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  • More than 4,500 years ago, Finnish pottery makers discovered a stone made of thin fibers

  • that mixed really well with the clay they used to make pots.

  • This stone was so strong, and yet flexible, that they could use it to make their pots

  • thinner and bigger than ever. Plus, it was surprisingly resistant to heat, so the pots

  • could hold things like hot metal.

  • It seemed like a miracle stone, and eventually, the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians

  • all started using it, too.

  • That rock was what we now call asbestos, and eventually, we found out that it was too good

  • to be true and stopped using it as much.

  • But that took a while.

  • The word asbestos actually refers to six different minerals that all have the same habit, or

  • way that their crystals grow.

  • Theyre called asbestiform, which just means that they grow in long, thin, flexible fibers.

  • That flexibility, plus their strength and resistance to damage by heat and harsh chemicals,

  • made these minerals incredibly useful in industry. The problem is, inhaling asbestos fibers can

  • be dangerous.

  • Because to your lungs, those flexible fibers are more like sharp little shards.

  • You can probably imagine what happens if you breathe them in: they get stuck in the mucus

  • lining of your lungs, which can make it difficult to breathe.

  • Inhale too many shards over time, and they can cause diseases like asbestosis, or scarring

  • of the lungs, and mesothelioma, a type of lung cancer.

  • The forms of asbestos with the highest health risks are a part of a group of rocks called

  • amphiboles, and what makes them cause more health issues than others comes down to four

  • of their chemical and structural properties.

  • First, amphibole fibers are smaller, so they can travel deeper into the lungs.

  • Theyre also sharper, so they can pierce your lungs more easily, causing inflammation

  • or creating scar tissue.

  • Plus, theyre hydrophobic, or water-avoiding, which can keep them from dissolving in mucus

  • -- if they dissolved, they could be coughed up and get out of your system.

  • Finally, they contain iron, which can react with oxygen in your lungs and damage the DNA

  • in your lung cells.

  • The damaged DNA can then make the cells to divide too quickly, leading to a tumor. So

  • they may be more carcinogenic, or cancer forming, as well.

  • So, how did asbestos go from being the miracle-rock of ancient potters to the scourge of modern

  • industry?

  • Even as far back as the Roman Empire, some 2,000 years ago, historians wrote about slaves

  • getting what they called a “sickness of the lungsafter working in asbestos mines.

  • And when the first commercial asbestos mines opened in Quebec in 1879, asbestos-related

  • health issues started showing up in medical journals and case reports.

  • One of the first well-studied deaths was in 1924 in the UK. Nellie Kershaw, who’d been

  • spinning asbestos into yarn since she was 13, died at the age of 33 from asbestosis.

  • When Parliament heard about the case, they asked a doctor known as E. R. A. Merewether

  • to investigate the health of asbestos workers.

  • For two years, he studied 374 workers at an asbestos textile factory. He found that inhaling

  • asbestos fibers caused scarring in the lungs -- and 17 out of 20 workers who had been there

  • for more than 20 years ended up with asbestosis.

  • Merewether presented his paper to parliament in 1930, and the UK started requiring ventilation

  • in asbestos factories a year later.

  • But it wasn’t until 2003 that asbestos was banned throughout the European Union.

  • The asbestos industry in the United States is a whole other story.

  • Asbestos was used a lot during World War II, since it was cheap, strong, and resistant

  • to fire and chemicals. Naval war ships used asbestos insulation, and buildings were constructed

  • with asbestos floor tiles, shingles, cements, and insulation for pipes.

  • Production of asbestos in the United States finally started to slow down 1979, when nine

  • asbestos manufacturers filed a lawsuit against the federal government.

  • In 1975, they’d paid $69,000 to an asbestos worker who developed asbestosis, and they

  • wanted to be reimbursed.

  • But the government wouldn’t have any of that. Instead, they proved that the companies

  • knew about, and had been hiding, asbestos-related health information for decades.

  • The case got a lot of media attention, and people started to try to fix the problem by

  • removing asbestos from buildings. But the US still hasn’t entirely banned the use

  • of asbestos.

  • Even so, asbestos won’t cause health issues for most people.

  • Most of the fibers are so tightly bound into another material that they won't escape into

  • the air unless youre trying to remove the asbestos.

  • Plus, every year we each breathe about a million fibers just from the natural erosion of asbestos-containing

  • rocks.

  • So unless youre an asbestos worker who’s spent a lot of years without a ventilation

  • mask, or youre an ancient Finnish potter, you probably don’t have to worry about getting

  • an asbestos-related illness.

  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow, which was brought to you by our patrons on

  • Patreon. If you want to help support this show, just go to And

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More than 4,500 years ago, Finnish pottery makers discovered a stone made of thin fibers


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B2 中高級 美國腔

石棉的真實故事 (The Real Story of Asbestos)

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    Jack 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日