯阿奎那 - 這位設計出我們今天所討論的「傳統神聖屬性」之思想家 we think of today – responded to these sorts of puzzles by saying that all of this speculation 針對這些各種的困惑回應說 of What God Is Like is just analogical predication. 這些對於「神是什麼樣子」的討論都只是比礙似的推測 Basically, Aquinas said that we can’t predicate, or assert, anything about God, 基本上,阿奎那說我們無法針對上帝下任何的斷言 because he’s so far beyond our understanding. 因為他遠遠超乎人類智慧所及 When we speak of God, Aquinas said, we never say anything that’s true. 阿奎那說:當我們論及上帝時,我們無法說出任何真理 Instead, we have to speak entirely in analogies, because that’s all we can do. 我們最多只能用比喻的方式,因為這是我們唯一能做的 So, God isn’t literally our father, for example, but we can understand his role for us as being father-like. 舉例來說,上帝在字面上雖然不是我們的父親,但我們可以理解他扮演了一個像是父親的角色 Because that’s as close as we can get to really understanding what what he is. 這就是我們對於上帝,所能做出最貼切的理解了 Or think of it this way: People in south Florida might say it’s cold when the temperature 或著你可以這麼想,當溫度降到 15 度以下時,住在南弗羅里達的人會說很冷 dips into the fifties, but in Alaska, it’s not cold until it’s well below zero. 但是在阿拉斯加,即使降到 0 度以下也不算冷 But both of those frames of reference are more similar to each other than they are to 對於雙方而言,這些對於「冷」的參考概念是很相近的 the cold that is absolute zero, which is about negative 273 degrees celsius. 相較於它們之於絕對零度 - 即所謂的攝氏零下 273 度。 You might even say that absolute-zero cold and negative 10-degree cold are not even the same thing. 你也許會說絕對零度和零下10度不是同一回事 But we use the one word – “cold” – to describe them both, as a kind of analogical 但我們使用同一個「冷」字來形容兩者,來做為一個比喻的說話方式 way of talking about something that defies our complete and personal understanding. 當這些經驗超出了我們的個人理解。 So, Aquinas basically said not to worry about all of these puzzles, because none of these 因此,阿奎那基本上認為不要針對那些難題鑽牛角尖 things we say about God is more than an approximation – a little analogue that our tiny little 因為我們對於上帝的討論都不過是個投射想像 - 是我們這個小小的心靈 minds can come up with, so that we can talk about an infinite being. 所能唯一能想像的,使我們可以去嘗試理解「無限」的概念 Now, there are other thinkers, particularly in modern times, who point out that none of 現在,有一些當代的思想家指出 the traditional divine attributes is in the Bible anyway. So, maybe God isn’t an omni-God. 其實傳統的神聖屬性在聖經中並沒有被提及,所以也許上帝根本就不是所謂的「全能上帝」 Maybe he’s more like a superhero. He can be way smarter than us, way more powerful 或許他更像是超級英雄,他比起我們更為聰明、更有力量 than us, way more good than us. But still not perfect. 更為善良,但是終究並非完美 This seems like sacrilege to a lot of people, but some philosophers argue that it’s more 這個論調對於許多人來說像是褻瀆之言,但許多哲學家認為 compatible with the God of the Bible. 這個說法更符合聖經中的上帝形象 After all, in the Bible, we see God doing very human things, like walking in the garden, 畢竟,在聖經中我們可以讀到上帝做著與人無異的行為,像是在花園中散步 getting angry, being surprised, and changing his mind. 生氣、驚訝、改變心意 So, it could be possible that God actually does hate cilantro or is a big fan of Amethyst. 所以,也許上帝真的討厭胡荽葉,也有可能他其實是紫晶的粉絲(註:神臍小捲毛卡通中的角色) That’s the kind of stuff that we, as philosophers, get to ponder – kindly and thoughtfully in the comments. 身為哲學家,這些是我們值得去深思 - 並且心平氣和、深思熟慮的評論 Today we learned about the traditional divine attributes - omnipotence, omniscience, omnitemporality, 今天我們學到了傳統的神聖屬性 - 全知、全能、超越時空 and omnibenevolence - and the puzzles that they create for our understanding of God. 和全善 - 以及為理解上帝時所產生的困惑 We also explored some possible solutions to those puzzles, from Aquinas’ ideas of analogical 我們同時探討了這些困惑的可能解決方案,從阿奎那的類比說 predication, to the work of Eleanor Stump. 和 Eleanor Stump 的理論 This episode is brought to you by Squarespace. 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B1 中級 CrashCourse 上帝 屬性 祈禱 神聖 全能 上帝是什麼樣的?哲學速成班#12 (What is God Like?: Crash Course Philosophy #12) 156 21 黃崇竣 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字