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  • "If White Rice is Linked to Diabetes,What About China?"

  • Rice currently feeds almost half the human population

  • making it the single most important staple food in the world,

  • but a meta-analysis of 7 cohort studies

  • following 350,000 people for up to 20 years,

  • found that higher consumption of white rice

  • was associated with a significantly increased risk of type 2 diabetes,

  • especially in Asian populations.

  • They estimated each serving per day of white rice

  • was associated with an 11% increase in risk of diabetes,

  • which may help explain why the association

  • was even stronger in Asia where they eat much more rice.

  • This could explain why China has almost

  • the same diabetes rates as we do.

  • They have at about 10%, were at about 11%,

  • despite seven times less obesity in China.

  • Japan has 8 times less obesity than we do,

  • yet may have a higher incidence of newly diagnosed

  • diabetes cases than we do,

  • 9 per a thousand, compared to our 8.

  • Theyre skinnier and still may have more diabetes,

  • maybe because of all the white rice they eat.

  • Just like eating whole fruit is associated with a lower risk of diabetes,

  • whereas eating fruit processed into juice may not just be neutral

  • but actually increases diabetes risk.

  • Eating whole grains, like whole wheat bread or brown rice

  • is associated with lower risk of diabetes,

  • whereas eating white rice, a processed grain,

  • may not just be neutral but actually increases diabetes risk.

  • White rice consumption does not appear associated

  • with increased risk of heart attack or stroke, though,

  • which is a relief after this earlier study in China

  • suggested a connection with stroke.

  • But do we want to eat a food that’s just neutral

  • regarding some of our leading causes of death,

  • when we can eat something associated with a lower risk

  • of diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and weight gain?

  • But if you look at the Cornell-Oxford-China Project,

  • rural plant-based diets centered around rice were associated

  • with relatively low risk of the so-called diseases of affluence,

  • which includes diabetes.

  • Maybe Asians just genetically don’t get the same

  • blood sugar spike when they eat white rice?

  • No, if anything people of Chinese ethnicity

  • get higher blood sugar spikes.

  • The rise in these diseases of affluence in China

  • over the last half century has been blamed in part

  • on the tripling of the consumption of animal source foods.

  • The upsurge in diabetes has been most dramatic,

  • and it’s mostly just happened over the last decade.

  • That crazy 9.7% diabetes prevalence figure that rivals ours is new

  • they appeared to have one of the lowest diabetes rates in the world in the year 2000.

  • So what happened to their diets in the last 20 years or so?

  • Oil consumption went up about 20%,

  • pork consumption alone went up 40%,

  • and rice consumption dropped about 30%.

  • So diabetes rates were skyrocketing,

  • rice consumption was going down,

  • so maybe it’s the animal products and junk food that are the problem.

  • Yes, brown rice is better than white rice,

  • but cut to stop the mounting Asian epidemic,

  • maybe we should focus removing the cause

  • the toxic Western diet.

  • That would be consistent with data showing

  • animal protein and fat consumption

  • associated with increased diabetes risk.

  • But that doesn’t explain this.

  • If the rise in meat consumption is to blame,

  • then why do the biggest recent studies in Japan and China

  • associate white rice intake with diabetes?

  • The answer to this may be that animal protein is making the rice worse.

  • If you feed people mashed white potatoes,

  • a high glycemic food like white rice,

  • this is how much insulin your pancreas has to pump out

  • to keep your blood sugars in check.

  • But what if you added some tunafish?

  • Tuna’s got no carbs, no sugar, no starch.

  • Wouldn’t make a difference, right?

  • Or maybe it would be even lower than the mashed potato spike,

  • by lowering the glycemic load of the whole meal,

  • but instead you get this.

  • Twice the insulin spike.

  • Same with white flour spaghetti, and white flour spaghetti with meat.

  • The addition of animal protein makes the pancreas work twice as hard.

  • You can do it with straight sugar water.

  • If you do like a glucose challenge test to test for diabetes,

  • where you drink a certain amount of sugar-

  • this is the kind of spike in insulin you get,

  • but if you take in the exact same amount of sugar,

  • but with some meat added - you get this.

  • And the more meat you add, the worse it gets.

  • Just adding a little meat to carbs doesn’t seem to do much,

  • but once you get up to like a third of a chicken breast’s worth,

  • you can elicit a significantly increased surge of insulin.

  • This may help explain why those eating plant-based diets

  • have such low diabetes rates,

  • because animal protein can markedly potentiate the insulin secretion

  • triggered by carbohydrate ingestion.

"If White Rice is Linked to Diabetes,What About China?"


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如果白米與糖尿病有關,那麼中國呢? (If White Rice is Linked to Diabetes, What About China?)

  • 200 17
    尹若希 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日