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  • Intel has announced at Intel Developer Forum (IDF) 2015 that it will bring its new 3D Xpoint

  • memory to market next year under the brand name Optane.

  • Optane will be 7 times faster than today's solid state drives. Optane drives will include

  • a specialized software stack, Intel’s custom storage controllers, and the 3D Xpoint memory.

  • 3D XPoint doesn’t just boost speed: it increases storage density, too. Its stacked design keeps

  • things compact, and the memory doesn’t need to make room for transistors. 3D XPoint can

  • read from or write to individual memory cells by simply altering voltages.

  • Intel says the technology is affordable enough that Optane drives will be made available

  • next year for uses ranging from large corporate data centers to lightweight laptops. They

  • would improve gaming, supercomputers, and data analysis.

Intel has announced at Intel Developer Forum (IDF) 2015 that it will bring its new 3D Xpoint


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B1 中級

英特爾的Optane SSD比目前的SSD快7倍。 (Intel's Optane SSD is 7 times faster than current SSDs.)

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    alex 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日