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  • Hello guys, this is Wengie here. Welcome back to my channel

  • and today is actually my 30th birthday

  • I actually don’t feel any different to how I felt a couple of years ago, hopefully I am a little bit wiser

  • today I want to share with you guys a bunch of beauty hacks, skincare, and makeup hacks that I absolutely love

  • and some of these you may have seen and some of them you may have not seen

  • because these are sort of my own secret little hacks

  • and if you guys have not joined my family we are almost a 900,000 members which is insane,

  • I could not have done this without you guys, I love you guys all so much

  • and it’s super simple all you have to do is click the subscribe button

  • and you get notified of my two videos a week

  • and if you like these kind of cheats, and hacks, and tips, and tricks kind of videos

  • give me a thumbs up, let me know if you enjoyed it and I will do more videos like these in the future

  • but without further ado let’s jump straight into having all of these hacks

  • My family members will know that I am absolutely a tea lover,

  • I will drink tea at morning, at night, I will drink it multiple times at day,

  • and I will actually use the same tea bag quite a few times

  • until I can’t see any color come out anymore because I just don’t like to waste

  • but one great thing about green tea is that it’s a great toner for your skin

  • so instead of buying those cooling sprays in the chemist

  • you can actually just make a batch of green tea cool it down, pour it into a spritz bottle

  • and you can throw it in the fridge for times when you need a little bit of a pick me up for your skin

  • it’s super refreshing

  • so make sure you make a fresh batch every single time because it may go off,

  • it’s full of antioxidants and is absolutely a toner for your skin,

  • the other thing you can do with the leftover tea bags, is you pop into the fridge

  • and cool down your eyes as a cooling mask, you get rid of all the swelling and puffiness in the morning

  • it feels so good guys you have no idea, it’s summer right now so this has been a little guilty pleasure of mine

  • this is Mikki guilty pleasure,

  • yeah, he likes to lick its foot

  • I am actually super uncouth with my toner

  • sometimes I don’t want to put it on a cotton pad because I feel there is a lot of wastage

  • so I will try and get it onto my hand and onto my face as quickly as possible

  • but obviously it just drips through my fingers all the time and it’s just so uncoordinated

  • NOOO

  • I just try to get it onto my face as quickly as possible before I like leave a huge mess

  • ironically I still waste a lot of product so what I’ve been doing is putting this toner into a spritz bottle

  • and choking in the fridge as well for a refreshing toning sort of session after my shower

  • and the morning to wake me up

  • and it’s a great way to get it onto your skin without any waste and you can just pat it in afterwards

  • it’s just changed my skincare routine, it’s changed my game guys.

  • you guys know sometimes someone walks past you and you get that whiff of perfume and it’s just amazing

  • but when you spray perfume directly onto your hair, it can be a little too strong

  • and you don’t want to like punch them in the face

  • so a great way is to get your brush and a perfume

  • and to spray a light mist of perfume onto your brush before you brush your hair

  • and that will just deposit the perfect amount of smell into your hair

  • and this is the perfect thing to do between shampoos and when you run out of that shampoo smell

  • but you still want that nice smelling hair

  • another great thing that I like to do to pick up my hair during the week is to put a few drops of essential oils,

  • whether it’s coconut oil, or moroccan oil onto my brush

  • and because my brush is a natural bristle brush it also helps moisturize the bristles

  • it saves you from getting oily hands, because sometimes I hate putting oil treatments on my hands

  • it gets really oily and then I have to wash my hands to put on my makeup

  • this is a great way to distribute it straight into your hair

  • and it distributes really really evenly as well, leaves your hair smooth and shining.

  • Bobby pins, they are getting really slippery you can just give it a coat of hair spray

  • before you pop it in and that will keep it there,

  • the other thing you want to know about bobby pins I honestly did not know

  • is the curly side goes underneath it and not on top and that gives you more grip

  • if you have bobby pins that are matching your hair color because you changed your color as often as I do

  • or you want a sort of bright bobby pin, you don’t have to go out and buy new ones,

  • all you have to do is grab your nail polish that is in a color that you like

  • and paint a coat of paint over the bobby pin, it goes on so well

  • that once it drys you have a brand new bobby pin that totally matches my hair.

  • I never thought I’d use a kitchen sponge in my beauty hack, but this is awesome

  • what you need to do is get a jar and kitchen sponge

  • you want to measure off your jar and if your sponge is too tall you want to cut to size

  • and then put it in the jar and then I’m using the remainder cuts to fill in the gaps in the middle

  • and pour all your nail polish remover so it’s all soaked and this is a perfect way to remove your nail,

  • without using a whole lot cotton buds and cotton pads and wasting all that

  • and the next time you want to use it, all you need to do is to give it a little shake,

  • that will distribute the liquid up to the top again

  • you can pop this in your bag is great for travel you don’t need to take lots and lots of bottles with you

  • So the next beauty hack has save me a lot of money,

  • I literally stop buying those cleansing wipes from the quemist

  • they can be like $7 dollars for 10 which I go through them so quickly

  • so you can totally make these cleansing wipes really easily at home,

  • just grab yourself a really small ziplock bag

  • some cotton pads that you normally use,

  • I pop these in and pour a little bit of makeup remover into it and make sure all pads are soaked

  • and I like to use a sensitive skin formula because you will be leaving this on your skin

  • you can just buy really inexpensive eye makeup removal

  • this is also perfect for travel as well if you want to bring some eye makeup removal with you

  • without bringing the whole bottle, just keep it soaked in these little ziplock bags and they pack away so easily

  • you can do this with your toners as well and it will just save you so much space

  • I also like to keep these on my bedside drawer, for those days when I’m just so lazy to wash my face

  • that happens a lot

  • and if you are too lazy to wash your face another option is coconut oil

  • and this is great for removing waterproof makeup

  • the thing about coconut oil is that it is so nourishing and great for your skin,

  • all you need to do is sort of rub all of your makeup off

  • and then I just get a toner pad to wipe off all the excess makeup and everything on my face

  • and you literally don’t need to wash anything off your face

  • for those of you guys that want to try this make sure that you are not going to breakout from coconut oil

  • and if you do, don’t do this, but otherwise it’s just a very great way to get your three step cleansing routine in

  • if you don’t have access to running water or anything like that, so that is an option for you guys

  • and this makeup hack, I’ve been obsessed with, is like a skin prep before makeup

  • all you need to do is pour some toner onto a cotton pad and place them onto your cheeks

  • this part of my face loses moisture a lot and I get those sort of smile lines,

  • so this really plumbs up my face before I put on makeup, so you just basically soak your cotton pad

  • I have these ones by Muji which I can split in half, which saves me an extra cotton pad

  • and I just place them, they stick on really well because they are moist

  • and then I just leave them on while I do my eye makeup and everything

  • and when I’m done with my eye makeup I just take these off and my skin is really prep for foundation,

  • this is a really great way to do a pick me up mask during the day as well if your skin is feeling a little dry

  • just soak some cotton pads and pop them onto your face, is one of my favorite things to do

  • I got this tip actually from buying Muji skincare apparently is really popular to do in japan

  • and finally my favorite one saves me a lot of money

  • if you guys wear fake lashes youll know how easy is to lose one,

  • have one fall off and then just end up with a single lash that you don’t know what to do with

  • or maybe you wear the pair and then one of them gets really gross but the other one was absolutely fine

  • I have no idea why that happens but it just does

  • but what I like to do is to cut them in half

  • and then you have a brand new pair of half lashes that you can wear for natural looks,

  • this works really well for lashes that are evenly shaped

  • they don’t work so well with lashes that go from short to long

  • but these pair of lashes that I’ve been wearing to death are by Tine Minx,

  • and one of them don’t look so happy anymore so this is the perfect way I save them and I’m wearing them today

  • so this will hopefully get you a few more ways out of your lashes before you have to throw them away

  • I hope you guys learned something today, let me know which one was your favorite,

  • and I put up a couple of really interesting videos on my channel lately

  • check them out if you haven’t seen them already

  • don’t forget I love you guys so so so much I hope you guys have a wonderful week

  • and I’ll see you guys right back here in a couple of days, bye

  • ..don’t forget I love you gu...

Hello guys, this is Wengie here. Welcome back to my channel


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11個美容小竅門♥翁吉 (11 Beauty Hacks ♥ Wengie)

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    kath_chaste 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日