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  • 0:00:12.033,0:00:15.000

  • Hormones are constantly floating through our

  • bloodstream.

  • 0:00:15.000,0:00:24.033

  • At any given point in time you may have growth

  • hormone, thyroid hormone, or

  • luteinizing hormones coursing through your

  • 0:00:24.033,0:00:32.066

  • circulation. Some of these hormones, such as

  • the steroid hormones, can pass directly into

  • cells and bind to intracellular receptors.

  • 0:00:32.066,0:00:40.066

  • Others, such as protein and peptide hormones

  • are hydrophilic, and must bind to receptors in

  • the plasma membrane of target cells.

  • 0:00:40.066,0:00:48.000

  • This brings up an important point: How does the

  • extracellular signal of a hormone get transmitted

  • into the cell?

  • 0:00:48.000,0:00:55.066

  • This is commonly accomplished using second

  • messengers: small molecules such as cAMP or

  • calcium.

  • 0:00:55.066,0:01:01.066

  • Second messengers relay information from the

  • firstmessenger,” the hormone, into the cell.

  • 0:01:01.066,0:01:09.066

  • These second messengers are often produced

  • using common proteins associated with the

  • plasma membrane called G-proteins.

  • 0:01:09.066,0:01:18.000

  • G-proteins arecoupledto receptors in the

  • plasma membrane of the cell. G-protein coupled

  • receptors can mediate the responses to signals

  • 0:01:18.000,0:01:28.066

  • such as hormones and neurotransmitters.

  • Many different types of ligands can activate G-

  • proteins such as fatty acids, proteins, peptides,

  • 0:01:28.066,0:01:37.066

  • or amino acids.

  • Interestingly, about half of all known drugs work

  • through G-protein coupled receptors.

  • 0:01:37.066,0:01:45.066

  • Let’s take a closer look at how G-protein

  • signaling mechanisms work. Hormones floating

  • through the bloodstream may circulate freely or

  • 0:01:45.066,0:01:54.066

  • may be complexed with binding proteins.

  • In the bloodstream, the hormone dissociates

  • from any associated binding proteins and moves

  • 0:01:54.066,0:02:11.000

  • out of the capillary and into the interstitial fluid.

  • The hormone then binds to a hormone receptor

  • in the plasma membrane of a target cell.

  • 0:02:11.000,0:02:19.033

  • The hormone receptor is associated with a G-

  • protein, as shown here, which is attached to the

  • cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane.

  • 0:02:19.033,0:02:26.000

  • The G-protein is responsible for relaying the

  • hormonal information to downstream signaling

  • pathways within the cell.

  • 0:02:26.000,0:02:31.066

  • They can be coupled to enzymes or ions

  • channels in the plasma membrane.

  • 0:02:31.066,0:02:35.033

  • Each type of G-protein is specific for one of

  • these signaling pathways.

  • 0:02:35.033,0:02:43.000

  • G-proteins have 3 subunits: an alpha-subunit, a

  • beta-subunit, and a gamma-subunit.

  • 0:02:43.000,0:02:50.033

  • When the G-protein is in an inactive state, the

  • alpha-subunit has a bound guanosine-

  • diphosphate, or GDP.

  • 0:02:50.033,0:02:57.000

  • The binding of the hormone to the G-protein

  • coupled receptor initiates a conformational

  • change in the G-protein.

  • 0:02:57.000,0:03:07.033

  • This stimulates the alpha subunit of the G-

  • protein to exchange its bound GDP for a GTP.

  • With this GTP bound,

  • 0:03:07.033,0:03:21.066

  • the G-protein is in an active state. The activated

  • G-protein dissociates into the alpha subunit, and

  • a beta-gamma complex.

  • 0:03:21.066,0:03:26.066

  • The actual target of the activated subunit

  • depends on the G-protein that is activated.

  • 0:03:26.066,0:03:32.000

  • In this video, we will first examine the pathway is

  • which cAMP serves as a second messenger.

  • 0:03:32.000,0:03:37.066

  • The G-protein in this case is a stimulatory

  • protein called GS.

  • 0:03:37.066,0:03:45.033

  • The activated alpha-subunit of GS binds to the

  • enzyme adenylyl cyclase.

  • 0:03:45.033,0:03:54.033

  • This enzyme converts adenosine tri-phosphate

  • (ATP) into cAMP.

  • 0:03:54.033,0:04:02.033

  • cAMP can serve directly as a signaling

  • molecule, or it can act indirectly through

  • activation of proteins within the cell.

  • 0:04:02.033,0:04:12.033

  • For example, 4 cAMP molecules can bind to the

  • regulatory subunits of Protein Kinase A (PKA).

  • 0:04:12.033,0:04:23.033

  • This allows the catalytic subunits of PKA to

  • dissociate, and PKA can then phosphorylate

  • intracellular targets.

  • 0:04:23.033,0:04:29.066

  • The response of a cell to cAMP and PKA activity

  • depends on the cell itself.

  • 0:04:29.066,0:04:41.033

  • A wide variety of hormones utilize cAMP and G-

  • protein signaling such as ACTH, Glucagon, LH,

  • PTH and TSH.

  • 0:04:41.033,0:04:48.000

  • For example, the hormone glucagon can travel

  • through the bloodstream to the liver and bind to

  • G-protein coupled receptors.

  • 0:04:48.000,0:04:54.000

  • This initiates an increase in cAMP, which leads

  • to the breakdown of glycogen in the liver.

  • 0:04:54.000,0:04:59.000

  • Since many hormones and neurotransmitters

  • rely on the cAMP signaling pathway, the

  • response of a

  • 0:04:59.000,0:05:03.000

  • cell will depend on the cell type itself.

  • 0:05:03.000,0:05:14.033

  • An increase of cAMP in a liver cell will cause a

  • very different response than an increase in

  • cAMP in a renal cell or in an adipocyte.

  • 0:05:14.033,0:05:22.033

  • For proper cell function, the cell must also be

  • able to stop the G-protein signaling pathway

  • after it has accomplished its task.

  • 0:05:22.033,0:05:35.066

  • To terminate this signal, the cAMP must be

  • broken down using the enzyme cAMP

  • phosphodiesterase.

  • 0:05:35.066,0:05:41.033

  • The catalytic subunits of PKA then reassociate

  • with the regulatory subunits.

  • 0:05:41.033,0:05:54.033

  • In order for the G-protein to become inactivated,

  • the alpha-subunit must hydrolyze its bound GTP

  • back into GDP using its GTPase activity.

  • 0:05:54.033,0:06:03.000

  • The alpha subunit then reassociates with the

  • beta-gamma complex, and the G protein is once

  • again back in an inactive state.

  • 0:06:03.000,0:06:20.000

  • The cell is then ready to be stimulated by

  • another hormone.

  • 0:06:20.000,0:06:29.066

  • G-proteins can also initiate another common

  • signaling pathway that utilizes intracellular

  • calcium as a second messenger.

  • 0:06:29.066,0:06:36.033

  • Once again, the hormone dissociates from any

  • complexed binding proteins and moves out of

  • the capillary and into the interstitial fluid.

  • 0:06:36.033,0:06:47.000

  • The hormone then binds to a G-protein coupled

  • hormone receptor in the plasma membrane of

  • the target cell.

  • 0:06:47.000,0:06:52.033

  • The G-protein in this signaling pathway is called

  • Gq.

  • 0:06:52.033,0:07:02.033

  • The alpha subunit of the G-protein exchanges its

  • bound GDP for GTP, and the activated alpha

  • subunit dissociates from the rest of the G-

  • 0:07:02.033,0:07:13.000

  • protein.

  • In this particular pathway, the alpha subunit

  • activates phospholipase C, or PLC.

  • 0:07:13.000,0:07:22.033

  • This enzyme acts on the molecule

  • phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate, also

  • called PIP2.

  • 0:07:22.033,0:07:33.000

  • PLC cleaves PIP2 into two molecules: inositol

  • 1,4,5 triphosphate (IP3) and diacylglycerol

  • (DAG).

  • 0:07:33.000,0:07:41.066

  • IP3 is a small, water soluble molecule that is

  • released into the cytosol, and travels to the

  • endoplasmic reticulum.

  • 0:07:41.066,0:07:49.066

  • As you have seen in previous lectures, the

  • endoplasmic reticulum stores a large of amount

  • of calcium in the lumen.

  • 0:07:49.066,0:08:01.066

  • IP3 binds to a ligand-gated calcium release

  • channel in the membrane of the endoplasmic

  • reticulum, and calcium flows into the cytosol.

  • 0:08:01.066,0:08:13.066

  • At the same time that IP3 is initiating calcium

  • release, DAG is migrating through the plasma

  • membrane to activate Protein Kinase C (PKC).

  • 0:08:13.066,0:08:20.000

  • The “C” in PKC is named because calcium is

  • necessary for full activity of this kinase.

  • 0:08:20.000,0:08:27.033

  • The calcium released from the ER by IP3

  • assists in full activation of PKC.

  • 0:08:27.033,0:08:35.033

  • Once activated, PKC phosphorylates a number

  • of intracellular targets, thus transmitting the

  • initial message of the hormone binding to the

  • 0:08:35.033,0:08:50.000

  • hormone receptor.

  • 0:08:50.000,0:09:09.033

  • In order to terminate this signal, calcium is

  • resequestered in the endoplasmic reticulum and

  • PIP2 is reformed.

  • 0:09:09.033,0:09:20.033

  • The alpha subunit of the G-protein hydrolyzes its

  • bound GTP into GDP, and the G-protein

  • reassociates.

  • 0:09:20.033,0:09:28.000

  • This restores the resting state of the cell so that

  • another hormone can initiate cellular effects.

  • 0:09:29.033,0:09:35.066

  • Today we have looked at two of the major

  • mechanisms by which G-proteins operate within

  • a cell.

  • 0:09:35.066,0:09:41.066

  • This is one of the major ways in which

  • hydrophilic hormones are able to exert

  • intracellular effects.

  • 0:09:41.066,0:09:47.033

  • Please review this video as many times as

  • needed to familiarize yourself with the G-protein

  • signaling pathways.



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B2 中高級 美國腔

激素如何使用G蛋白信號通路。基礎知識視頻回顧。 (How Hormones Use G-protein Signaling Pathways: A Video Review of the Basics.)

  • 72 7
    陳秋汝 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日