字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 [People try boba for the first time.] [來聽聽看人們第一次喝波霸奶茶的心得吧。] [Also known as pearls, boba are chewy balls made of tapioca.] [波霸又叫珍珠,原料為樹薯粉。] [They are usually enjoyed in milk tea.] [通常搭配奶茶飲用。] It looks really weird. 它看起來有夠奇怪的。 It's never come into my life, I've seen it at restaurants. 我在餐廳看過這飲料,但從來沒有嘗試過。 Whenever friends do try it, I'm always hesitant. 雖然有看過身邊朋友試過,但我還是會猶豫著不敢試。 I rarely went to a place that served it, and then when I was there, I was like, "That looks too weird, I'm gonna have the chicken I can't pronounce instead." 我很少去有賣這種飲料的餐廳,而每次到那裡的時候,我一看到它心裡就覺得:「它看起來超詭異的,我還是點一道我連名字都唸不出來的雞肉餐好了。」 [Regular milk tea] [一般奶茶] This is like, classic boba. 這就是最經典的波霸奶茶。 It's sealed. 是密封的耶。 I hope that it tastes like chocolate milk. 希望喝起來像巧克力牛奶。 It just felt like tadpoles flew in my mouth. 感覺好像有蝌蚪飛到我嘴巴裡一樣。 I don't know how I feel about chewing these weird gummy things. 我不知道怎麼去形容咀嚼這些黏黏食物的口感。 It's like chewing on a trampoline. 好像在咬彈簧床。 I'm like, pleasantly surprised. 其實,我滿驚豔的。 The tea is delicious. 奶茶很好喝。 It's very similar to, like, this Indian chai. 味道跟印度拉茶很像。 I like it, but I don't get it. 我喜歡,但我不懂它。 It's like expecting to get a Game Boy for Christmas, and then your parents get you a Game Boy Advance. 這就像期待在聖誕節收到掌上型遊戲機,結果爸媽竟然給了你更厲害的第二代機型。 I would totally go for this again. 我下次肯定會自己點來喝。 [Taro milk tea] [芋頭奶茶] This looks like a witch's brew. 看起來好像巫婆的毒藥。 I have no idea what taro is. 我完全不知道芋頭是什麼東西。 Ooh, that's good. 噢,我喜歡。 I really like it, I like it more than the first one. 我很喜歡,比第一種還喜歡。 It's a floral, kind of sweet potato kind of flavor. 感覺有種花香,還有地瓜的口感。 Sweet but not too sweet. 有甜度,卻又不會太甜。 Chewing on something matches the flavor of what's going on here. 有東西可以咀嚼的口感,和這個飲料的味道很搭。 I would prefer the tea without the boba. 如果沒有加波霸珍珠更好。 [Honeydew milk tea] [哈蜜瓜奶茶] Honeydew milk tea? 哈蜜瓜奶茶? This does not look natural at all. 這看起來一點也不天然。 This is really good. 真好喝。 Nooo! 不! Whoa, that tastes exactly like honeydew. 哇,這嚐起來完全就像哈密瓜。 So sweet and so sour at the same time. 同時超甜又超酸。 It's not overly powerful, it's not too sweet. 味道不會太強烈,也不會太甜。 This makes the most sense to chew the balls, cause you're used to chewing when you eat honeydew. 這杯飲料加波霸珍珠最合理,因爲吃哈密瓜的時候也會咀嚼。 I feel like honeydew is done better in boba than it is like, on its own. 我覺得哈密瓜奶茶在加了波霸珍珠之後,比單獨喝還好喝。 I'm liking it more and more. 我越來越喜歡了。 [Final thoughts] [最後感想] Maybe I need to go out and start drinking more boba tea. 或許我該更常出門去買波霸奶茶。 It almost makes drinking tea stressful. 這簡直讓喝茶變得是個有壓力的活動。 I'm a convert. 我皈依珍奶教了。 I like the squishy. 我喜歡它的口感。 I would drink this now. I'm glad I tried it. 我以後會喝這飲料了,真高興我試了。 These balls confuse me a ton. 這些球球總讓我很困惑。 I don't know whether to swallow them, or just like, let them hang out in my mouth. 我不知道到底是要吞下去呢,還是就這樣含在我的口中就好。 It's, it's impossible not to make jokes about balls when you're drinking this tea. 喝珍奶時不開關於球的玩笑真的太難了。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 BuzzFeed 奶茶 波霸 珍珠 好喝 飲料 【多元文化】感受 Q 彈滋味!外國人第一次喝波霸奶茶 (People Try Boba For The First Time) 124814 4112 Pedroli Li 發佈於 2021 年 08 月 27 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字