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  • Turns out the old "opposites attract" adage - isn't really true! Just ask any guy I've

  • ever dated.

  • Hey guys Tara here for Dnews - with new evidence to support the idea that opposites really

  • don't attract.

  • Psychologically speaking, the adage is considered a myth - since people are generally more attracted

  • to those who share their personality traits and beliefs. Biologically, however, spousal

  • mating has always been considered to be pretty random. Until now.

  • Researchers at the University of California studied the genomes of 825 heterosexual married

  • couples, and found that spouses in those relationships, shared more genetic similarities than random

  • pairs from the same population. Not only that, but couples who share an increase in genetic

  • similarity by at least one standard deviation - are 15% more likely to get married.

  • This is a widely known phenomenon called Assortative Mating, and it applies not just to our genes,

  • but also to our behaviors and physical appearances. A good example would be how people tend to

  • date others who have similar body types to them.

  • It's not really clear WHY this happens. But the researchers in this study chalked it up

  • to 3 possible explanations: Birth region, ethnicity, and education.

  • It's been shown that people born in the same geographical area, are more likely to marry

  • and share genetic markers. Which extends to ethnicities as well.

  • But even after controlling for those factors, they still found a high amount of genetic

  • similarities between couples. So they looked at education. It's generally

  • known that people with similar educational backgrounds tend to marry each other - that's

  • called Educational Assortative Mating. And studies have proven that education level is

  • at least partially tied to your genetic make-up, so it makes sense that people with similar

  • educations would be more genetically similar. Sure enough, the authors crunched some numbers

  • - and discovered that education accounted for up to two thirds of that 15% increase

  • in genetic similarity - though it's unclear which one influences the other.

  • How do you guys feel about this? Obviously there are exceptions to every rule, but do

  • you tend to go for people who are similar to you, or people who are very different?

  • Let us know in the comments down below, and as always - thank you guys for watching!

Turns out the old "opposites attract" adage - isn't really true! Just ask any guy I've


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B1 中級

配偶的基因相似度如何 (How Spouses Are Genetically Similar)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日