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  • If you watched my last video, you would know that the game of Go is based on such a simple

  • set of rules, much less complicated than Chess. But why Go computers couldn't beat the best

  • professional Go players until recently, while Chess computers have done it for nearly two

  • decades. One can simply answer that they have fundamentally different approaches of how

  • they think when playing. So, how a chess computer actually think?

  • For a human being, the game of chess involves a great deal of high-level abstract reasoning,

  • pattern recognition, conscious thought and sometimes even psychology. By accumulating

  • experiences games after games, people develop and improve their skills and strategies. Some

  • might argue that we should program the computers to imitate human thinking. In the past, many

  • early researchers of artificial intelligence also agreed with that, and made the mistake

  • we now call the AI fallacy. They assumed that the only way to perform non-routine tasks

  • of invention, creativity and judgment to the standard of human experts is to replicate

  • the approach of human specialists. Chess computers do none of that. In 1997, Deep Blue, the supercomputer

  • of IBM, beat Garry Kasparov, who then became world chess champion in a 6-game series. The

  • machine didn't have intuition or experience like Kasparov, it won by abusing its sheer

  • processing power and massive data storage capability. To simply put, instead of thinking,

  • Deep Blue calculated its way to victory, which is also known as the brute force approach.

  • In this method, a chess engine builds a search tree consisting of every possible future move

  • from both players. In this example tree, white circles represent the chess engine's moves,

  • while black squares represent the opponent's moves. A ply is just one move by one player.

  • The number of children at a position is called the branching factor.

  • Once the tree is created, the chess computer use Minimax algorithm to decide which move

  • is the best, based on an assumption that the opponent has similar thoughts, and will try

  • its best to win. This algorithm was first developed by John von Neumann in 1928, and

  • adapted for chess by Claude E. Shannon in 1950. Back to the example tree, each final

  • position has been assigned a number based on the computer's result, which are 1, 0 and

  • -1 for win, draw and loss. The chess engine works upward from the bottom ply, it chooses

  • the best positions from each possible position black will take, or the maximum. At the next

  • level, it assumes that black will choose the worst possible position for white, or the

  • minimum. In the end, the computer takes the maximum of the top three positions to make

  • the move. After black makes its move, the computer creates a new tree and goes through

  • this process again, rinse and repeat till the game ends.

  • Programmers immediately realized a huge problem of Minimax. It's impossible to search the

  • entire tree of a chess game, where the average branching factor is approximately 35 and the

  • average depth of plies is about 80. That means the estimated size of search tree for chess

  • would be 10^123. If this number sounds incomprehensible for you, just remember there are only about

  • 10^75 atoms in the universe.

  • This problem is commonly solved by using a fixed-depth search, or limiting how far ahead

  • the chess engine will look. It will then analyze each position in the last ply to decide whether

  • that position is good or bad by using a static evaluation function. This is one of many deciding

  • factors distinguishing between good and bad chess engines, as the good ones usually have

  • a much more accurate and complicated function. For example, a mediocre chess engine might

  • just compare the number of pieces each side has, while the better one might apply a weight

  • to each type of piece, because obviously a queen is much more valuable than a pawn. However,

  • no matter how complicated the function gets, each position is eventually assigned a number

  • representing how good that position is.

  • Programmers again realized another serious problem, the horizon effect, first described

  • by Hans Berliner. Imagine the chess engine only searches to a depth of 8-ply. At ply

  • 8, the computer's Queen captures an enemy's pawn. It sounds great until you realize that

  • pawn is defended by another pawn, so the opponent will take the computer's Queen the next move

  • at ply 9, but the chess engine can't see that, because it stopped searching at ply 8. Programmers

  • can't just simply increase the depth limit to avoid this, because there will be always

  • a horizon, no matter how deep it is. An algorithm called "Quiescence Search" was invented to

  • tackle this problem. After reaching the final ply, the chess engine enters a special search

  • mode that only expands certain types of moves, and only finishes when it gets to a quiet

  • and relatively stable position.

  • There is still another problem. The fixed-depth search reduces the strain on processing power,

  • but it also compromises the quality of decisions due to lack of depth. To be able to increase

  • search depth and look further, programmers use the Alpha-Beta pruning algorithm to lower

  • the branching factor. Basically it allows the computer to discard many tree branches

  • because the computer can see early on that the branch it's going to check is worse than

  • another available checked branch. A good Alpha-Beta pruning can significantly reduce the branching

  • factor from 30 to only 5.

  • The fixed-depth Minimax, with Alpha-Beta pruning and Quiescence search have been the cornerstones

  • of almost all chess engines, from the famous 1997 Deep Blue to the modern ones as Stockfish,

  • Komodo and Houdini. Nowadays, thanks to new algorithmic developments, combined with advanced

  • hardware, Stockfish, the strongest chess engine, only needs an iPhone instead of a tower full

  • of CPUs, to beat any chess grandmaster. That said, this doesn't mean computers are becoming

  • intelligent like humans. Their dominance in chess and other board games only prove that,

  • machines became fast enough to exceed the playing capacity of the best human player.

  • Go computers might be an exception, but it's a different story, which I hope to talk about

  • in another video. As a creator of Deep Blue has said, "Assume that we were playing Kasparov

  • at the World Trade Center, and 9/11 hit. Kasparov would've run like hell. We would've run like

  • hell. Deep Blue would just sit there... computing."

If you watched my last video, you would know that the game of Go is based on such a simple


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B1 中級 美國腔

棋牌電腦是如何思考的? (How Do Chess Computers Think?)

  • 87 6
    Vinh Nguyen 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日