字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Ugh! The ability to speak does not make you intelligent. Now get out of here! 噁!可以說話不代表你有智商. 現在滾吧! No no mesa stay! Mesa comic relief! 不不, 偶要留在這裡!偶可是甘草人物! Mesa bring farts and clumsy times! 偶會加上一點放屁跟搞笑的戲碼! That won't be necessary. Oh but it is! Tis demanded by the gods it is! 我不需要這個. 噢你可需要了!這可是老天的主意! Very well. Whoops! 好吧. 喝阿! Master what happened?! I sensed a great disturbance in the force. 師父發生什麼事了?我感覺到原力強大的擾動. and suddenly millions voices cried out 突然間數百萬個聲音齊響 in relief. Yes you did my young apprentice. Yes you did. 是放鬆的聲音. 你聽到的沒錯我的年輕徒弟, 你沒錯 How The Phantom Menace Should Have Ended 納普星被貿易聯邦帶領的機器人大軍所侵略! The Naboo system has been invaded by the Droid armies of the Trade Federation! 我抗議! 這沒有證據! 其實我有證據喔. I object! There is no proof! Actually there is. 一堆證據. 這裡有我船上的錄影. like so much proof. Here's a recording from our ship's camera of the Federation 很明顯貿易聯邦在攻佔時試著殺掉我們. attempting to kill us 這裡是我顧問傳給我的私人訊息... during the invasion. And here is a private message from one of my advisers... 而他現在已被關在監牢裡! being held in a prison camp! 人民死傷慘重!你必須馬上聯絡我! The death toll is catastrophic! You must contact me! 而且有一大堆目擊證人, 其中兩個還是絕地武士. And also there are a ton of witnesses. Two of which are jedi 我可以保證皇后所言不假. I can assure you want the queen says is true. 我的天啊!這必須馬上停止! Well Holy Crap You Guys! This ends now! 馬上派出援軍! Send reinforcements immediately! 嘻嘻嘻....耶. He he he... yeah. 靠腰... Awe dang! 總是會有兩個, 一個師父 Always two there are. A master.. 一個徒弟, 但是是哪個被殺了呢? and an apprentice. But which was destroyed? 師父或是徒弟? 師父!!! the master or the apprentice? MASTER! 噢師父! 我還活著! Oh Master! I'm still alive! 好痛阿...可是我還活著! Oh it's so painful but... But I'm still here! 我們終於露面了吧...對嗎?! At last we will reveal ourselves... Right?! 我們終究會報仇血恨! At last we'll have revenge! 耶...我不認識這個人!噢怎麼這樣! eh... I don't know this person! Awe come on man! 你怎麼可能還活著?!我是被一堆粉絲救活的. How are you still alive?! I was saved by a bunch of fans. 嗯.這還真方便. 是阿, 真的是很方便! hmmm. Convenient that is. Yes it is! I agree! 我知道... 我現在怎麼辦? I know right?! .... What will happen to ME now? 你們這些人完全毀了我的葬禮! You guys ok totally ruining my funeral! 或是這個應該要發生 It's over Ob-1! 結束了歐比王! I have the high ground! 我佔了據高點! Don't try it! 不要嘗試! *grunts* *slash* I immediately regret my decision!!!!! 我馬上後毀做了這個決定!!! Subscribe you must, hmm? 你必須訂閱, 嗯嗯嗯? Thanks to our guests, you give. hmm. Uh master do you suddenly look different? 感謝我們的特別來賓, 嗯嗯嗯. 呃, 大師你是不是有點不一樣阿? Different leads Blue-ray. Blue-ray leads to 3d. 不一樣到藍光, 藍光到3d. 3D leads to online streaming. What's that got to do with anything? 3d到網路串流, 這又有什麼關係? Get out! 給我滾!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 師父 證據 聯邦 貿易 方便 證人 星球大戰》幻影威脅應該如何收場? (How Star Wars The Phantom Menace Should Have Ended) 290 27 石夢貘 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字