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  • A World of Warcraft theme park has been built in China and Blizzard has absolutely nothing

  • to do with it. The park is now open and photographs of it are circulating the Internet.

  • The park features absolutely gigantic Warcraft statues, themed rides, and a cafe in a castle

  • perched at the top of a massive stone staircase.

  • It's in Changzhou, China, it's called Joyland, and Forbes reports that it cost $48 million

  • to build.

  • And it is entirely, audaciously illegal, as an international copyright violation.

  • A Reddit user visited the park and explains that rides have a "splendor index" and a "happiness

  • index", which evidently rate how much fun you can expect to have in some obscure way.

  • It has a flying rollercoaster called Sky Scrapper.

  • "Sky Scrapper had the highest g force I have experienced on a roller coaster," she says.

  • "You lie on your front (like you are flying) and it has a loop which felt pretty crazy.

  • "A lot of the rides used 4-D and special effects... The water log ride (calledsplash of monster

  • blood’) was pretty good too."

  • It cost around $30 to get in.

  • We'll see how long Joyland stays open. For all of your unauthorized theme park news,

  • stay tuned to IGN.

A World of Warcraft theme park has been built in China and Blizzard has absolutely nothing


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B1 中級

IGN News - 非法魔獸世界主題公園在中國開放 (IGN News - Illegal World of Warcraft Theme Park Open in China)

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    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日