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  • Robert: All right so you have worn your makeup all day, you don't want to start over, there

  • is no time to start over, you want to go out for that evening you want to do that smoky

  • eye. The thing to keep in mind is you cannot go dramatically different than what you have

  • done all day. So far we have had Alex in coppery shades. So what I am going to do is a burgundy

  • smoky eye. Now, because I'm putting more make on top of make up, she already has on,

  • I am going to once again take and put powder underneath her eye so that I don't... It will catch all the

  • fall off from the shadow I am about to put on.

  • Now, even if I were to do a smoky eye from the start I would still highlight the lid

  • right here. So the fact that it is already highlighted works for me. But, because I am

  • doing a smoky eye I need to add more mid tone. Because I don't want this to be as highlighted as it is currently.

  • I am going to take my number twenty seven brush.

  • I am going to take my midtone.

  • Starting at the base of the lashes I am going to work it across. Coming all the way up into

  • the crease.

  • That starts the smokiness.

  • Doing it on the other eye.

  • Taking my clean number twenty eight brush and blending that out.

  • Look at me. Blending it out.

  • And you can see how that is already started to get rid of a little bit of that highlight,

  • but you can see where I have kept that highlight right here. And that makes the smoky eye

  • a little more suddle more beautiful, I think more beautiful. Many times when you do a smoky

  • eye, you just do the whole dark smoky eye it can look like someone socked you in the

  • eye. I like to make mine a little more subtle by highlighting that inner part.

  • I am now going to my accent color which is a just to give you appoint of reference that

  • was her contour color the last time I am going to more of a burgundy. So you can really see

  • the difference in how much depth I am adding. So I am going for a really deep rich burgundy smoky

  • eye.

  • I am going to take my number twenty seven brush again because it has the flexibility and the shape to help

  • me with my smoky eye.

  • Starting at the base of the lash line, because remember that is where we want the darkest.

  • Kind of patting on the color and blending it out.

  • And you can see how it is already starting to smoke up that eye.

  • And you can definitely see why I needed that powder there.

  • Really trying to work my color at the base of the lash line.

  • Now taking my number twenty eight brush, and blending that out, now be careful not to pull up to

  • high, you don't want the brow bone dark. But you don't want a line either. So you really

  • got to keep that blend right at that crease.

  • If you pull up to far you are not going to have that lightness left at the brow bone.

  • Now to make even more intense at the lash line I'm going to take my number forty brush I

  • am going to lay it at the lash line, and pull it up. That helps it to really be dark at the

  • lash line.

  • And to make it even a little smokier I'll take my burgundy and I'll mix it with a tiny bit of

  • black.

  • Just right at the lash line.

  • Okay, now I am going to add a false lash because I always think a smoky eye looks best with a false lash added.

  • I know you have seen me apply false lashes before remember the trick is to measure.

  • Cut off the excess length. So you've cut it and

  • before you apply it you are going to take and you are going to paint the band of the lash

  • with black liquid liner. What this does is it helps it make it look more natural.

  • And then you are going to apply glue.

  • Let it start to dry.

  • While it is drying if you will round out the lash it will help it shape to her lid better.

  • You're letting it dry, letting it get a little tacky.

  • Not tacky as tacky, but tacky as sticky.

  • Not tacky like Alex tacky, but tacky like sticky.

  • And then you are going to simply layer it on top of that black line you have drawn earlier.

  • Dang girl! No I'm just kidding.

  • Now I am positive you should model.

  • Taking the other side. Once again taking it off.

  • Now when you are pull it off you want to push down as not to get glue on the lash. The little

  • tacky glue that is adhering it to the case on it, so you want to push down and pull it off.

  • You are going to trim, you can see there are little clumps. You are going to trim the outer three. Which is the same width as I made the other.

  • You are going to paint that band.

  • Then we are going to apply glue as we did the first time.

  • Take and round it.

  • Letting it get tacky, tacky sticky not tacky like Alex.

  • Just think what I would say about you if I didn't like you.

  • No, I wouldn't talk about you if I didn't like you.

  • I only make fun of people I like. Alex: Mhm... Robert: No seriously.

  • Open and look down.

  • And now laying it right directly on top of that black liner you put on earlier.

  • Now if you were doing this on yourself.

  • I know that you've learned this in every false lash video I have done. Every video I have put

  • false lashes on you can lay a mirror

  • down on the table in front of you, and now if you were to look down in the mirror can

  • you see yourself in the mirror?

  • Alex: No.

  • Alex: Yes.

  • Robert: Okay, see how it puts her eye in the right position? Then she can lay the lash on. She then could lay the lash on.

  • She needs a bigger mirror.

  • Bad example.

  • Letting it dry. Now the great thing about this adhesive is it starts out crème and

  • it dries clear. Look down.

  • As you can see as I am brushing off that powder how it saves it from getting dark underneath

  • here. Also the glue from the lashes is starting to dry. Now, what I am going to do is put

  • some color underneath. Now for a typical smoky eye people would really drag that color really far

  • down. And blend it out so you've got this really big area with smoked out color. I want it to

  • look a little more modern. So for it to look a little more modern I am going to take my

  • number forty brush I am going to take that burgundy

  • and I am going to lay it, look up for me, right up next to the lash line. I am not going to drag my color

  • really far down. Yet I am going to get the definition that I want.

  • And that will give me the depth without it being so drug out and almost like a black

  • eye look.

  • And to get it more intense I am going to take my black that I lined the top with, and I

  • would not do this everyday, but for an evening out it will not hurt. I am going to line, look up for me, the

  • inside wet tissue of the eye. This will create an intensity that really looks great

  • with a smoky eye.

  • And you can see how that gives her an intense really smoky look. I am then going to take

  • mascara. And all I'm going to do is take her natural lashes do a coat of mascara that blends, look down for me, that blends

  • her lash into the false lash.

  • Now because I am changing her into a smoky, eye earlier we lined her lip and really filled

  • it in.

  • I am going to blot off that past lip color.

  • I really want her lips to be pretty non-existent because her eyes are so dark I am then going

  • to take just at tin bit of concealer

  • and I am going to conceal her lips a bit. What that is going to do is give a really

  • soft suddle canvas to create a new lip on.

  • You really want to make sure you get the edge of the lip. Open wide.

  • I am going to take a sheer nude lip gloss,

  • because you have to whenever doing a smoky eye. You have to do a soft nude lip. If you

  • do anything with too much color she is just going to look like she belongs on a street

  • corner.

  • And you can see by me concealing her natural lip first and getting rid of that more defined

  • lined lip from earlier it really softens the whole look.

Robert: All right so you have worn your makeup all day, you don't want to start over, there


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羅伯特-瓊斯10分鐘煙燻眼妝教程視頻 (10 Minute Smoky Eye Make Up Tutorial Video with Robert Jones)

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    李昀 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日