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Hey guys, what's going on? This is Tripp from TrippAdvice.com, and sitting with me today
is our reccuring guest, Caitlin O'Connor. I'm Caitlin O'Connor, I'm here to give you
advice. All right. And guys, real quick, you've got to follow her on Instagram because she's
got some really awesome and sexy pictures, so find that in the description box below.
Let's talk about why do girls like tall guys. Instinctually, women want to feel protected
and back in the days before agriculture, we were tribesmen and we were hunters and gatherers
and I guess taller guys, women feel like they can be protected from the monsters out there,
from the lions that are going to eat us. And also, number two, girls want to wear huge
high heels and they still want to feel sexy and like their man is as tall or taller than
them. That's the one, that's the one I hear across the board. That's the number one reason.
They're always like I want to wear heels and he has to be taller than me. And I wear like
eight-inch heels or seven-inch feels sometimes so... And you said that you're 5' 6". I'm
short. I'm 5' 5" and a half. So you're 5' 6" and you said to me before we started this
video, you said something about, because 5' 6", I know a lot of guys who tell me, like
oh, I'm 5' 6", I'm 5' 5", I'm 5' 7", and they feel very short. But I don't want to give
it away, but what were you saying before this about your height and dating guys around there.
I said before this that I would only date a guy who was pretty much at my eye level,
because I want to feel like he's my teammate and he's my team member and I would have to
be super attracted to him if he was shorter than me. Okay, okay. So you would date a guy
who is around 5' 6" and you'd be attracted to him and give him a shot. I would definitely
give him a shot. It's all about attraction. At the end of the day, throw the high heels
out the window. If love is at your door, I don't care about how tall you are. If I'm
in love with you or I'm attracted to you, I'll give you a shot. To attract a girl who's
taller than you, if you are short, like I guess we're saying right now short is a very
relative term, you know. If you're 5' 8", which is not that short, but you're attracted
to a girl who's 6 feet, I guess you'd be short. But one of the best ways, Caitlin just said
it a little bit ago, is confidence. Right, so confidence in yourself and not really bringing
up and thinking about that you are short. So that's one big thing. And I literally specifically
mean not bringing up your height. So if you're bringing it up, if you're calling it out,
then you're going to be self-conscious about it, and they're going to see that. Right.
Don't ever let them see that you're self-conscious about anything. Your looks are what God gave
you. Just forget about it. Just be yourself, be confident and she's going to look straight
past your height, no matter how tall or short you are. Right, and I think one of the best
ways to do that is having a bigger personality. So it kind of makes up for it a little bit.
If you're shorter, then you want to stand out more, so you want to have a big, bubbly
personality. You want to be social, you want to be talking to a lot of people. You want
to stand out in the crowd. Another thing you could do to be attractive to taller women
is being really funny. So Caitlin, I know I've heard this from you before, humor, a
sense of humor is a really big thing with attraction, right? It's a huge thing to be
witty and gregarious. And guys who are making jokes and making girls laugh, you know, that's
a sign that you're comfortable around people and so if you're showing that you're not intimidated
by a girl, then she's going to become attracted and that doesn't really matter if you're short
or tall, right? Attraction. Caitlin, what's another good tip for guys if they're short
and they want to attract a girl who's taller. Another good tip for guys is to be really
well dressed. A woman with class will notice your shoes, notice your suit and be like,
"Damn, look at him." Shoes. "Look at his suit. Look at his out..." whatever you're wearing.
If she notices you and you're well dressed, well put-together, you have a little scruff,
she'll like you anyways. Yeah, because here's the thing, right, a woman who's feminine,
very simple, wants to be attracted to a man who's masculine, right, so it's that polarity,
right? That's what creates that attraction. So a lot of woman say they're not attracted
to shorter guys because it's less masculine, but something like fashion can help you become
or look more masculine if you're dressed all nice, if you've got that sexy GQ look. Thanks
for joining us, thanks for watching the video and again, you can follow Caitlin on Instagram.
She's got awesome pictures. I put that in the description box below. Don't forget, subscribe
to the channel and I'll see you on the next video.