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  • Your dog loves to curl up on the couch, but so do you,

    你的小狗蜷伏在沙發上, 但你也想要使用沙發,

  • so you shoo him off and settle in for a cozy evening.

    於是你趕走小狗, 享受這舒適的夜晚。

  • After all, you're the human around here.

    別忘了, 你才是主宰這裡的人類,

  • You're an intelligent being, not a simple creature of instinct.

    擁有智慧, 而不是單靠本能的動物。

  • You can plan and dream, and oh-


  • Did your dog just outsmart you and feel happy about it?

    噢!小狗是否自認為比你聰明, 因為能搶到沙發而沾沾自喜?

  • Or was he just following his instincts?


  • Is there even a difference?


  • What is he thinking?


  • Well, it depends on what we mean by "thinking"


  • and the criteria we use to evaluate it.


  • Aristotle and Descartes both use the criteria of instinct and intelligence


  • to divide animals from humans.


  • Aristotle believed that humans possess reason,


  • while animals could only follow brute instincts for survival and reproduction.

    而動物只是出自 生存和繁殖的本能。

  • Almost 2000 years later,


  • Descartes suggested a more extreme version of that idea,

    笛卡兒對於這個理念 提出了更進一步的觀點:

  • arguing that animals following instincts were indistinguishable


  • from robots responding mechanically to stimuli in their environments.

    就像機械人呆板地 依據外界刺激而作出反應。

  • But the consensus against animal intelligence began to unravel

    但是這些認為 "動物不具有智慧" 的觀點,

  • with Darwin's Theory of Evolution.


  • Darwin hypothesized that intelligence could evolve from simpler instincts.

    達爾文假設, 簡單的本能可演化成智慧。

  • He had observed earthworms making choices about how to drag oddly shaped leaves


  • into their boroughs,

    為了將奇形怪狀的樹葉拉回巢穴, 會出現抉擇的行為;

  • and was struck that a human might employ similar means to solve a similar problem.

    這讓他突然想起, 人類也會用同樣的方法來解決問題。

  • And if, as he thought, humans are descended from simpler creatures,

    所以他猜想, 如果人類是源自於原始動物,

  • then perhaps our minds lie at the far end of a continuum,

    或許人類的心智 經過長期演變之後,

  • differing from theirs in degree, but not in kind.

    與動物仍然有相同的思考方式, 只是程度上有所不同。

  • Recent experiments showing that many species can solve complex problems

    最新的研究證明, 很多動物能夠解決複雜問題,

  • confirm Darwin's initial hypothesis.

    這證實了達爾文 最初的假設是對的。

  • Elephants use objects to reach inaccessible places.

    大象懂得運用物體, 幫助牠搆到很高的地方,

  • Crows make their own tools,


  • and can use water displacement to get a reward.


  • Octopuses can open jars after watching others do so,

    看過其他章魚的示範之後, 章魚能學會打開瓶蓋,

  • and can even remember the process months later.

    甚至一個月後 仍舊記得開蓋的步驟。

  • Such tasks involve considering aspects of a problem

    上述的動作, 需要在思考問題時

  • separately from the immediate situation, and retaining the strategy for later use.

    排除事件當時的情境, 並且把這種方法留待日後再用。

  • Still, while animals can solve complex problems,

    然而,就算動物能夠 解決複雜的問題,

  • how do we know what, or even that, they are thinking?

    我們又如何知道動物在想什麼, 甚至是否正在思考呢?

  • Behaviorists, such as Pavlov and Thorndike, argue

    行為學家,例如帕夫洛夫 和桑代克,

  • that animals that appear to think


  • are usually only responding to reward or punishment.


  • This was the case with Clever Hans,


  • a horse with the amazing ability to tap out answers to math problems.

    牠精通算術, 會用馬蹄踏地的方式來回答問題。

  • But it turns out Hans wasn't especially good at math,

    但是後來,人們發現 漢斯並不是數學奇才,

  • but at reading his unwitting trainer's subtle nonverbal cues

    而是能察覺到訓練員 無意間表現出的非言語暗示,

  • for when to stop tapping.


  • So Hans couldn't count, but does that mean he wasn't thinking?

    漢斯不懂計算, 但是並不代表牠不會思考,

  • After all, he could interpret nuanced social messages,

    別忘了,牠能理解 細微的社交訊息,

  • a quality he shared with many other non-human animals.

    很多人類以外的動物 同樣具有這種特質。

  • Elephants recognize each other after years apart,

    大象跟同類分散多年後, 仍然能認得對方,

  • and even seem to mourn their dead.


  • Bees communicate using a special waggle dance


  • to indicate the location and quality of a food source to other bees.


  • Chimpanzees engage in complex deception schemes,

    黑猩猩能表現出 複雜的惡作劇行為,

  • suggesting not only do they think, but they understand that others do, too.

    這樣說明猩猩不僅會思考, 而且瞭解其他同伴的行為。

  • And then there is Alex the Grey Parrot,


  • who could use human language


  • to distinguish the colors and shapes of absent objects,


  • and even understand abstract concepts, like bigger and smaller.

    甚至能瞭解抽象概念, 例如更大和更小。

  • That sounds a lot like intelligence,

    從上面這些例子, 動物看來似乎都具有智慧,

  • and not just the work of mindless machines.


  • But while a non-human animal can solve problems and even communicate,

    雖然非人類動物 可以解決問題甚至互相溝通,

  • for humans, thinking also involves consciousness,

    但是人類在思考時, 還會同時具有 "意識",

  • the ability to reflect on our actions, not simply to perform them.

    也就是在行動後進行反思, 而不是盲目地一試再試。

  • So far, none of our studies tell us if having the intelligence to outsmart us


  • means that our dog can also feel good about doing so.

    如果小狗知道自己比人類聰明, 牠們會因此而感到高興。

  • What we really want to know is what is it like to be a dog,

    我們很渴望知道 狗的感覺是什麼?

  • or an octopus,


  • or a crow?


  • Philosophers of mind call this The Hard Problem,

    心智哲學家認為 這是個很大的難題。

  • because while you and I can report what it feels like to be a human,

    因為大家都可以形容 身為人類具有什麼感覺,

  • nobody speaks horse.

    卻沒有人能說出 馬的感覺是怎樣的,

  • Even a talking parrot, like Alex,

    就算是一隻會說話的鸚鵡, 像艾力士,

  • couldn't tell us how he feels about the colors he could name.

    也不能告訴我們牠對於 說出來的顏色有什麼感覺。

  • And what if consciousness comes in different forms?


  • Would we even recognize the consciousness of bees?

    我們還能認出 那是蜜蜂的意識嗎?

  • For that matter, how can we know for sure that other people have consciouness?

    其實我們如何確定 其他人同樣具有意識?

  • Perhaps they're just well-functioning zombies.

    也許他們只是 功能卓越的殭屍而已。

  • Regardless, animal minds continue to test the limits of our understanding

    畢竟我們對於 動物智慧的認識仍然有限。

  • and how we frame them may reveal more about our minds than theirs.

    我們替動物智慧 所下的定義,

Your dog loves to curl up on the couch, but so do you,

你的小狗蜷伏在沙發上, 但你也想要使用沙發,


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