字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I'll keep on making those new mistakes 我永遠不怕犯錯 I'll keep on making them everyday 每天的生活經歷,都是從 Those new mistakes. 錯誤當中學習 oh oh oh oh ohhh try everything 喔喔喔喔喔~勇敢跨出未知的那一步 oh oh oh oh ohhh try everything 喔喔喔喔喔~勇敢跨出未知的那一步 oh oh oh oh ohhh try everything 喔喔喔喔喔~敞開心迎接新挑戰 oh oh oh oh ohhhhh 喔喔喔喔喔~~~~~ try everything 敞開心迎接新挑戰 I'm Gazelle, welcome to Zootopia. 嗨~我是葛賽兒(原英文中譯:羚羊)。歡迎來到動物方城市 Excuse me? 不好意思? Down here. 往下看,在這邊 Hi! 嗨! O-M-Goodness, they really did hire a bunny! 我的老天呀,他們真的雇用了一隻兔子! What?! I gotta tell you, you are even cutter than I thought you'd be! 天阿天啊,你比我想像中還要可愛哎! You probably didn't know, but, a bunny can call another bunny "Cute." But when other animals do it, it's a little- 呃.....其實只有兔子會彼此用「可愛」這個形容詞,如果是其他的動物的話.....聽起蠻 (gasps) I am so sorry! Me, Benjamin Clawhauser, the guy everyine thinks is just a flabby doughnut loving cop stereotyping you! 不自在的。喔很抱歉,請原諒我!我是班傑明克勞斯(Benjamin Clawhauser),一個超愛吃甜甜圈脂肪超團結的警察 It's okay. 沒關係啦~ Oh, you actually-you actually got-there's a-in your neck. The fold the- the- 呃對了,你知道你那裡有一個....恩在脖子那邊有一個.....就夾在那邊....那個... There you went little dickens! Oh! 喔小壞壞,原來你在這裡! Heh-Heh, I should get to the roll call, so which way do I- (乾笑)我該去點名了,所以我該往哪個方向....? Oh, bullpens over there to the left 喔對,直走左手邊的辦公室 Great! Thank you! 謝啦~ Ohhhh! The poor little bunny's gonna get eaten alive. 噢,這隻可憐的小兔子即將被生吞活剝 Alright. Everybody sit 好了安靜,大家坐好 I've got three items on the docket. First, we need to acknowledge the elephant in the room, Brensie, happy birthday! 有幾件事情報告,第一,有件非常棘手的事要告訴大家.....生日快樂,布蘭奇(Brensie)!!! Oh yeah?! 喔耶!! Oh,oh. 喔嗚.... Number two, there is a new recruit with us I should introduce, but I'm not going to because, I don't care. 第二,我們多了個新夥伴,但我懶得介紹了,就這樣 Finally, we have fourteen missing mammal cases. All predators from a giant polar bear, to a teensy little otter. 最後,14個失蹤動物案件還未結案,從體型大的掠食性北極熊到小到不行的水獺都還沒被找到 And city hall is right up my tail to find them. 市府那邊盯我們盯得很緊,大家繃緊神經加把勁 This is priority number one. 這件事要優先處理 Ma'am our detectives are very busy. 女士,我們的警探目前已經疲於奔命 Please 拜託你幫幫忙.... There's gotta be somebody to find my Emmit. 一定還有人可以幫忙我找到艾密特(Emmit) Mrs. Otterton- 奧特兒(Otterton)女士 I will find him. 包在我身上 Oh! Thank you! Bless you! Bless you little bunny! 太感謝你了!!願主祝福你,親愛的 Take this. 拿著這張照片 Find my Emmit 請幫我找到艾密特(Emmit) Bring him home to me and my babies please. 把他平安帶回來,讓我們可以一家團聚 Ahem! Mrs. Otterton, please wait out here. 好的奧特兒(Otterton)女士,請先在外面等候一下 Of course. 好的沒問題 Oh, thank you both so much! 真的很感謝你們的幫忙 One second. 請稍候一下 You're fired. 你被解除職務了 What?! Why? 甚麼!?為什麼? Insubordination! 因為違背服從義務 Now, I'm going to open this door and you're going to tell that otter you're a former meter maid with delusions of grandeur who will not be taking the case. 待會出去,你要跟剛剛那位女士說你是已經被解職的交通警察,因為一時之間腦袋混亂所以忘了不是警務人員,告訴他你沒辦法接下這個案子 I just heard Officer Hopps is taking the case! 我剛聽說荷柏(Hopps)警官接下這案子了 Assistant Mayor Bellweather! 嗨你好阿,市長助理! The mammal inclusion initiatives is thrilled to start with a hit-off! 嗚呼~這下哺乳動物平等計畫邁入一個全新里程碑,要出頭天了! Mayor Lionheart is just going to be so jealous! 萊恩(Lionheart)市長知道一定嚇到下巴掉下來 No, no, let's not tell the mayor just yet. 呃.....先~別~報告市長阿..... And, sent it and it is done so I did do that. 好囉,信件已傳送 So fluffy! 天阿觸感好鬆軟!! Hey! 你在乾嘛啦 Sheep never let me get this close 我從來沒機會可以跟一隻羊靠得那麼近 You can't just touch it she's wool! 你不能隨便亂碰別人啦 It's like cotton candy! 天啊這根本就是棉花糖的觸感 Stop it! 不要鬧了啦 Where to? 地點是? Uh, Rainforest District, Vine in Tujunga. 嗯,在雨林區,圖洪加藤 There! Traffic cams for the whole city! 找到了!整座城市都有路口監視器 Well this is so exciting, actually. Well, you know I-I 'd never get to do anything this important. 好興奮喔!你知道嗎,我...我從來沒有做過比這還有挑戰性的任務 But you're the assistant mayor of Zootopia. 但你可是烏托邦市的副市長哎 Oh, I'm more of a glorified secretary. 喔....其實也只是有名無實罷了 I think Mayor Lionheart just wanted the sheep vote, but he did give me that nice mug. 我想市長只是希望吸引綿羊的票群可以支持他,但是他給了我這個超棒的馬克杯哎!(編按:宇宙無敵的副市長!?但其實是隨便拿父親節印字杯子的敷衍禮物) Oh. 喔 Feels good to be appreciated. 真的啾感心哎內 SMELLWEATHER! 屎臭薇兒! (叫錯名字,應該是貝爾薇兒Bellweather) Ah! That's a fun little name he likes to use. 哈,他總愛給我亂取綽號 I called him Lionfart once, he did not care for that one let me tell you it was not a good day for me. Yes, sir? 有次我叫他響屁獅,但他根本不當一回事還有那一整天我超衰的.....是的,市長? I thought you were going to cancel my afternoon?! 我記得你好像應該要幫我處理下午的行程是嗎!? Oh dear. 喔天阿 I better go. Let me know what you find. It was really nice for me, to- 我該走了!再跟我說你們的進度吧,很開心可以幫上......... WHILE WE'RE YOUNG, SMELLWEATHER! 請問我要等到什麼時候!?屎薇兒! Do you think when she goes to sleep, she counts herself? 哎我好想知道如果她失眠是怎麼數羊吼? Shush! 閉嘴啦 Oh, no wait a minute. 等等!這是.... Polar bear fur, rap pack music, fancy cup? 北極熊的毛,饒舌樂,精製的酒杯........ I know who's car this is, we got to go! 我知道這是誰的車了,快閃人啦 Why? Who's car is it? 什麼?這誰的車阿? The most feared crime boss in Tundratown, they call him Mr. Big. 是凍土鎮最令人害怕的邪惡老大,大家都叫他「大老闆」 And he does not like me, so we gotta go! 而且他看我很倒彈(台語),所以我們快閃人! We're not leaving, this is a crime scene. 不要!這裡可是犯罪現場哎 Well, it's going to be an even bigger crime scene if Mr. Big finds me here, so we're leaving, right now 如果我們不趕快走,等到大老闆發現我們,這裡會變成我們的陳屍現場。趁現在沒人發現快點走啦 Raven, and is that Kevin? 嗨瑞文,哎唷這不是凱文嗎? Long time, no see. And speaking of no see, how about you forget you saw me, huh? 好久不見了餒,那我們就不如不見吧!你們就當作我們從沒來過好嗎? For old time's sake? 看在老交情的份上? That's a no 看來被拒絕了 What did you do to make Mr. Big so mad at you? 你到底做了什麼讓大老闆恨你恨得牙癢癢的? I uh - I may have sold him a very expensive wool rug that was made from the fur of a skunk'ssssssss butt. 呃....我之前賣給他一張天價的羊毛地毯,但是....是用臭鼬的屁毛做的...... Oh, sweet cheese 'n crackers 天啊我真服了你 Oh! 喔! Sorry, coming through, excuse me, excuse me pardon 不好意思借過一下,抱歉打擾了 Bon voyage Flatfoot! 莎唷娜啦~~笨條子 Hey! Stop right there! 你給我站住! Have a doughnut, coppa! 來個甜甜圈吧,臭條子! Oh my god, did you see those leather print jeggings? 噢你剛有看到那件超美的皮革內搭褲嗎? Oh! 天阿! I love your hair. 你髮型好美喔 Oh, thank you! 謝謝你 He Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh, come to papa. 嘿嘿嘿,這下可以安心落跑了
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 市長 兔子 女士 北極熊 動物 老闆 動物方程市經典片段 (Zootopia - ALL Movie Clips - (aka Zootropolis)) 9947 547 Caiying Huang 發佈於 2016 年 03 月 30 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字