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What are carbohydrates What is carbohydrate. Like proteins and fats,
什麼是碳水化合物 什麼是碳水化合物。就像蛋白質和脂肪一樣、
carbohydrate, or carbs, is an energy providing macronutrient. In fact, carbohydrates, in
the form of glucose, is your body's first choice of energy production. Through a tricky
but quick process known as glycolysis, your body metabolizes glucose into pyruvate. During
this process, 2 units of the body's energy providing molecules known as ATP is generated.
在此過程中,會產生 2 個組織、部門的人體能量提供分子,即 ATP。
During physical activity, your body repeatedly goes through this process up until 45 seconds
在運動過程中,您的身體會反覆經歷這一過程,直至 45 秒鐘
to 3 minutes where the glycolytic pathway begins to fatigue. From then on, you will
到 3 分鐘,糖酵解途徑開始疲勞。從那時起,您將
either need to rest or your body will tap into other fuel sources.
All carbs are eventually metabolized into the simple sugar glucose, with the exception
of dietary fiber since the body isn't able to break it down. Excess glucose in the body
is stored in the form of glycogen, which is simply glucose molecules chained together
into branches. Unfortunately, there's a limit to how much glycogen can be stored, which
caps at about 500 to 1200 grams. All other excess glucose is then metabolized into fat.
上限約為 500 至 1200 克。其他多餘的葡萄糖會被代謝成脂肪。
Maintaining blood glucose levels is really important to your body to ensure you have
energy readily available. Whenever your body is low on carbs, it breaks down glycogen into
glucose in a process known as glycogenolysis or metabolize non-carb substances such as
lactate and pyruvate into glucose in a process known as gluconeogensis. At the point where
在這一過程中,乳酸和丙酮酸會轉化為葡萄糖,這一過程被稱為 "糖酵解"。在這個過程中
your body depletes both glucose in the bloodstream and all of its glycogen stores, the body begins
to transition into a state known as ketosis. In this state, compounds known as ketone bodies
becomes the main source of energy. Touted for its fat-burning attributes, getting into
the state of ketosis has become popular with low and no carb diet programs. Whether this
is safe, or even more effective than glucose, is still debated to this day.
But are all carbs created equal? A rising concern in today's world is the overconsumption
of the so-called "bad" carbs from processed foods such as fast food and children's cereal.
But the problem is not so much that these carbs are "bad," in fact, they're not really
但問題並不在於這些碳水化合物有多 "壞",事實上,它們並不 "壞"。
bad at all, they are just carbs in its simplest forms known as monosaccharide and disaccharides,
which are the same sugars found in fruits and dairy. In fact, glucose is a monosaccharide
and we all know how important glucose is to our body. The problem with processed foods
is that it contains too many of these monosaccharides in a single serving. Since these carbs are
in its simplest form, it's relatively easy to digest and to digest a lot in one meal,
which pushes your calorie intake up. And as we've discussed before, the more calories
you consume, the more weight you will gain. The so-called "good carbs" that come from
foods such as oatmeal and whole wheat bread, are simply considered "good" either because
燕麥片和全麥麵包等食物之所以被認為是 "好 "食物,是因為
they contain dietary fiber, which will make you feel fuller while consuming fewer calories,
or they contain complex carbohydrates such as polysaccharides which takes longer to digest.
If moderation is taken into consideration, having some of these "bad" carbs isn't going
to do much harm, in fact, they come very handy if you need a quick boost of energy.
As far as how many carbs you consume, you should shoot for roughly 45 to 65% of your
至於碳水化合物的攝入量,您應將其控制在體重的 45% 至 65% 之間。
daily calories. On a standard 2,000 calorie diet, that's roughly 225 to 325 grams per
每日卡路里。以標準的 2000 卡路里飲食計算,大約每餐 225 至 325 克。
day. If you're trying to get stronger, consuming carbs before your workout might help with
a few extra reps. If you're performing endurance activities, carbs right after will help replenish
glycogen levels. If you're trying to lose weight, eating fiber-containing carbs and
more protein will help bring the calories down. And if you're trying to keep the doctor
away, a delicious carb-loaded apple might come save your day!
Click here if you want to learn about the macronutrient protein and come back later
when we cover the third and final macronutrient, fats.
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