字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 - That's 35 extra large pizzas -那邊是35份特大號披薩 and here's your receipt. 然後這是收據 - And here's my coupon. -我要用這張優惠券付錢 - Coupon? -優惠券? Haven't seen this before. 為什麼我之前都沒看過? - When I first saw it I said, -我第一次看到它的時候,我驚呼 "$10 off every $7 pizza?" 「每塊7美元的披薩都可以便宜10美元?」 That means you owe me $3 per pizza. 那就表示妳每塊披薩都得付3美元給我 [sighs] Such a deal. (嘆)還挺不賴的,是吧 - That can't be right. -我想你是說錯了 That means we owe you over $100. 那意思是說我們得付還給你多達100美元 - That's what I said! Such a deal. -對啦,我的意思就是那樣,真的很划算,對吧? - Sir, as terrible as our food may be, -先生,縱使我們的食物再怎麼難吃 we do not pay people to eat it. 我們也絕不會付錢給客人來吃我們的東西 - Well, according to this coupon, you do, -嗄?可是根據這張優惠券,上面是這樣寫的啊 and I want my money. 我現在就要拿到我的錢 - What seems to be the problem, sir? -請問發生了什麼問題嗎,先生? - This man is clearly a fraud. -這個人明顯根本就是來亂的 He tried to pay with that. 他試著要用那個來付款 - Oh, good, my coupon! It's working! -喔,太好了,我作的優惠券耶,真的有人在使用了! Mads, please take care of this gentleman. 麥姿,請妳好好禮待這位男士 Here at Pork E. Pine's, the customer's always right. 在「神埼寶杯」餐廳裡,客人永遠是對的 - Thanks, man. -謝啦,老兄 Hey, we're running a special next door: 嘿,我們隔壁在辦一個活動: free pizza with car wash. 免費披薩又能免費洗車 You should stop by. 你待會該去路過看看的 - Oh, that's so nice. -喔,聽起來真不錯呢 Thank you. 謝謝你 - Thank you. -謝謝您的蒞臨 - Unbelievable. -真是不敢置信 - I know, right? -我知道 We're gonna make a fortune. 我們就要發大財了 And make sure to tell all your friends! 回去記得厝邊招隔壁,樓頂招樓下嘿! - Now they're gonna tell all their friends! -現在那些客人都通通跑去跟他們親朋好友講了! - Exactly! -沒有錯啊! - Your coupon's gonna tank the business. -你的優惠券會毀了我們的生意 - I'm getting real tired of you always saying -我也真是受夠妳滿口自以為是的生意經 I'm gonna tank the business. 我就是執意要這麼做 If anything's bringing this business down, 如果到最後真的被迫關門大吉 it's your poor attitude. 那也是因為妳那討人厭的態度,好嗎? - How did you even come up with these figures anyway? -你腦袋瓜到底為什麼會想出這種鳥點子? - I crunched some numbers, but then my mind got confused -那時候我就在咀嚼一些數字,但腦袋卻突然打結了 so then I did some crunches on my abacus 所以我就開始在算盤上推推算算 and came up with some new numbers. 最後得到一組新數字 I call it six pack math. 我叫它:「六塊積」 - Wow. - Yeah, I know. -哇 -耶,我懂 It's not easy being a visionary. 當一個夢想家是不太容易的 Now I know how Steve Jobs must've felt. 現在我總算能夠體會史提夫·賈伯斯心裡的感受了 (譯註: Steve Jobs是一位美國企業家、行銷家和發明家,蘋果公司的聯合創始人之一亦為皮克斯動畫創辦人,已於2011年逝世) [sighs] (嘆) - Look, we've lost a fortune this week. -聽好,我們這禮拜損失慘重 I need you to consult an accredited financial planner 我要你和一位合格的理財顧問進行商討 to fix this before Pork E.'s becomes destitute. 好在餐廳破產以前彌補這次損失 - Destitute? -窮困潦倒? Pork. E.'s would never sell sex for money. 我們餐廳絕不會為了錢來提供性服務 Wait, should we? 等等,我們不該嗎... [playful music] (俏皮音樂) - [man singing] This is America - (男聲) 這裡是美國 Land of dreams 夢想的發源之地 Everyone can climb higher 每個人都能高高在上 - [women singing] Not you, though - (女聲) 你錯了 You're stuck here 你明知道自己被困在這裡 'Cause you're a part-timer, yeah 因為你只是個實習工讀生,耶~ - [man singing] You can do anything - (男聲) 想做什麼都隨心所欲 - [woman singing] As long as it's not hard - (女聲) 前提是不要太難 - [man singing] And you can go anywhere - (男聲) 想去哪玩也隨心所欲 - [woman singing] As soon as you get a car - (女聲) 前提是你得有車 - [man singing] You're gonna be a huge success - (男聲) 你就能坐擁天下 - [woman singing] Come on, that's not who you are - (女聲) 拜託,你以為你是誰? - [man singing] You're a part-timer cursed - (男聲) 實習工讀生是一種詛咒 With full-time dreams 雖然你充滿夢想 And this low-paying job is as bad as it seems 但薪水就跟表面看起來一樣的糟 Bad as it seems 一樣糟糕 What the [bleep] are you doing here? 你到底是吃錯什麼藥? Whoa 哇喔 What the [bleep] are you doing here? 到底為什麼要來這裡啊? Oh 喔~ Seriously, dude? - Like, what the [bleep]? 兄弟,認真的嗎? -你到底在這裡做什麼啊? - Of course I'm accredited. -我當然是合格認可過的啊 Look at all my a-credit cards. 你看看我所有的信用卡都信用良好 - I knew you were the man for the job. -我就知道你很適合來做這份工作 - As your financial planner, I'll get you all your money back -身為你的理財顧問,我要把你所有的錢都拿過來 plus my standard business fee of 25%. 再加上我25%的業務手續費 - Half? [inhales sharply] -一半的錢?(大力吸氣) I don't know, man. That seems kind of steep. 我不知道耶,老兄,這聽起來好像有點不太合理 - Yeah, it's only that high -哈哈,因為我知道你數學超爛 because I know how bad you are at math. 所以我才敢把收費標準調這麼高 Do you remember how you spent your sweet 16 birthday cash? 你還記得16歲生日的時候你怎麼花掉你的錢嗎? - Yeah, I still believe in dry-hump jeans. -耶,我到現在都還記得那件摩擦來摩擦去的牛仔褲 - Yeah, which is why I'll be doing all the heavy lifting. -對啊,那就是為什麼我一直要抬重物的原因 So you in? 那就這樣說定囉? - Congratulations, financial planner. -恭喜你成為我的理財顧問 So how are we gonna get our money back? 那我什麼時候可以把錢拿回來? - Oh, crowdfunding. -喔,網路募款 You just make an awesomely sappy video 你只需要作一部很炫很讚的影片 and put it up on GiveYourMoneyToMe.com, 然後放到「給我你的錢」網站上面 and then people just give you free cash 然後大家就會無條件給你錢 in exchange for dumb thank-you prizes. 你再給他們愚蠢的感謝狀作為回報 - Okay, but how are we supposed to make a video? -好喔,那我們該怎麼拍影片? - Oh, don't worry. -喔,別擔心 I know a guy. 我知道有一個人可以幫我們 [playful music] (俏皮音樂) - Quiet on the set. -現場安靜點 Anton, you're playing the role of Sarah McLachlan. 安東尼,你負責扮演莎拉·麥克勞克蘭 (譯註: Sarah McLachlan為加拿大創作歌手、音樂家,以其獨特動情的次女高音歌聲而著名) Ian, you're playing the role of sad puppy 伊恩,你扮演一隻即將要被 about to be euthanized. 安樂死的悲情小狗狗 - Got it. -了解 - Uh, who is Sarah McLachlan? -呃,請問一下莎拉·麥克勞克蘭是哪位? - Dude, she's the original crowdsourcer-er. -老兄,她可是群眾外包人士的創始人 (譯註: crowdsource指的是用網路串連一大群人,獲取他們的知識、專長、時間或資源的過程) You know, she's the one that talks really dramatically 你要知道,她可是一個講話很戲劇性 and looks really sad and gets everybody's money. 哭起來又十分到位的人,所以總能拿到大家的捐款 - Oh. -喔 - Yeah. -對啊 - Slate, please. -打板器拿來給我 Copy. - All right. 稿子準備好 -沒問題 - Heartfelt crowdsourcing video take one. -真心誠意群眾外包影片,第一拍 - All right. -好,來 - [clears throat] -(清喉嚨聲) [sighs] (嘆氣) Every hour, a human is beaten 每1個小時,就有1個人類被 by math. 數學擊垮 I know because it happened to me. 我會這麼清楚,是因為我身歷其境過 And now this little fella is also a victim of mathematics. 而現在身旁這可憐的小傢伙也是受害者之一 Soon, he'll be jobless 很快地,牠就會失業 and forced to live out on the streets. 被迫流浪街頭 - [woman singing] Na na - (女聲) 吶~吶~ - But we could stop math before it's too late. -但我們可以在一切都來不及以前,消弭數學 For just $1 a day, 1天只需要1美金 that's $150 a year-- 1年相當於150美金 - [woman singing] Na na - (女聲) 吶~吶~ - 365? -1年竟然有365天? [acoustic guitar strumming] (吉他彈奏聲) Oh, God, it's happening again. 喔,上帝啊,悲劇又發生了 - [woman singing] Na na - (女聲) 吶~吶~ - Please donate. -發揮愛心,捐款吧 - [woman singing] Na na - (女聲) 吶~吶~ - [whimpering] - (嗚咽) [sobbing] (啜泣) [both sobbing] (雙方都啜泣) [sobbing] Please donate. (啜泣) 拜託來捐錢吧 [sobbing] Please donate! (啜泣) 捐錢給我們! - Well, if we're gonna be the worst, -呃...如果我們被獲選為最糟的影片的話 we might as well be the best at being the worst. 那我們也可能是最爛影片裡最好的那個啊 We did it! 我們成功了! - I can't believe we made the front page of HuffPo -我真是不敢相信我們竟然被哈芬登郵報登在頭版 (譯註: 哈芬登郵報是一個美國主要的新聞網站、聚合部落格,創立於2005年) for sucking. 說我們很爛 - Yeah, but we're on the front page. -是沒錯啦,但我們登上頭版了啊 There's no such thing as bad press. 就算是負面新聞,那也是一種宣傳啊 - You're right. -你是對的 All that matters is that people are donating, 重要的是人們捐錢給我們 and we got the hits. 我們有受到關注,這樣就夠了 - Mm-hmm. - Hits. -是不是? -受到關注 [both chanting] Hits, hits, hits, hits, hits! (一起叫喊) 關注、關注、備受關注! - Wait. When are we gonna get our money? 等一下,那我們什麼時候才可以拿到錢啊? - Well, once we fulfill the donation orders, -這個嘛,就等捐款落成搞定囉 then it's bada-bing, bada-boom, cha-ching, cha-ching. 然後再來就是巴搭兵、巴搭碰、恰清恰清 [rapping] Cash register noise (說唱) 收銀機的聲音 Your financial woes are over 金融危機已過去 Forget about it 忘得痛快、忘得徹底 You talkin' to me? 你認同我嗎? - Okay, so how do we fulfill all these orders? -好喔,那我們要怎麼實現這些訂單呢? - Well, we promised our donors jewel-encrusted t-shirts, -這個嘛,我們承諾會給鑲著寶石的短袖汗衫 so do you still have those misprinted tees? 你之前那些印錯的衣服還在嗎? - Yeah, but I was gonna use them up in the air ducts -是還在,可是我打算把它們放在排氣孔 to cover up all the asbestos. 好遮擋所有的石棉 - Don't. Don't. Don't bother with that. -千萬不要,不需要這麼麻煩 No. 不必 We'll just throw some jewels on those, 我們就只需要丟一些寶石在上面 ship them out, and get paid. 然後運送出去、收捐款費用 Problem solved. - How many do we have to make? 問題就解決啦 -那我們要有多少錢才能這樣做? - Just, like, a pinch over... -掐指一算,最少也要...