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- Hi, everyone!
My name is Tyler Oakley.
And I am here with my good friend, Dolan.
Say, "Hi," Dolan.
- Hello, everybody.
- Tell them how we know each other.
- We've been best friends since sixth grade.
- Mmm hmm.
You're my oldest friend that I've ever had.
- Yeah.
13 years?
- Uh huh.
So, we thought we would hang out all Thanksgiving break.
So, why not make a video?
- Right.
- Because Dolan knows more about me
than anybody in the world.
So, today, we are going to do a little Q & A.
We asked you guys on Twitter your questions.
Are you ready?
- More than ever.
- I'm afraid of what you can tell them
- I know everything
(Tyler laughs) that you want to know.
- Let's go.
Okay, so, Joey wants to know,
"Did you know that Tyler was gay
"the first time you met him?"
- No.
- Really?
- No!
I had no idea.
I didn't know all of middle school.
(Tyler laughs) You had more girlfriends
than I did. (laughs)
- That's right.
- He did have pink and purple sparkly glasses, though.
So, that should have been
a dead giveaway. - I was a fashionista
even in middle school.
Dolan had a crush on this girl named Kaitlyn,
and I had a crush on Dolan.
So, I thought, well, if I can't have Dolan.
Dolan can't have Kaitlyn.
So, I dated Kaitlyn.
(Tyler laughs) - I was heartbroken.
"Since I'm in school right now,
"what did you major in in college?"
- I majored in Communication
with a focus in Public Relations
and Interpersonal Communication.
- And I majored in Musical Theater Performance.
- He's straight.
- I'm straight.
(both giggle)
- [Tyler] "What is your favorite high school memory?"
That's hard.
- I don't know, prom or...
- Prom?
- When we took that rainbow picture,
jumping up and down.
- Oh, that was good.
I'll put that right here.
- My date wouldn't dance with me at my senior prom.
- You should've gone with me.
I would have grinded up on it.
I would have given you what you needed.
- You would have invented twerking.
(Tyler laughs)
- Wait, that was before twerking.
- Way before twerking. Kids, nowadays,
if you go to prom, is that all they do, twerk?
- Is there a no twerk rule?
- We had it back in our day.
We had face-to-face...
- Leave some space. Leave some space.
- We used to work
(Dolan gasps) at McDonald's together.
That was good. - That was a good time.
- That was
a lot of fun. - We had four
of our main group of friends
all work at McDonalds all summer together,
and it was so much fun! - It was the best
because even at our least commitment level to the job,
we were still 10 times more functioning than everybody else
that worked there.
Trish wants to know, "When did you guys meet?"
- Sixth grade. You said, "Sixth grade."
- Sixth grade.
- I had just moved into town.
I had no friends.
(Tyler laughs) - And I had no friends.
- And the first time we ever hung out, what did we do?
- We watched Mrs. Doubtfire.
- Mmm hmm.
"What was Tyler like in middle school and high school?"
- Slowly getting bitchier
(Tyler laughs) and bitchier.
- That is so rude!
- Always fun.
Always there for the party.
- Always hosting the party.
- What was I like in high school?
- You were popular.
You were so thirsty!
- Tyler was always trying to date
all of the hottest guys in school,
and none of them were into it.
- All of them were straight.
"Have you ever kept a secret that only you two know about?"
(Tyler laughs)
What are you smiling about?
"Who is your favorite member of One Direction?"
Dolan, can you even name a member of One (laughs) Direction?
- Harry Styles.
- Oh, my gosh!
That's impressive.
That's your favorite?
- He's the most rugged of the bunch, I would say.
- Is that why you're looking for him?
- He's got tattoos.
He listens to Miley Cyrus in his car.
I saw that on the internet.
- You are very
on top of things. - I'm so savvy.
- I am so impressed.
- [Dolan] Zara wants to know,
"Who wears the skinnier jeans (laughs) in your friendship?"
- Okay, so this is a sore subject.
- Because I wear the skinnier jeans nowadays.
- Which is rude.
- Throughout life, Tyler, well...
- We fluctuate. When, first we met...
When we first met-- - When we first met,
Dolan would wear
Huskie jeans. - Tyler was a chunker.
- But, then, I lost some weight.
But now, my metabolism is slowing down.
"What Disney character would you describe each other
"to be most like?"
- You are Jafar.
- Oh, my god!
Thank you.
He's fabulous.
Long fingers. - Brooding.
- Yeah, brooding, sure.
- You're kind of like Aladdin.
- There you go.
"Have you guys ever kissed?
"Also, will you kiss right now?"
I'll kiss ya.
- Will you?
- Come here.
- Wait for it.
- It's done. (smacks lips)
- Oh.
- Yes, we have
kissed before. - What do you mean,
he's straight!
- Over 13 years, things happened.
We've kissed.
"On a scale of 1 - 10,
"how fabulous do you consider each other?"
- Tyler is 10 out of 10.
- Thank you!
With a drink in you, you are 10 out of 10.
- I had no choice, but to become 10 out of 10.
- In my presence? - Following
your example
- Oh, thank you. all these years.
Thank you.
- [Dolan] Julio wants to know,
"Has there ever been any sexual tension between you two?"
I'm feeling it right now, Julio.
- Are you?
- Oh, yeah.
- You feel that?
- Ooh, I feel it.
- It feel good?
- Up up.
- My booty is mine! (laughs)
(Tyler laughs)
- [Tyler] Emily wants to know,
"Do things get better after high school?"
- Yeah.
It just keeps getting better and better.
- You get to leave home.
You go to college. - You get to see the world.
- Then, you leave college and it gets better.
- Everything gets better,
except you have to pay a lot more in taxes.
And you have to pay bills.
- You have to pay for college.
- And you have to pay for college.
- Rough.
- And you have to pay for your own food.
And you have to...
- Suddenly, your parents aren't paying
for your cell phone anymore.
- And life gets really difficult.
- In a year, I'm going to have to pay for healthcare.
- But, it gets better.
(both laugh) I swear.
- Amanda wants to know, "I love #TOPTHAT!"
- [Tyler] Thank you, Amanda.
- [Dolan] "What are some of your favorite internet videos?"
- Well, if you don't know, Top That!
is a weekly pop culture countdown show.
I talk about my favorite viral videos of the week,
but sometimes things slip through the cracks.
What are some of your favorite videos right now?
- Oh, I like the Miley Cyrus kitty "Wrecking Ball" video.
- You would!
(both laugh) See, that is so funny!
That is you in a nutshell.
- It's only six seconds long.
- Okay. - It's just...
- I came in like a wrecking ball. (sings)
- Okay, so that'll be right here.
You can click that.
There is this Turkish airline video.
It is super viral right now.
Everybody is sharing it.
I don't know.
It's good.
I feel like you would like that.
- (mumbles)
- Click right here or the link is below.
Watch it.
And one more right here is Tom Daley's coming out video.
That's really good.
- He's so dreamy.
- He is dreamy.
- Okay, so that is all I think for today.
We answered enough of your questions, right?
- Yeah. - I think.
- That's good.
If you like this week's video,
be sure to give it a thumbs up.
I'm doing a Q & A video every single Tuesday in December,
so be sure to subscribe.
And regular videos on Friday.
If you want to find more of Dolan, the link to him is below.
- If you want to find more of Tyler,
you probably already got enough of him.
- But, you can subscribe.
(Dolan laughs) And the links
to everything are below.
And other than that, have a fabulous life!
And I'll see you guys later.
- Bye! - Bye!
(toy squeaks)
- Oh! (Dolan laughs)