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How to Recognize ADHD Symptoms in Children. Is your child high spirited and unfocused
-- or suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? These ADHD guidelines will help
you decide if a checkup is in order. You will need Behavior analysis Time frame and pediatrician
visit. Step 1. Note their capacity for concentrating. Most young children have short attention spans,
but those with ADHD don't seem to be listening even when they're spoken to. They frequently
lose things; have difficult following instructions; and often make careless mistakes. Step 2.
Recognize if their energy level seems excessive, even for a child. Are they unable to sit without
fidgeting? Do they get in trouble at school for leaving their seat, or running and climbing
excessively or inappropriately? Do they talk incessantly? Interrupt constantly? Some children
are more inattentive than hyperactive, and vice versa. Girls are more likely to have
more attention problems, while boys more often fall into the hyperactive category. Step 3.
Consider how long the behavior has been going on. If you've observed symptoms for more than
six months, it might be ADHD. Step 4. Note where their behavior takes place. If it's
only at home, or only at school, something other than ADHD may be to blame for their
symptoms. Step 5. Gauge the seriousness of the problem. Children with ADHD are regularly
disruptive at school and at home. Their behavior causes problems in their relationships with
both adults and other children. Step 6. If you recognize any of these symptoms in your
child, take them to your pediatrician. It's important that they have a medical checkup
to rule out other causes for their behavior before ADHD is diagnosed. Did you know Children
whose mothers had smoked while pregnant were more than twice as likely to have ADHD as
children whose mothers did not smoke.