字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 [electronic music] 嗨,我是桑迪普 Sandeep: Hi. My name is Sandeep, 谷歌雲端平台的開發支持者 a developer advocate on the Google Cloud platform. 歡迎來到位在奧勒岡州戴爾斯 的谷歌數據中心 Welcome to the Google Data Center 看看四周 at the Dalles, Oregon. 在我們進去之前 我們要確定 Take a look around. 我們有適當的安全檢查 Before we go inside, we need to make sure 大部分谷歌的員工都不能進入這裡 that we have the appropriate security clearance. 所以就讓我們來趟 特別的幕後花絮之旅吧 Most Google employees can't even get in here. 我現在和諾亞在一起 So let's go on a special behind-the-scenes tour. 他來自網站穩定工程團隊 [keypad beeps, door opens] 諾亞,你能告訴我們有關 SRE網站穩定工程在谷歌的角色嗎? I'm here with Noah 可以,SRE人員編寫並維護軟體系統 from the Site Reliability Engineering Team. 設計以維持我們的服務運作 Noah, can you tell us a little bit more 所以如果其中一個系統故障了 會發生什麼事? about the SRE role at Google? 我們從頭開始設計我們的系統 Noah: Yeah, SREs write and maintain the software systems 能夠掌握任何可能發生 意外的事故 designed to keep our services running. 我們有強力備用的動力、網路 Sandeep: So what happens if one of these systems goes down? 以及服務領域,所以即使我們失去了 Noah: We've designed our systems from the ground up 整個群組 我們還是可以重組那些工作量 to be able to handle any unexpected failures 而我們會即時移動數據 好將影響降至最低 that might occur. 再加上我們有一組 隨時待命的SRE人員 We have highly redundant power, networking, 可以應付發生的任何問題 and serving domains so that even if we do lose 謝謝,諾亞 an entire cluster, we're able to re-direct those workloads 現在我們了解更多 在谷歌中 and live migrate data in order to minimize any impact. 維護我們整個團隊的系統 In addition, we have a team of SREs on call 24/7 讓我們更進一步看看 數據中心本身的硬體設備 that can tackle any problems that might arise. 在我們更進一步之前 Sandeep: Thanks, Noah. 我們需要通過 生物辨識虹膜掃描以及圓環鎖 Now we've learned more about the systems 這些只允許一次一個人輸入 that manage our fleet at Google, 並且要兩者都授權才能繼續 let's take a deeper look 我們到另一邊見 at the data center infrastructure itself. 請將您的眼睛就位以開始掃描 Before we can continue further, 請再離攝影機近一點 we need to go through the biometric iris scan 歡迎來到數據層 and circle lock. 你可以看到,我們有很多伺服器 These only allow one person in at a time 這是在單層樓中單一的群組 and require dual authentication 在一幢獨立的建築物中 to continue further. 要以全球化的規模 維護所有這些伺服器 I'll see you on the other side. 是非常有挑戰性的 [control beeps] 要利用我們的團隊,我們使用工具 譬如說Borg、Colossus和Spanner computer voice: Please situate your eyes 你可能熟悉類似的工具 to begin the procedure. 例如庫伯尼斯 谷歌雲端儲藏庫和BigQuery Please come a little closer to the camera. 這些工具可以讓谷歌工程師 和雲端客戶 [beep] 更容易管理硬體設備 Sandeep: Welcome to the data center floor. 允許每個人建立創新 且可擴展的應用程式 As you can tell, we have a lot of servers, 在谷歌這裡 我們許多的硬體設備都是客製化的 and this is a single cluster in a single floor 這給了我們彈性和機動性 in a single building. 我們需要大規模 提供我們所有的服務 Managing all of these servers on a global scale 喔,嘿,這是維吉妮雅 我們其中一名網路工程師 is quite a challenge. -嘿,桑迪普 -維吉妮雅,妳今天在做什麼? To utilize our fleet, we use tools 今天我利用硬體操作 擴大這個數據中心網路 such as Borg, Colossus, and Spanner. 好調配在這建築物中額外的機器 You may be familiar with similar tools, 我們的團隊持續地增長 以對谷歌的產品 such as Kubernetes, Google Cloud storage, 和我們的雲端客戶 支持新的容量 and BigQuery. 那聽起來工事蠻大的 These tools allow Google engineers 要持續增加全球的容量 and Cloud customers 我們設計我們自己的網路 to more easily manage infrastructure, 所以這樣的容量增長不會很困難 allowing everyone to build 我們現在的數據中心以及 網路科技叫朱比特 innovative and scalable applications. 是個等級制的設計 Here at Google, a lot of our infrastructure is custom-made. 利用軟體定義的網路原理 This gives us the flexibility and performance 所以正如我們的伺服器 we need to run all of our services at scale. 我們從我們的網路中抽出特定細節 Oh, hey, it's Virginia, one of our network engineers. 然後可以管理它們 就像軟體程式和數據一樣 Virginia: Hey, Sandeep. 抽出在谷歌這裡 似乎很司空見慣 Sandeep: Virginia, what are you working on today? 我還注意到有很多光纖 分佈在數據中心裡 Virginia: Today I'm working with Hardware Ops 沒錯 to expand this data center network 單一建築物可以支援 75000台機器 to deploy additional machines in this building. 且每秒可承載1Pb頻寬 Our fleet is constantly growing to support new capacity 那真的是比整個網際網路還要多 for Google products and our Cloud customers. 這可以讓我們 Sandeep: That sounds like a lot of work, 穩定地處理儲藏室和電腦資源 to be constantly adding capacity around the globe. 利用低潛伏時間以及高生產力 Virginia: Well, we designed our network 所以這數據中心如何連結到 so that this kind of capacity growth isn't very hard. 我們其他所有全球的數據中心呢? Jupiter, our current data center and network technology, 谷歌執行B4 is a hierarchical design 我們自己的私密、高效率 骨幹網路 using software-defined networking principles. 那真的比我們 網際網路面的網路成長還要快 So just like with our servers, 它把我們所有的數據中心 都連結在一起 we abstracted away the specific details of our network 並允許有效率地處理來自各地 and can manage them like they're software programs and data. -資源的服務 -不錯 Sandeep: Abstracting seems to be a common theme here at Google. 我終於知道所有這些 谷歌的光纖真正做什麼用了 I've also noticed there's a lot of fiber -謝謝,維吉妮雅 -不客氣 running in our data centers. Virginia: That's right. 現在你看到了 所有電腦和網路的動力 A single building can support 75,000 machines, 需要用來推動你在雲端的工作量 and carry over one petabit per second of bandwidth, 讓我們來看看你的數據 都安全穩固地存放在哪 which is actually more than on the entire Internet. 我們走吧 Sandeep: Wow. Virginia: This allows us 不論你要在BigQuery查詢TB級的數據 to reliably access storage and compute resources 還是要在谷歌雲端儲藏室 儲存PB級的檔案 with low latency and high throughput. 所有的數據都會存在一個實體裝置 Sandeep: So how is this data center connected to 我們的數據中心 硬體設備允許我們 all our other data centers around the globe? 可以快速且安全地處理我們的儲藏室 Virginia: Google runs B4, 以我們的規模,我們每一天都需要處理 our own private, highly efficient backbone network, 大量硬體和SSD的故障 which is actually growing faster 當你的數據已複製且安全 than our Internet-facing network. 我們需要摧毀或回收用過的硬碟 It connects all our data centers together 這樣就不會有人擷取你的數據 and allows services to efficiently access resources 硬碟從伺服器被移走那刻起 in any location. Sandeep: Nice. 到它退役後 I finally know what all this Google fiber is really used for. 我們都保持一串非常嚴謹的監護鏈 Thanks, Virginia. Virginia: No problem. 硬碟會完全被清除並銷毀 在一台大的碎裂機之中 Sandeep: So now you've seen 我們現在就來削碎一些硬碟吧 all the compute and networking horsepower 我們看到很多硬體 required to run your workloads in the Cloud, 在我們的數據中心運作 但是並不是到此為止 let's take a look at where your data is 我們需要以一個環保 可永續發展 safely and securely stored. 以及可靠的方法 冷卻並推動我們的硬體設備 Let's go. 我們來看看我們是如何 冷卻我們的伺服器的 Whether you're querying terabytes of data on BigQuery 歡迎來到機械設備室 or storing petabytes in Google Cloud Storage, 看起來蠻酷的,對吧? all of your data needs to be stored on a physical device. 喔,嘿,是布萊恩 我們數據中心部門的技師之一 Our data center infrastructure allows us -嘿,桑迪普 -嘿,布萊恩 to access our storage quickly and securely. 布萊恩,你能多告訴我們一些 關於這房間的事嗎? At our scale, we need to handle hard drive and SSD failure 當然,這是冷卻工廠 on a daily basis. 為我們在現場的 其中一個數據中心 While your data is replicated and safe, 所以很多熱量從伺服樓層產生出來 we need to destroy or recycle used hard drives 都必須散除 so no one can access your data. 一切就從這冷卻工廠開始 From the time a disc is removed from the server 所以這基本上是兩個循環 to the time it's decommissioned, 我們有冷凝水循環 我們有加工水循環 we maintain a very strict chain of custody. 這加工水循環是這邊這些 藍色和紅色的管子 The discs are completely wiped and then destroyed 所以它們把熱從伺服器樓層帶走 in a huge shredder. 把熱傳送到這裡的熱交換器 Let's go shred some hard drives. 冷凝水循環是 這些綠色和黃色的管子 [beeping] 它們把冷水從我們底下的水槽 We've looked at a lot of the hardware 傳送到這裡的熱交換器 that runs in our data centers, but it doesn't end there. 它們把它傳送到屋頂上面的冷卻塔 We need to cool and power our infrastructure 我注意到我們的管子是 谷歌的顏色,蠻酷的 in an environmentally sustainable and reliable way. 那我們的數據中心是多有效能呢? Let's take a look at how we cool our servers. 谷歌有世界上 最有效能的數據中心 Welcome to the mechanical equipment room. 事實上,在2008年時 我們開始報告 Looks pretty cool, doesn't it? 我們的能量使用效率 Oh, hey, it's Brian, one of 大部分數據中心都大約在100%以上 our data center facilities technicians! 在那個時候,谷歌是20%以上 Brian: Hey, Sandeep. Sandeep: Hey, Brian. 但是自此以來 我們已經降低到只有12% Brian, can you tell us a little bit more about this room? 那甚至包括了我們的餐廳 Brian: Sure. This is a cooling plant 哇! 那真的很低! for one of the data centers that we have on site. 還有,那台綠色的大機器 是做什麼用的? So a lot of heat is generated on the server floor, 喔,這是冷卻器 and it all has to be removed, 我們很少用到它們 and that starts right here in the cooling plant. 但是當它外面變得很熱時 So it's basically two loops. 這在理想的溫度範圍內幫助 保持加工水的溫度 We have the condenser water loop 基本上可以幫助冷卻塔 讓它發揮作用 and we have the process water loop. 而我們有些比較新的數據中心 根本就沒有冷卻器 The process water loop are these blue and red pipes over here. 我喜歡我們的新數據中心 更有效能 So they take the heat off the server floor 順道一提 我們可以到上面看看冷卻塔嗎? and they transfer it to these heat exchangers here. 當然,走吧 The condenser water loop are 這裡景觀真棒! these green and yellow pipes here. 桑迪普 這就是冷卻塔 They take the cold water from the basin underneath us, 它將來自冷凝循環的水 蒸發快速地冷卻 they transfer it to these heat exchangers here, 並送回到下面的水槽 and they send it up to the cooling towers up on the roof. 你可以說我們是利用 真正的雲朵製造雲端 Sandeep: I notice our pipes are Google colors. 雲朵製造雲端 歡迎來到谷歌! It's pretty cool. 所以,布萊恩 我們用什麼推動雲端? So how efficient is our data center? 一切都要從 谷歌的變電所開始 Brian: Well, Google has some of 我們去看看吧 the most efficient data centers in the world. 這就是谷歌擁有的變電所 In fact, when we started reporting our power usage effectiveness 這裡就是高電壓進入的所在 or P.U.E., in 2008, 它被降低後傳送出去 到多重變電中心 most data centers were around 100% overhead. 譬如在這裡的這一間 At that point in time, Google was 20% overhead, 要是變電中心失去電力呢? but since then, we've reduced it to just 12%, 如果它失去電力 我們有多功能發電機 and that even includes our cafeterias. 還有備用電源可供使用 以持續提供電力給那些伺服器 Sandeep: Whoa! That is so low! 那些電力都是從哪來的? Also what's this big green machine for? 它事實上是來自許多 在附近的水力發電廠 Brian: Oh, well, this is a chiller. 我喜歡谷歌如何利用 任何可靠的綠能 We very rarely use them, 我們是100%無碳的 but it helps keep the process water temperature 那真的很酷 in the desired temperature range 你知道,谷歌似乎從頭 when it gets really hot outside, 由電力和冷卻一直到 basically helping the cooling tower do its job, 維護團隊的軟體系統 建立了永續性 and some of our newer data centers, -感謝布萊恩帶我到處看 -不客氣,祝你一天愉快 they have no chillers at all. 謝謝你和我一起 走這趟特別的幕後花絮旅程 Sandeep: I love how our new data centers are even more efficient. 請參訪cloud.google.com By the way, can we go up and take a look at a cooling tower? 了解您能打造出什麼未來 Brian: Sure. Let's go. Sandeep: Wow, what a view up here! Brian: So, Sandeep, this is a cooling tower. It uses evaporation to rapidly cool the water from the condenser loop and sends it back down to the basin. You could say we're making actual clouds with the Cloud. Sandeep: Clouds making actual clouds--welcome to Google! So, Brian, how do we power the Cloud? Brian: Well, that all starts at Google's power substation. Let's go take a look. So this is the Google-owned power substation. This is where the high voltage power enters the site. It's reduced and then sent to multiple power distribution centers such as this one right here. Sandeep: What happens if a power distribution center loses power? Brian: If it loses power, we have multiple generator and utility backup sources available to maintain power to those servers. Sandeep: And where does all the power come from? Brian: It actually comes from multiple hydroelectric power plants that are nearby. Sandeep: I love how Google uses reliable green energy whenever possible. Brian: We are 100% carbon neutral actually. Sandeep: That's pretty cool You know, it seems like Google builds reliability from the ground up, from the power and cooling all the way to the software systems that manage our fleet. Thanks for showing me around, Brian. Brian: No problem. Have a great day. Sandeep: Thank you for joining me on this special behind-the-scenes tour. Please check out cloud.google.com to learn how you can build what's next.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 谷歌 數據 中心 硬體 伺服器 雲端 谷歌數據中心360°參觀 (Google Data Center 360° Tour) 2647 129 韓澐 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字