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  • welcome to the prayer for peace this is simply a video I put together where I

  • would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice about prayer for peace of mind and heart all I ask you to do is

  • to agree with me as we seek our Heavenly Father together please continue to

  • meditate on this prep yourself speak it daily or listen to this video over and

  • over again and allow the Word of God concerning peace to reach deep into your

  • spirit let us pray lord those listening do not want to let their emotions get prayer for peace in the family

  • the best of them every day we thank you for placing your powerful protective an

  • awesome piece in their life we ask that your piece would rise up like a giant

  • ocean wave and splashed down over their entire being right now we declare that

  • your peace would be like an umpire in their heart their mind and emotions that

  • calls the shots we are thankful that you are P stands at the entrance of their prayer for peace of mind

  • heart and mind and that it dominates their mind controls their life

  • help them to recognize those moments when unhelpful emotions try to sneak up

  • on them we ask you teach them how to put those emotions aside and released her

  • supernatural piece that are resident in their heart right now they choose to let

  • peace rise up and cochran we declare that they are guarded and protected by peace prayer

  • your powerful piece jesus said that he is given as peace to a believer so we

  • believe that your pieces always ready at every moment to moderate every thought

  • and emotion that tries to pass into the listeners life we declared that your

  • piece dominates the listeners life with his pee standing at the gate of their

  • heart and mind we know that it will disable the Devils ability to attack

  • their emotions and they will not allow his lies and accusations to slip into

  • their mind thank you for loving the listener enough to put your powerful

  • piece in their life they are unaffected by the circumstances around them for

  • your peace stances on guard for their heart in mine no fretting anxiety panic

  • worry or fear is allowed to enter them they will remain free prayer for peace

  • calm and peaceful even in difficult situations because greater is He who is

  • in them than he who was in the world we pray this now in the name above every

  • name in Jesus Christ amen

welcome to the prayer for peace this is simply a video I put together where I


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B1 中級

為和平祈禱--煥然一新 (Prayer For Peace - Get Refreshed)

  • 45 7
    Precious Annie Liao 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日