字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Is it better this way, or that way? 這樣好,還是那樣好? It's horrible whichever way. 不管怎樣都不好。 It's not very respectable, really to feel frustrated with one's appearance. 對自己的長相感到沮喪,並不是個值得尊敬的行為。 Mature and reasonable people are not supposed to go around regretting the shape of their nose or the way their hair falls. 成熟又有理智的人,不應該自怨自艾,認為自己的鼻子不好看或頭髮分線不好看。 Yet, you gaze in the bathroom mirror and think: Why? In my brief existence on this planet does this have to be me? 但當你在廁所看著鏡中的自己,不禁會想著:「為什麼?在我短暫存於這顆星球的期間,我一定要是這樣嗎?」 For those unhappy with their looks, pictures are painful, each new image brings more bad news; yet, this isn't crazy. 那些不滿意自己長相的人,看到照片會很痛苦;每張新拍的照片都有更多缺點可挑,但這其實很正常。 We care about our looks for a sound reason. 我們會如此在意外表有一個很合理的理由。 Because everyone judges us by them. 因為外表決定別人怎麼看待你。 Because they determine the first response. 因為第一印象取決於外表。 To deal with the challenges of our appearance, we need to develop a particular kind of wisdom. 為了解決外表帶來的難題,我們必須發展出一套特別的智慧。 Here is a start to learning how to cope with one's looks. 以下是開始調適心態的方法。 [It's not personal.] [它不是個人的。] Personal appearance simply is one of the least democratic parts of life. 一個人的外表由不得自己決定。 It's a lottery and you haven't won. 它就像樂透一樣,而你沒有中獎。 It's nothing to do with you, nor is it to their credit that it is them. 外表跟你這個人無關,別人長得不怎麼樣也不代表是其成就你的外表。 It just is. 外表就是如此。 [Let your disappointment feed your love of beauty.] [用你的失望去滿足你對美的熱愛。] A bald man would appreciate your hair like no one else will. 頂上無毛的人會比一般人更讚賞你的頭髮。 It's the ugly who are at the best place to appreciate beauty; something the beautiful should bear in mind when they're considering on who bestow their favors. 醜的人最能夠欣賞美麗事物,而長得好看的人要記著,他們是獲得哪些人的讚賞。 [Rely on ugly parents.] [依賴醜陋的父母。] People learn about love from their parents. 人從父母身上學到愛。 And when they're grown up, often search for lovers who remind them a little in some unconscious way of mum or dad. 他們長大後所找的伴侶,會有父母親的影子。 The good news is that often mum or dad were quite weird or ugly looking. 好消息是這些人的父母通常長得比較奇怪或醜陋。 That helps to explain the odd choices good looking people sometimes make. 這也解釋了長得好看的人為何有時會選擇長得醜的人當伴侶。 Thank God for ugly parents. 感謝長得不好看的父母。 [Laugh at the weird elite.] [嘲笑那些奇怪的掌權人物。] The world is dominated by an often unfair money hierarchy. 世界通常是由不公平的貧富差距來主導。 Against that, it's refreshing that there's also this strange looks hierarchy. 與此相對,讓人耳目一新的外貿差距也同樣存在。 It doesn't restore justice, but it thumbs its nose up at other forms of injustice just a little. 雖然這並沒有申張正義,但卻也稍微嘲諷著其他形式的不公不義。 [Be patient.] [耐心等候。] However unfair the distribution of appearance is today, time will eventually bring justice. 儘管今日的美醜分配如此不公,時間總會帶來正義。 No one ends up happy with how they look. 到頭來沒有人滿意自己的外表。 It's just a question of waiting. 大家只是需要時間。 For some, this enchantment may start at 10. 對某些人來說,這等待從十歲就開始。 For others, it may take another 40 years, but it will happen, for sure. 有些人則需要四十年去喜歡自己的外表,但總是有辦法的。 [See beauty in new places.] [在新地方看見美。] Rather than saying appearance doesn't matter, you can get better at noticing the less obvious but still real beauty in odder places. 與其說外表不重要,不如說你可以從注意其他較不明顯但同樣存在美的地方開始。 The trouble with our culture isn't so much that we love appearances but that we focus on too narrow range of features and qualities. 我們文化的問題並非我們太在意外表,而是我們總是狹隘地只欣賞外表的幾個地方。 So, start to get interested in someone's august forehead. 所以,不妨開始欣賞其他人高凸的額頭。 Note the melancholy sweetness of their eyes. 從他們的眼睛看見哀愁與甜美。 Admire an expression of Kindly acceptance. 欣賞他人善良的樣子。 Point out serenity. 恬靜外表。 A trusting face. 令人信任的表情。 A candid nose. 挺鼻。 There are so many good and attractive things we can see in people's faces, If we're alert to different types of beauty. 每個人的臉上都有優點和吸引人的地方,如果能看見這些,我們就能欣賞不同的美。 And hopefully, someone, somewhere, will one day do the same for us. 希望有一天,世界上有個人能看見自己的美。
B1 中級 中文 英國腔 外表 看見 好看 父母 長相 醜陋 人生課題:我不喜歡我的樣子,怎麼辦? (Not Liking One's Look) 45021 4504 VoiceTube 發佈於 2020 年 10 月 11 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字