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  • Hi Fitlifer Drew Canole here... I'm here with DJ Djamel Bettahar. We're rocking out this

  • video together.. My man came in here this morning and his like 'Drew I'm not feeling

  • well' tell me about what's going on. I woke up this morning with this little stuffy sore

  • throat, cold body aches I don't feel 100%. Yup! Spencer's out of the office, I woke up

  • to the headache I had one for the past couple of days, not really 100% optimal so we're

  • going to make sure that if you ever start to experience these type of things? We're

  • going to show you how to super charge your immune system with four easy steps so that

  • you don't have to go through a down day. Okay, and that's what we want to do on this week's

  • Saturday strategy I figure to be cool to take you with us, we're going to go to one of my

  • favorite places in San Diego and we're going to rock this out. So sit tight.. By the end

  • of this video if you get anything out of it or any information and all that you love feel

  • free to share it with your friends. Fitlifer also give it a big 'ol thumbs up we're working

  • and also Djamel is working even if he doesn't feel like it, that's what we do you know we

  • want to heal the world. So come with us let's heal the world together.

  • Let's get down the road here, let's go spread some love, some cheer, let's boost Djamel's

  • vibrational state up fitlifer, c'mon! Yeah.. High five my man, there we go baby. Fist bump,

  • there we go. We are here for the juice, guess where we are Fitifers.. Vitality Tap, the

  • secret source, all organic, healthy amazing place. Step number 1, if you're feeling under

  • the weather this holiday season number 1 is to start drinking more greens on your diet

  • obviously juicing. A lot of people prefer orange juice when they start getting sick

  • or a lot of them drink pasteurized orange juice. Pasteurized orange juice means that

  • it's heated up so it loses a lot of its enzymes, amino acid, phytonutrients that are essentially

  • good for you, not only that but it's also loaded with sugars. Some of these orange juice

  • companies add sugars to the orange juice which actually feeds the cold or feeds the virus,

  • so for my man Djamel we got simple green drink, we got collard green, Swiss chard, without

  • the apple, we got a little ginger, we got a little lemon, celery all the things that

  • are going going to boost his immune system up so he gets rid of his thing completely.

  • I want you to boost your immune system up. I'm going to leave the juice recipe below

  • this video as well. Step number 1 Juice. Hi guys so here it is, it came in here in a nice

  • cooler as well, vitality tap so I'm going to drink this all day long because I'm feeling

  • little under the weather I'm going to give my body a chance to breakdown the toxins inside,

  • I'm going to take a little coconut oil as well and I'm going to go back to the house

  • and show you two additional things that we're going to do for Djamel and me, to boost our

  • immune systems up, super charge them so we're not getting ill around the holiday season.

  • Let's do this. Alright guys, we didn't shop at Ralphs but we're going to help people with

  • their groceries in Ralphs. You're going to live outside of yourself to really heal yourself.

  • That's exactly what we're doing, we're going to help some people with groceries, c'mon.

  • Here let me help you with that my man. Yeah! Thank you. We're going to do a good deed for

  • the day. Here you go my man. Pay it forward, right? How's your day goin'? This is the greatest

  • thing that's happened. Really? What was goin' on? Oh, I just, I have to do everything for

  • my children. Oh man. Look at this! Hey, thank you for being an amazing mom. Bring it in.

  • Give me a hug. Okay, I'm Drew. Hey Drew and this is Djamel. He was feeling a little under

  • the weather and we're like, to get better we have to help other people. That's what

  • I tell my kids that when you're in the dumps you just got to do something nice for someone

  • else and it just raises you up. Alright, do your thing. Nice meeting you. That was so

  • cool. You feel better already? A lot better. What do you think? Does that work? It works.

  • When you do stuff for others. I feel better and you look better actually. He's looking

  • a lot better. Alright, so here back in the kitchen. How are you feeling? Much much better.

  • Much better, you look better, even his voice is better. Alright so we're going to do my

  • secret immune boosting stack right here and I have a variety of these you guys in the

  • juicewithdrew systems. So if you're interested in getting your hand on somebody's protocols

  • click the link below take the quiz, figure out where you're efficient and solve it. Real

  • simple and easy. So, let's move on with this ok? First step was the juice, secondly, we

  • actually went out to help people so we boost our vibration by giving which was totally

  • awesome. Yeah, you feel better, I feel better, and everybody feels better. I like to take

  • a little coconut oil with my juice cleansing as well. It helps flush out the toxins. Plus

  • it helps the headache that you take with the one day juice cleanse. Alright, so next step

  • for my man, Djamel, Oregano oil. They've done tons of stat testing on this actually I was

  • reading some of the testing just now in pigs. They fed placebo group no oregano and then

  • one group with oregano oil and the pigs that took oregano oil actually boosted the white

  • blood cell count. And white blood cells are what you need to help rid of the inflammation

  • and start the healing process as well. It's spicy so it's really hot so you want to be

  • really careful on how much you're going to take. If you've taken oregano oil give this

  • video a big ol' thumbs up cause you're our peeps. And then also magnesium, they've done

  • research in regards to immune system and magnesium, if you take too much you'll know it immediately.

  • You're going to go to the bathroom and you're going to have a huge BM which is important

  • because in healing your gut in making sure that those little bacteria organisms, the

  • bad bacteria you want out of your system as fast as possible. So I'm going to show you

  • how to do this. We're going to take the oregano oil and we're going to check back in and see

  • how you feel ok? Alright. Ready captain? Ready. To health. To healing the world. That is delicious.

  • It's really spicy but it's really good. That surprised me because Djamel doesn't really

  • like spicy stuff most of the time but you'll feel it, take some deep breath. It will really

  • do its work in healing your upper respiratory tract and really getting in your nose opening

  • your nostrils up. Okay, it's really good. So we got our water ready for the magnesium.

  • Alright so simply I just boiled a little bit of water. Like this I'm going to pour in two

  • cups. It's like making coffee right? Or a tea. We're going to give Djamel two scoops.

  • I'm going to flushing out the bathroom later. I'm going to take two scoops as well. This

  • is like the best video that we have. Cheers to you. Cheers. Not bad huh? Not bad. I'd

  • like to keep it simple you guys. The body is an amazing healing miracle of a machine

  • that does a lot on its own. I'm not evacating, Djamel's not evacating but you need to bypass

  • the doctor completely when you start to get ill. But this is kind of my home protocol,

  • one of the things I do when I start to feel I'm coming down with something. Simple and

  • easy. Let's talk about it, number one it was getting the juice, right? Making sure that

  • your body is loaded with all the micronutrients, those things that are going to feed your cells.

  • Number two it was giving, giving out in the public and maybe writing out a letter to somebody

  • that you haven't been for a while and tell them how much you love them. Number three

  • was oregano oil. And then also is the magnesium, it relaxes you and, a lot of people are all

  • stressed out and magnesium will feel like the calming sensation all over your body and

  • I love it. And then taking a little coconut oil juice oil in your juice to help push out

  • the toxins. And that was the four things you can do to super charge and boost your immune

  • systems up. We appreciate you for watching this. We want to hear your successes with

  • battling colds or battling sickness around the holidays, tell us what it is maybe it's

  • just a juice recipe. So leave a comment below for a chance to win a juicer next week, real

  • simple and easy. If you guys want to access the protocol, this protocol or a lot of other

  • information, the alphabolic type, the things that we talked about today click on the link

  • below this video and take the quiz it takes a couple of minutes to take the quiz, we're

  • going to send you an email after you do that explaining to you what you need to work on

  • individually to super charge your health boost your immune system lose that weight you've

  • been trying to lose. You know what I'm talking about Fitlifer. Thanks so much dude, how are

  • you feeling, on a scale from 1 to 10? 12. Feeling like a twelve? Alright Fitlifers,

  • we'll see you next time. Drew Canole, DJ, remember we're in this together, we'll see

  • you soon.

Hi Fitlifer Drew Canole here... I'm here with DJ Djamel Bettahar. We're rocking out this


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抵抗感冒的4個步驟 (4 Steps to Beat the Cold)

  • 173 9
    Pedroli Li 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日