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  • I wanna start today -- here's my thing. Hold on. There I go.

    今天我要談談這個, 等等. 好了

  • Hey. I wanna start today -- talk about the structure of a polypeptide. (Laughter)


  • I get a lot of people asking me, in terms of "Lost," you know,


  • "What the hell's that island?" You know,


  • it's usually followed by,


  • "No, seriously, what the hell is that island?"

    『不, 說真的, 那座島到底是怎麼一回事?』

  • (Laughter)


  • Why so many mysteries? What is it about mystery that I seem to be drawn to?


  • And I was thinking about this, what to talk about at TED.


  • When I talked to the kind rep from TED, and I said,

    當我跟TED的代表聊起時, 我說

  • "Listen, you know, what should I talk about?"

    『嘿, 你覺得我應該說些什麼才好?』

  • He said, "Don't worry about it. Just be profound."

    他回道:『別擔心, 講些意義深遠的就好』

  • (Laughter) And I took enormous comfort in that.


  • So thank you, if you're here.

    如果你在這場的話, 謝謝你喔

  • I was trying to think, what do I talk about? It's a good question.

    我在想應該來講些什麼. 這是個好問題

  • Why do I do so much stuff that involves mystery? And I started trying to figure it out.


  • And I started thinking about why do I do any of what I do,


  • and I started thinking about my grandfather.


  • I loved my grandfather. Harry Kelvin was his name,

    我很愛我的祖父. 他叫做哈利凱文

  • my mother's father. He died in 1986. He was an amazing guy.

    是我的外祖父. 他在1986年逝世.是個非常棒的人

  • And one of the reasons he was amazing:


  • After World War II he began an electronics company.


  • He started selling surplus parts, kits, to schools and stuff.


  • So he had this incredible curiosity. As a kid I saw him

    他擁有非常強烈的好奇心. 當我還小, 看著他

  • come over to me with radios and telephones and all sorts of things.


  • And he'd open them up, he'd unscrew them, and reveal the inner workings --

    然後他會將它們一個個打開, 鬆開螺絲, 展露其內部構造

  • which many of us, I'm sure, take for granted.


  • But it's an amazing gift to give a kid.


  • To open up this thing and show how it works and why it works and what it is.

    去拆解一個機器, 展現其運作結構以及原理

  • He was the ultimate deconstructer, in many ways.

    在許多方面來看, 他都是個解構達人

  • And my grandfather was a kind of guy who would not only take things apart,


  • but he got me interested in all sorts of different odd crafts,


  • like, you know, printing, like the letter press. I'm obsessed with printing.

    像是印刷, 還有活字版印刷. 我深深地為印刷著迷

  • I'm obsessed with silk screening and bookbinding and box making.

    我也非常喜愛絹印, 書籍裝訂以及盒子製作

  • When I was a kid, I was always, like, taking apart boxes and stuff.

    當我還是個孩子時, 我總愛把盒子之類的東西拆解開來

  • And last night in the hotel, I took apart the Kleenex box.

    昨晚在飯店時, 我把一個衛生紙盒拆開來

  • I was just looking at it. And I'm telling you ... (Laughter) It's a beautiful thing.

    然後我就這麼盯著它看. 我告訴你們, 這其實是件很美妙的事

  • I swear to God. I mean, when you look at the box, and you sort of see how it works.

    我發誓, 當你看著這個盒子, 你其實就看到它是怎麼構成的

  • Rives is here, and I met him years ago at a book fair; he does pop-up books.

    Rives今天也在這裡. 我幾年前在一場書展碰到他. 他是做立體書的

  • And I'm obsessed with, like, engineering of paper.

    我覺得那真得很吸引人, 就像個紙張工程

  • But like, the scoring of it, the printing of it, where the thing gets glued,

    像是在紙張上做記號, 將其印刷出來, 接著上膠裝訂

  • you know, the registration marks for the ink. I just love boxes.

    就是墨水的標誌記號. 我真的很愛盒子

  • My grandfather was sort of the guy who, you know,


  • kind of got me into all sorts of these things.


  • He would also supply me with tools.


  • He was this amazing encourager -- this patron, sort of, to make stuff.

    他非常的鼓勵我. 資助我讓我發揮

  • And he got me a Super 8 camera when I was 10 years old.

    當我10歲時, 他便給了我一台Super 8攝影機

  • And in 1976, that was sort of an anomaly,

    在當時1976年, 這是非常少見

  • to be a 10-year-old kid that had access to a camera.


  • And you know, he was so generous; I couldn't believe it.

    但他非常的慷慨, 我簡直無法想像

  • He wasn't doing it entirely without some manipulation.


  • I mean, I would call him, and I'd be like,

    我是說, 我會打電話給他說

  • "Listen, Grandpa, I really need this camera.

    『外公, 我真的很需要這台攝影機』

  • You don't understand. This is, like, you know, I want to make movies.

    『你不了解. 我以後想要拍電影』

  • I'll get invited to TED one day. This is like -- " (Laughter)

    『說不定還會被TED邀請去演講 』

  • And you know, and my grandmother was the greatest.


  • Because she'd be like, you know -- she'd get on the phone.


  • She'd be like, "Harry, it's better than the drugs. He should be doing -- "

    然後說著:『哈利, 這總比嗑藥好, 他應該...』

  • She was fantastic. (Laughter)


  • So I found myself getting this stuff,


  • thanks to her assist, and suddenly, you know,

    還好有她的幫忙, 而且突然之間

  • I had a synthesizer when I was 14 years old -- this kind of stuff.

    在我14歲時, 我有了音響

  • And it let me make things, which, to me, was sort of the dream.

    而這讓我能夠做, 對我當時而言是非常遙不可及的東西

  • He sort of humored my obsession to other things too, like magic.

    他也讓我對其他事物開始產生興趣, 例如魔術

  • The thing is, we'd go to this magic store in New York City called Lou Tannen's Magic.


  • It was this great magic store. It was a crappy little building in Midtown,

    那間店很棒, 是位在市中心裡殘破不堪的小店

  • but you'd be in the elevator, the elevator would open --

    當你搭電梯而上, 電梯門開了

  • there'd be this little, small magic store. You'd be in the magic store.

    映入眼簾的一家小魔術店, 你就身在一個魔術店裡

  • And it was just, it was a magical place.


  • So I got all these sort of magic tricks. Oh, here. I'll show you.

    我在那裡看到許多魔術伎倆. 我來表演給大家看

  • This is the kind of thing. So it would be like, you know. Right?

    就像這樣的東西, 然後它會變不見

  • Which is good, but now I can't move.

    這樣是很好啦, 但我現在無法動彈

  • Now, I have to do this, the rest of the thing, like this.

    現在我得完成其餘的步驟, 像這樣

  • I'm like, "Oh, wow. Look at my computer over there!" (Laughter)

    『噢! 我的電腦在那呢!』

  • Anyway, so one of the things that I bought at the magic store was this:


  • Tannen's Mystery Magic Box.


  • The premise behind the mystery magic box was the following:


  • 15 dollars buys you 50 dollars worth of magic.


  • Which is a savings. (Laughter)


  • Now, I bought this decades ago and I'm not kidding.


  • If you look at this, you'll see it's never been opened.


  • But I've had this forever.


  • Now, I was looking at this, it was in my office, as it always is, on the shelf,

    我會盯著它看, 擺在辦公室裡的櫃子上

  • and I was thinking, why have I not opened this?

    然後我不禁自問, 為什麼我不把盒子打開?

  • And why have I kept it? Because I'm not a pack rat. I don't keep everything

    我為什麼要留著它, 我又不是收藏狂, 我不會把東西都留起來

  • but for some reason I haven't opened this box.

    但不知怎麼地, 我從未想要把它打開

  • And I felt like there was a key to this, somehow,


  • in talking about something at TED that I haven't discussed before,


  • and bored people elsewhere.


  • So I thought, maybe there's something with this. I started thinking about it.

    所以我想也許這有什麼意義, 我開始思索

  • And there was this giant question mark. I love the design, for what it's worth,

    盒子上有個很大的問號, 我喜歡它的設計

  • of this thing. And I started thinking, why haven't I opened it?

    我開始想, 那我為何不打開它呢?

  • And I realized that I haven't opened it because it represents something important

    然後我了解到我沒有打開這盒子, 是因為它代表了某種重要的意義

  • -- to me. It represents my grandfather.

    對我來說, 它代表了我的外公

  • Am I allowed to cry at TED? Because -- no, I'm not going to cry. But -- (Laughter)

    我可以在TED這裡大哭嗎? 噢, 我不會哭啦

  • -- the thing is, that it represents infinite possibility.


  • It represents hope. It represents potential.

    它代表了希望, 代表了潛力

  • And what I love about this box,


  • and what I realize I sort of do in whatever it is that I do,


  • is I find myself drawn to infinite possibility, that sense of potential.


  • And I realize that mystery is the catalyst for imagination.


  • Now, it's not the most ground-breaking idea,


  • but when I started to think that maybe there are times when mystery


  • is more important than knowledge, I started getting interested in this.

    比知識還要強大, 我開始對此產生興趣

  • And so I started thinking about "Lost," and the stuff that we do,


  • and I realized, oh my God, mystery boxes are everywhere in what I do!

    我了解到, 噢天啊, 在我所致力的一切裡, 到處都是神祕盒子

  • In how -- in the creation of "Lost," Damon Lindelof and I,

    在發想Lost檔案初期, 我和達蒙林德洛夫

  • who created the show with me, we were basically tasked with creating this series

    我們一起製作這部影集, 在初期是困難重重的

  • that we had very little time to do. We had 11 and a half weeks

    沒有什麼時間去做, 我們只有約11個禮拜

  • to write it, cast it, crew it, shoot it, cut it, post it, turn in a two-hour pilot.

    把劇本寫好, 選演員, 找團隊, 拍攝, 剪輯成兩小時的首播集

  • So it was not a lot of time. And that sense of possibility -- what could this thing be?


  • There was no time to develop it.


  • I'm sure you're all familiar with those people


  • who tell you what you can't do and what you should change.

    總會有人告訴你哪些事不能做, 應該改變什麼

  • And there was no time for that, which is kind of amazing.

    但已經沒有時間去調整, 其實也很神奇

  • And so we did this show, and for those of you who, you know, who haven't seen it,

    我們製作了這部影集, 對那些沒有看過的人

  • or don't know it, I can show you this one little clip from the pilot,

    或沒聽過的人, 我在這裡秀一段首集的片段

  • just to show you some stuff that we did.


  • Claire: Help! Please help me! Help me! Help me!


  • Jack: Get him out of here! Get him away from the engine! Get him out of here!

    把他帶離這裡, 不要待在引擎旁 , 快把他移開

  • C: I'm having contractions!


  • J: How many months pregnant are you?


  • C: I'm only eight months.


  • J: And how far apart are they coming?


  • C: I don't know. I think it just happened.

    我不知道, 我想是剛剛才開始的

  • Man: Hey! Hey! Hey, get away from --


  • JJA: Now, 10 years ago, if we wanted to do that, we'd have to kill a stuntman.

    十年前如果我們要拍這場戲, 可能就得殺一位替身

  • We'd actually -- (Laughter)


  • it would be harder. It would take -- Take 2 would be a bitch.

    這會更加的困難, 如果還NG就完了

  • So the amazing thing was, we were able to do this thing.


  • And part of that was the amazing availability of technology,


  • knowing we could do anything. I mean, we could never have done that.

    讓我們無所不能, 從前我們是無法做到的

  • We might have been able to write it; we wouldn't have been able to depict it

    以前我們也許可以描述出來, 但我們無法精準的體現

  • like we did. And so part of the amazing thing for me is in the creative process,


  • technology is, like, mind-blowingly inspiring to me.

    對我來說, 科技激發我強烈的靈感

  • I realize that that blank page is a magic box, you know?


  • It needs to be filled with something fantastic.


  • I used to have the "Ordinary People" script that I'd flip through.


  • The romance of the script was amazing to me; it would inspire me.

    電影裡的浪漫劇情讓我很感動, 激發了我

  • I wanted to try and fill pages with the same kind of


  • spirit and thought and emotion that that script did.


  • You know, I love Apple computers. I'm obsessed.

    我喜歡蘋果電腦, 我是個蘋果迷

  • So the Apple computer -- like those -- the PowerBook -- this computer, right,

    蘋果電腦, 像這台Powerbook

  • it challenges me. It basically says,

    讓我倍感威脅, 好像在對我說

  • what are you going to write worthy of me? (Laughter)


  • I guess I feel this -- I'm compelled.


  • And I often am like, you know, dude, today I'm out. I got nothing. You know? (Laughter)

    我常常會, 就像:老兄,我沒輒了, 我想不出來

  • So there's that. In terms of the content of it, you look at stories, you think,

    關於事物的內容. 當你看到故事情節, 你會想

  • well, what are stories but mystery boxes?


  • There's a fundamental question -- in TV, the first act is called the teaser.

    這是個非常根本的問題, 在電視圈, 第一幕就要夠吸引觀眾

  • It's literally the teaser. It's the big question.


  • So you're drawn into it. Then of course,


  • there's another question. And it goes on and on.

    然後接著又會有另一個謎團, 不停地接踵而至

  • Look at "Star Wars." You got the droids; they meet the mysterious woman.

    像『星際大戰』裡有機器人, 他們遇見了個神祕女性

  • Who's that? We don't know. Mystery box! You know?

    那是誰, 我們不知道. 是神祕盒子!

  • Then you meet Luke Skywalker. He gets the Droid, you see the holographic image.

    接著還有天行者, 他有了機器人, 然後我們就看到一幅立體影像

  • You learn, oh, it's a message, you know.

    你才發覺, 噢!這是個寓意

  • She wants to, you know, find Obi Wan Kenobi. He's her only hope.

    她想要找到歐比王肯諾比. 他是她唯一的希望

  • But who the hell's Obi Wan Kenobi? Mystery box!

    但那個歐比王到底是誰? 神祕盒子!

  • So then you go and he meets Ben Kenobi. Ben Kenobi is Obi Wan Kenobi.

    然後他又遇見了班肯諾比. 班肯諾比就是歐比王肯諾比

  • Holy shit! You know -- so it keeps us --


  • (Laughter) -- have you guys not seen that?


  • (Laughter) It's huge! Anyway --


  • So there's this thing with mystery boxes that I started feeling compelled.


  • Then there's the thing of mystery in terms of imagination --


  • the withholding of information. You know,


  • doing that intentionally is much more engaging.


  • Whether it's like the shark in "Jaws"


  • -- if Spielberg's mechanical shark, Bruce, had worked,


  • it would not be remotely as scary; you would have seen it too much.

    就不需要在遠處擺出嚇人的樣子, 也沒有太多鏡頭

  • In "Alien", they never really showed the alien: terrifying!

    而在電影『異形』裡, 從未出現過異形的樣子: 太可怕了!

  • Even in a movie, like a romantic comedy, "The Graduate,"


  • they're having that date, remember?


  • And they're in the car, and it's loud, and so they put the top up.

    他們坐在車裡, 周圍很吵雜, 所以他們把車頂拉起

  • They're in there -- you don't hear anything they're saying! You can't hear a word!

    他們就坐在裡面,觀眾聽不到他們的談話, 什麼都聽不到

  • But it's the most romantic date ever. And you love it because you don't hear it.

    但這卻是最浪漫的約會經典畫面, 你會愛這一幕是因為你聽不到

  • So to me, there's that.


  • And then, finally, there's this idea -- stretching the sort of paradigm a little bit --

    所以就是這個概念- 將這個概念應用的稍為廣一點

  • but the idea of the mystery box.


  • Meaning, what you think you're getting, then what you're really getting.

    代表你將會得到, 而且後來真的成真了

  • And it's true in so many movies and stories.


  • And when you look at "E.T.," for example -- "E.T." is this, you know,

    例如,『E.T.』這部電影, 這部電影是關於

  • unbelievable movie about what? It's about an alien who meets a kid, right?


  • Well, it's not. "E.T." is about divorce. "E.T." is about a heartbroken,

    但其實不是, 這部電影其實是關於離婚, 關於一個

  • divorce-crippled family, and ultimately, this kid who can't find his way.

    破碎家庭, 後來這個孩子無法找到生命出口的故事

  • "Die Hard," right? Crazy, great, fun, action-adventure movie in a building.

    『終極警探』是部很瘋狂, 精彩有趣的動作冒險電影

  • It's about a guy who's on the verge of divorce.


  • He's showing up to L.A., tail between his legs.


  • There are great scenes -- maybe not the most amazing dramatic

    裡面有多精彩的畫面, 也許並不是史上

  • scenes in the history of time, but pretty great scenes.

    最佳的場面, 但也很不錯了

  • There's a half an hour of investment in character before you get to the stuff

    在真正好戲上場前, 該角色有約半小時的劇情鋪陳

  • that you're, you know, expecting.


  • When you look at a movie like "Jaws,"


  • the scene that you expect -- we have the screen?

    你會期待看到, 我們有畫面嗎?

  • These are the kind of, you know, scenes that you remember and expect from "Jaws."

    這些就是我們會記得, 並且期待在『大白鯊』裡看到的場面

  • And she's being eaten; there's a shark.

    有一隻鯊魚, 她會被吃掉

  • The thing about "Jaws" is, it's really about a guy


  • who is sort of dealing with his place in the world -- with his masculinity,

    身上背負著家庭, 要在世界上找自己的定位

  • with his family, how he's going to, you know, make it work in this new town.


  • This is one of my favorite scenes ever,


  • and this is a scene that you wouldn't necessarily think of when you think of "Jaws."


  • But it's an amazing scene.


  • Father: C'mere. Give us a kiss.

    過來, 親爸爸一下

  • Son: Why?


  • Father: 'Cause I need it.


  • JJA: C'mon. "Why? 'Cause I need it?" Best scene ever, right?

    拜託, 『為什麼?因為我需要?』太棒了, 不是嗎?

  • Come on! So you think of "Jaws" --

    對吧! 所以當你想到『大白鯊』

  • so that's the kind of stuff that, like, you know, the investment of character,


  • which is the stuff that really is inside the box, you know?


  • It's why when people do sequels, or rip off movies, you know, of a genre,


  • they're ripping off the wrong thing.


  • You're not supposed to rip off the shark or the monster.


  • You gotta rip off -- you know, if you rip something off -- rip off the character.


  • Rip off the stuff that matters. I mean, look inside yourself and figure out what is inside you.

    加入真正重要的部份, 我是指好好審視內心找出屬於自己的那一塊

  • Because ultimately, you know, the mystery box is all of us. So there's that.


  • Then the distribution. What's a bigger mystery box than a movie theater?

    再來是分配. 什麼樣的神祕盒子比電影戲院更大?

  • You know? You go to the theater, you're just so excited to see anything.

    你走進電影院, 期待著看到精采絕倫的戲

  • The moment the lights go down is often the best part, you know?


  • And you're full of that amazing --


  • that feeling of excited anticipation.


  • And often, the movie's, like, there and it's going, and then something happens

    通常電影開演, 然後有事件發生了

  • and you go, "Oh--" and then something else, and you're, "Mmm ..."

    然後你會:噢, 接著又有另一轉折, 你會:嗯..

  • Now, when it's a great movie, you're along for the ride

    這時若是一部好片, 你會隨著電影心情上上下下

  • 'cause you're willing to give yourself to it.


  • So to me, whether it's that, whether it's a TV, an iPod, computer, cell phone --

    對我來說這不管是在戲院, 電視 還是用iPod, 電腦或手機來看

  • it's funny, I'm an -- as I said, Apple fanatic -- and one day, about a year or so ago,

    這很有趣. 我是個蘋果迷, 而有一天, 大該是約一年前

  • I was signing on online in the morning to watch Steve Jobs' keynote,


  • 'cause I always do. And he came on, he was presenting the video iPod,

    我必看的. 然後他正在展示 Video iPod

  • and what was on the enormous iPod behind him?


  • "Lost"! I had no idea! And I realized, holy shit, it'd come full circle.

    『Lost檔案』! 我完全沒想到, 後來我發現這一切都是相互關連的

  • Like, the inspiration I get from the technology is now using the stuff that I do,

    就像我從科技得到的靈感, 運用在我致力的事物上

  • inspired by it, to sell technology. I mean, it's nuts! (Laughter)

    然後我所做的用來幫助科技的販賣, 超不可思議的!

  • I was gonna show you a couple of other things I'm gonna skip through.

    我原本要介紹其他的, 但還是跳過好了

  • I just want to show you one other thing that has nothing to do with anything.


  • This is something online; I don't know if you've seen it before.

    是網路上的影片, 不知道你們有沒有看過

  • Six years ago they did this. This is an online thing done by guys


  • who had some visual effects experience. But the point was,

    做了這個, 重點是

  • that they were doing things that were using these mystery boxes that they had --


  • everyone has now.


  • What I've realized is what my grandfather did for me when I was a kid,


  • everyone has access to now.


  • You don't need to have my grandfather, though you wished you had.

    你不需要有我的外公, 雖然你會希望你能有

  • But I have to tell you -- this is a guy doing stuff on a Quadra 950 computer

    但我得告訴你們,這個傢伙用Quadra 950型的蘋果電腦

  • -- the resolution's a little bit low --


  • using Infinity software they stopped making 15 years ago.


  • He's doing stuff that looks as amazing as stuff I've seen released from Hollywood.


  • The most incredible sort of mystery, I think, is now the question of what comes next.


  • Because it is now democratized. So now, the creation of media is -- it's everywhere.

    現在民主社會裡, 各式媒體垂手可得

  • The stuff that I was lucky and begging for to get when I was a kid is now ubiquitous.


  • And so, there's an amazing sense of opportunity out there.


  • And when I think of the filmmakers who exist out there now who would have


  • been silenced, you know -- who have been silenced in the past --


  • it's a very exciting thing.


  • I used to say in classes and lectures and stuff,


  • to someone who wants to write, "Go! Write! Do your thing." It's free,

    寫作的學生說:就去寫, 把你的故事寫下來. 反正不用錢

  • you know, you don't need permission to go write. But now I can say,

    寫作並不需要獲得許可才能寫. 但現在我可以說

  • "Go make your movie!" There's nothing stopping you


  • from going out there and getting the technology.

    起身去行動, 運用科技

  • You can lease, rent, buy stuff off the shelf


  • that is either as good, or just as good, as the stuff that's being used by the, you know,

    任何方式都好, 只要是運用在

  • quote unquote "legit people."


  • No community is best served when only the elite have control.


  • And I feel like this is an amazing opportunity to see what else is out there.

    我覺得這真的很棒, 知道社會上充滿生機

  • When I did "Mission: Impossible III," we had amazing visual effects stuff.

    當我製作『不可能任務三』時, 做了很多很棒的視覺特效

  • ILM did the effects; it was incredible.

    是由ILM製作的, 非常的棒

  • And sort of like my dream to be involved.


  • And there are a couple of sequences in the movie,


  • like these couple of moments I'll show you.


  • There's that.


  • Okay, obviously I have an obsession with big crazy explosions.

    很明顯, 我這個人超愛瘋狂的爆破大場面

  • So my favorite visual effect in the movie is the one I'm about to show you.


  • And it's a scene in which Tom's character wakes up. He's drowsy. He's crazy

    這一幕是關於湯姆所飾演的主角剛醒來, 昏昏的

  • -- out of it. And the guy wakes up,

    非常瘋狂, 他醒來

  • and he shoves this gun in his nose and shoots this little capsule into his brain

    拿起他的槍抵住他的鼻子, 將一粒小膠囊射入他的腦袋

  • that he's going to use later to kill him, as bad guys do.

    那膠囊將會置他於死, 就像壞人通常會做的事

  • Bad Guy: Good morning.


  • JJA: OK, now. When we shot that scene, we were there doing it,


  • the actor who had the gun, an English actor, Eddie Marsan -- sweetheart, great guy

    那位英國演員艾迪瑪森拿著槍, 大好人一個

  • -- he kept taking the gun and putting it into Tom's nose, and it was hurting Tom's nose.

    他一直拿著槍, 把槍抵住湯姆的鼻子, 然後湯姆的鼻子就受傷了

  • And I learned this very early on in my career: Don't hurt Tom's nose. (Laughter)

    我很早前就學到: 千萬不要傷到湯姆克魯斯的鼻子

  • There are three things you don't want to do. Number two is: Don't hurt Tom's nose.

    有三件事是絕對不能犯的, 第二件事就是不要傷到湯姆的鼻子

  • So Eddie has this gun -- and he's the greatest guy -- he's

    所以艾迪拿著槍, 他是個很好的人

  • this really sweet English guy. He's like, "Sorry, I don't want to hurt you."

    他就是個非常貼心的英國男孩, 他會:『對不起, 我無意傷害你』

  • I'm like -- you gotta -- we have to make this look good.


  • And I realized that we had to do something 'cause it wasn't working just as it was.

    然後我發現我們必須調整, 因為出來的效果不佳

  • And I literally, like, thought back to what I would have done using


  • the Super 8 camera that my grandfather got me sitting in that room,

    那台Super 8攝影機坐在房間裡時, 我會做些什麼

  • and I realized that hand didn't have to be Eddie Marsan's. It could be Tom's.

    然後我發現這根本不需要艾迪來拿著槍, 可以讓湯姆來拿著

  • And Tom would know just how hard to push the gun. He wouldn't hurt himself.

    湯姆會知道該使多大的力, 就不會傷到他自己

  • So we took his hand and we painted it to look a little bit more like Eddie's.


  • We put it in Eddie's sleeve,


  • and so the hand that you see -- I'll show you again,


  • that's not Eddie's hand, that's Tom's.

    不是艾迪的手, 而是湯姆的

  • So Tom is playing two roles. (Laughter)


  • And he didn't ask for any more money.


  • So here, here. Watch it again.


  • There he is. He's waking up. He's drowsy, been through a lot.

    他醒來, 還很昏沉, 經歷許多折磨

  • Tom's hand. Tom's hand. Tom's hand. (Laughter) Anyway.

    你們看湯姆的手, 是湯姆的手!

  • So.


  • (Applause)


  • Thanks.


  • So you don't need the greatest technology to do things that can work in movies.


  • And the mystery box, in honor of my grandfather, stays closed.

    而神祕魔法盒, 為了向我外公致敬, 將永遠保持封存

  • Thank you. (Applause)


I wanna start today -- here's my thing. Hold on. There I go.

今天我要談談這個, 等等. 好了


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