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  • You think that watching the sunset would be the dish for us,

  • so you expect us to to watch the sunset in your way of expectation,

  • but you never try to understand

  • the meaning of us chasing after sunrise.

  • Really?

  • I think you have too much unrealistic imagination

  • on sunrise.

  • Just like your briefing this morning

  • which was too idealistic.

  • If I don’t have ideas

  • then how can I start up the business?

  • If you were willing to give me more time

  • so that I could explain our values to you,

  • then maybe you wouldn’t have said those words you just said.

  • How come you speak with

  • such confidence at the bar?

  • This morning I had something to ask your favor

  • so I was supposed to swallow my pride.

  • Now ?

  • we are just customers running to each other at the bar.

  • After tonight,

  • you will fly to Singapore

  • while I continue with my work,

  • so I should be able to speak up.

  • Wow,

  • You seem to be quite

  • discontent with me.

  • I am discontent alright.

  • If only you were not here this morning,

  • The proposals of our company would have been approved already.

  • You are right.

  • It seemed that except for me,

  • nearly all VCs were quite satisfied with the business model

  • you proposed at the time.

  • Yes.

  • So I really don’t understand,

  • which part were your unsatisfied with?

  • Didn’t I tell you earlier?

  • You are too idealistic.

  • Otherwise why were they convinced by me at the end

  • instead of by you?

  • Wrong.

  • the problem with the whole thing is not because I am too idealistic

  • but that you are too realistic.

  • You just convinced those people with

  • your old rules of thumb.

  • So you mean,

  • I am just more talkative.

  • Put it this way.

  • Compared with listening and accepting,

  • you are good at talking and convincing,

  • just like the major problem today.

  • Everyone just wants to say things he or she wants to,

  • but nobody is listening seriously.

  • OK

  • I still have 15 minutes left.

  • Deducting

  • the 10 minutes by which I could still enjoy this wine,

  • and in other words,

  • you still have 5 minutes.

  • You can try to convince me

  • and if you can overthrow my views on you in these 5 minutes,

  • then I will give you

  • your funding.

  • Alright.

  • His name is Ray

  • and he is my first customer today.

  • He orders wine without the wine list

  • and he does not specify cocktail for drinking.

  • He only tells me his mood then,

  • and I will make the rest of the choices.

  • Finally I mixed this Rum based special,

  • Intended to make him relax,

  • but I did not know he would passed out with one glass.

  • Later I found out that

  • He did not have anything before coming to bar that day.

  • He has had busy days

  • and even forgot his meals.

  • I am Mr. Bartender.

  • Welcome to my bar.

  • Buddy

  • Are you sure you don’t need to get prepare?

  • I suppose this opportunity is very important for you.

  • It is actually.

  • But,

  • he only gives me 10 minutes of time,

  • so what can I prepare?

  • But you still shouldn’t be throwing darts with me here.

  • Hey, by the way

  • What do you think of Jeff?

  • He must a bossy person, right?

  • Bossy

  • Yes

  • I think he is a person

  • of logic

  • has his own way of doing things.

  • Oh yeah,

  • how come I couldn’t tell?

  • Hey, Don’t look back.

  • Why?

  • He is now looking at us?

  • Now?

  • Yes

  • Isn’t he drinking?

  • Our second round already began

  • when I started talking to him.

  • What do you mean?

  • Did you find out

  • that I was already awake

  • when you two were talking?

  • But they why did you?

  • Wait a minute.

  • So you mean,

  • the coming 5 minutes was no coincidence

  • but the second pitch

  • you deliberately created with him?

  • Yes

  • You work hard.

  • You work while drinking at a bar?

  • Is it really worth it?

  • Yes

  • because this is the life I chose.

  • Don’t you worry that you might regret it later?

  • Look at you.

  • You have spent all your time on work.

  • but no matter how successful you become,

  • you will just be the next Jeff,

  • drinking and sitting alone in the bar.

  • What about you?

  • Me?

  • Do you regret?

  • Regret about what?

  • You see.

  • You graduated with a degree from National Chengchi University

  • but you do not have a steady job

  • or a boyfriend,

  • and you being complained by your family.

  • Don’t you regret the choice you are making now?

  • I am not sure.

  • What I am sure is that I do not regret now,

  • even though I have given up a lot.

  • But I do know what I own now

  • is really what I want.

  • So we think along the same line.

  • What do you mean

  • Well,

  • You know John Lennon’s mother

  • once told him a story

  • when he was 5 years old.

  • The most important key to life is happiness.

  • One day in school his teacher asked a question:

  • What do you want to be when you grow up?

  • He told the teacher,

  • Happy.

  • The teacher asked him in doubts:

  • Did you not understand my question?

  • Guess how he answered?

  • I don’t know.

  • He told the teacher:

  • You don’t understand your life.

  • Wow, sounds like he’s on my side.

  • So,

  • do you think

  • John Lennon has left his music?

  • No.

  • Well.

  • I treat the company just like John Lennon treated his music.

  • Just like you

  • treating your favorite traveling.

  • We didn’t make different choices

  • but only you make a more romantic choice

  • while I made a more realistic choice.

  • You really know how to control time.

  • I just finished my wine

  • and you are sitting down already.

  • After all, your time is valuable.

  • Aren’t you worried that you might make more mistakes?

  • If I am,

  • I wouldn’t be sitting early.

You think that watching the sunset would be the dish for us,


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A2 初級 美國腔

《Mr.Bartender》第二季-EP03.成功到底是為了什麼? (《Mr.Bartender》第二季-EP03.成功到底是為了什麼?)

  • 124 7
    Eli Zhao 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日