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  • Videogame High School 1x05 (LANGUAGE)

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  • Day of The JV/Varsity Scrimmage Two Hours Remain

  • Rhythm Method

  • Huh, you draw in the notes section too?

  • Oh, I'm just writing a little not to give to Jenny after the scrim.

  • Not a love note,

  • or anything like that. I mean, she totally has a boyfriend

  • who hates me.

  • Nah, it's more of a

  • "It's all cool, you know, let's...

  • let's be friends" sort of note.

  • Oh. I like to draw extra lines to make it graph paper.

  • Yo Brian, man. Kick ass out there.

  • Thanks man.

  • I will give it my best shot.

  • Good, cause we have two weeks allowance on you beating The Law.

  • Alright. Settle down. Settle down people. Settle down.

  • I am proud to be your TA for rhythm gaming this year

  • A sport...

  • of true champions.

  • Something you two losers in the back could stand to learn something about.

  • # And now, without further ado, #

  • # I present to you, the sultan of shred #

  • # the prince of pentatonic, #

  • # the raddest dad, # # with the baddest ad... itude. #

  • Freddie Wong!

  • My dad!

  • Sup losers.

  • Or should I say heroes?

  • Nope. All losers.

  • Thats all right. That's why you took this class.

  • To learn from the best, me,

  • Freddie Wong. Hero.

  • Alright. Whew!

  • First rule of heroism.

  • Give the people what they want.

  • See, when you're a hero,

  • people want to be you.

  • They want to do you.

  • They want to be you while they do you.

  • Oh my god.

  • Be careful.

  • Cause if you don't give the people what they want, they'll divorce you,

  • they'll take your sweet dirt bike,

  • and they'll leave you with a no good loser for a son.

  • Yeeha!

  • Grip the steering wheel of destiny!

  • Drift.

  • What are you...?

  • Nooooooooo!

  • So, who wants some pizza?

  • Ted, are you sure you are ok, man? That was, like, really rough.

  • 100% Big D. I just gotta refuel.

  • Ok. Umm...

  • Well, I have to get to scrimmage, buddy. But...

  • Ki can you take care of him for a little while?

  • I'm on it.

  • Good luck Brian.

  • - Alright. - Ya man, don't...

  • Don't worry about me. Good dad out there.

  • I mean, good love dad.

  • Good luck Brian.

  • See ya.

  • End of Seventh Period One Hour Remains

  • Go get 'em Brian.

  • Break the Law!

  • Thanks man. Cool slogan.

  • The Law Vs Brian D Justice will be served

  • I'll get to everybody, I'll get to everybody. Hold your horses. Calm down.

  • Hey! Give me twenty big ones on Brian D.

  • Alright, a risk taker, huh? I like that.

  • Hey. Speak of the devil.

  • There you go. Who's next? Who's next?

  • What ya got? What ya got? I'll take yeah. I'll make your bet for ya.

  • That's fine with me. What ya want? Ten on Law. There ya go. Boom.

  • Hey man. Look, I was thinking, maybe you can just do some fancy foot work

  • or caps lock and run away when you're out there.

  • Cause I am betting you can make it at least three minutes against The Law.

  • Say hi to The Law for me, Brian.

  • No pressure.

  • The Junior Varsity Pre-Game Meeting - Thirty Minutes Remain -

  • Ok. Jpop, Rico, Moriarity,

  • Left Flank is all you.

  • Jumping Jax!

  • I want to see those grenade skills in action.

  • And as for the little freshman that could,

  • stay tight and out of sight.

  • Any questions?

  • Yeah. Isn't this scrimmage just an excuse for your boyfriend to pad his kill reel.

  • Ya. You're right.

  • Varsity is out there to show off.

  • We. We're out there to kick ass.

  • Stay calm, stick the plan...

  • and we're gonna wipe the smirk right off their faces.

  • And as for my boyfriend...

  • that maggot isn't gonna talk to me for a week after we're through with him!

  • - Sound good? - Yeah!

  • Alright. See you on the battlefield. Dismissed.

  • Hey...

  • rad speech. I mean...

  • consider me pumped.

  • Do you need something?

  • Nope. I just thought you might want to check this out.

  • Bam! New DXM, fresh import.

  • And uh, you might want to check out the notes section. B-t-dubs.

  • This is...

  • pretty cool actually.

  • But I have to stay focused right now.

  • You should too, Brian.

  • Yah. No, totally.

  • Well.

  • If you ever want to get unfocused...

  • Hey.

  • I've seen the posters.

  • This is team CTF, not a deathmatch.

  • You follow my orders, you'll be fine.

  • You got it captain.

  • Brian's Private Pre-Game Pump Up Five MInutes Remain

  • Stay frosty B.D.

  • Jenny wants you to avoid The Law.

  • Consider it done.

  • They won't even know I'm there. Ninja style.

  • He made a whole soda can disappear in my mouth.

  • Victory burgers after the game?

  • More like defeateritos.

  • Defeateritoes with cheese.

  • Speaking of dead meat, what was Jenny thinking putting BrianD on her team?

  • She was probably thinking I'm awesome.

  • Guys, Jenny wasn't thinking,

  • she was following orders.

  • Wait. You told her to put him on the team?

  • Course Cold Turkey.

  • Cause while I love a well earned victory burg,

  • what I really love, more than anything,

  • is to kill...

  • Brian D.

  • That big baby Brian is bound to burn, bro.

  • Nice one Alliterator.

  • He's going down in flames.

  • In front of everyone.

  • And when the smoke clears...

  • there will be no doubt

  • that he was anything

  • but a worthless, no talent fluke.

  • With cheese.

  • So uh, lets go.

  • - Yep! - Alright then!

  • Oh, Brian...

  • - What's he doing? - Costing me five hundred bucks!

  • Get with the program Brian.

  • Brian, I am going to the intel. Get to that structure and cover me.

  • You know, I think I will just stick back here and nade spam, sir.

  • Damnit Brian, what is your malfunction?

  • Is The Law going to be waiting for me up there?

  • Follow my orders, or get off my team.

  • Avenge me.

  • Damnit, Brian.

  • Yeah!

  • Give the people what they want.

  • Yeah! Come on Brian! Woo!

  • # This song's about The Law!#

  • # Long Arm's looking for you... #

  • # Long Arm of The Law! #

  • - Oh, you're in trouble now! -

  • # Long Arm of The Law! #

  • - Here it comes! -

  • # Long Arm of The Law! #

  • # Long Arm of The Law! #

  • - Yesss! -

  • - Clean yourself up! -

  • - Varsity Wins. -

  • Performance Analytics Expulsion Threshold

Videogame High School 1x05 (LANGUAGE)


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B2 中高級

視頻遊戲高中(VGHS) - 集5 (Video Game High School (VGHS) - Ep. 5)

  • 264 11
    阿多賓 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日