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We're on the first run here.
My kind of idea is thinking
for me it's been four to five months since I've been able to put in a serious running workout,
because I had plantar fasciitis,
and I've finally gotten that cleared up,
and so, quarter mile,
it's like let's see what you've got.
You've got three of them
with some breaks, but obviously with all the other stuff in between.
But if I could have stayed between that 75- and 80-second
quarter mile, I would have been pretty happy,
which I pretty much did that.
First lap was a little slow, a little conservative,
I think I came through in like 82,
but we'll see here.
I do think about some things when I'm running.
Most of it's where my foot's hitting,
and then my pull,
my pull up heel to hamstring,
and being light on the feet,
not being heavy on the ground,
tapping the ground as quick as I can and getting off the ground as quick as I can.
And obviously I'm not--this isn't a sprint.
I'm--this is a slow run.
But, you know, having finished the workout now and had some time to think about it,
I probably would have blown out the run a little bit more,
if you're really looking to get a good score, because then you can hammer out more double-unders.
You get an extra five, six seconds on the run,
you know, and you can string all those double-unders together.
And I messed up my double-unders on the first two rounds, I think,
about halfway through. Yeah, there was a mess-up.
Yeah, which, there's 5, 6, 7, 8 reps.
Depending on how good you are, you're probably not going to make that up
on everything if it's a comparable other Games athlete.
Interesting watching doing the double-unders with my right arm.
It sticks out further than my left.
Big difference between using dumbbells and a barbell.
Dumbbells, you have to have more control,
so you're worrying about different access, you know, a lateral movement of the dumbbell.
You have to stabilize it to prevent it from going
left to right, as well as forwards and backwards.
You know, a barbell, you can kind of just get it racked there
and you can relax a little bit easier.
Even when I take a pause with the dumbbells up here,
I'm in some state of tension everwhere
to try to keep those dumbbells where i want to keep them.
So although you're resting, you're still using a little bit of juice,
a little bit of energy to kind of keep the dumbbells where you want them.
This didn't hurt my lungs too bad,
this workout. It did, by the time you hit the end of the five minutes,
it's pretty bad,
but the failure point was never like,
"I'm so out of breath. I don't want to keep moving."
You know what I mean? It was
my grip and my arms were the biggest thing,
which again, makes me think again, maybe I should have blown out that run a little bit harder
to try to jack the heart rate up a little bit.
But um,
again, for my first time coming back running,
75 seconds to 80 seconds is anywhere between
a five-minute and 5:20 mile-ish pace,
which is clipping along for me not having to run for so long.
The first set I went to 20 or 25,
I think, on the pull-ups,
and I just wanted to take a little bit of a break, like have some kind of
like five seconds, six seconds,
maybe 10 at the most,
and see if that was the best way,
and then on the next set I think I went almost to failure on the following round.
I wanted to make this where it's like,
you finish a round, your transition is
you walk straight to the next thing.
It's not--try not to make your transitions where
something was so bad that
now I'm walking to the dumbbells and I'm going to take 10 seconds--20 seconds and think about it.
Try to get to it, take a breath, pick them up.
Try to finish your double-unders, walk right to the dumbbells.
Finish the dumbbells, walk right to the pull-up bar,
and try to knock out a set.
You end up swinging, for sure.
There's no stopping point. I mean, obviously there's a stopping point as they go back for the dumbbell,
but uh,
it turned into, you know, a little bit of a "swole sesh" with these hang cleans.
My arms felt like they were going to pop after every round.
Five minutes was great to hit it hard again.
People are going to think that that five minutes is a lot,
and it's not.
It's not a lot of rest.
It's not a lot of rest in terms of
any conditioning when you look at any other sport:
swimming, track and field,
whatever it might be.
Five minutes really isn't that much if you're going to talk about
a max effort of five minutes of work.
If you're really trying to maximize your output in that five minutes,
it's only a one-to-one.
In a lot of max-effort events
where you're trying to train for that,
like, just full-throttle redline the entire time,
you're looking at, like, maybe like, a one-to-five,
or a one-to-three rest ratio.
If you're telling yourself, "Oh, this rest is too long,"
go harder. Run harder.
Try to hang onto the dumbbells for a little bit longer.
Try to do a couple more pull-ups on your first set.
When I'm doing double-unders I'm thinking about,
again, really light touch on the ground,
trying to make most of the rotation in my wrist,
not so much in the shoulder.
And every now and then I'll feel the rope scrape my feet somewhere.
I mean, there I missed.
But, when I jump, my feet kind of spread apart on the jump,
so I'll try to hug my feet together to keep them from touching the rope.
These 35-lb. dumbbells were deceiving.
It looks so easy when I'm watching myself do it,
but that doesn't really express how badly my shoulders and my triceps hurt.
I have a hard time getting my arms straight up, directly overhead as is.
So I have to put in, I feel like, a little bit more effort
to get them into that position.
It's a flexibility thing,
and I've been working on it, but
I could feel it today for sure.
A minute with just 35-lb. dumbbells doesn't sound like a lot,
but when you're just pounding out the reps,
it gets pretty sticky.
Yeah, so any rest that I did on this,
I really wanted to try to rest in that front rack,
and not put them down. I think I only ended up putting them down on the first set,
or on the last set rather.
And this set of pull-ups I think I do a few more than the last one.
I really tried to go and test the grip a little bit.
Dependent on the workout I guess,
chest-to-bar I find that I'll go to muscular failure before I get too winded,
but regular pull-ups will take my breath away big time.
The transition from the pull-up to the dumbbell squat cleans was all in your arms,
arms and shoulders, and just being able to hold onto them.
I mean, I was, you know, the squat is like it kind of hurts, and you know you're trying to keep your chest tall,
and keep a tight midline when you're going down there, just like you would with any other squat.
Yeah Dan, pick your head up.
Eyes on the horizon when you squat.
Keep that chest tall.
But really on a number of them,
you know, it looks like I'm setting them down,
but I typically know the next rep, the dumbbells might just peel out of my fingers.
I wouldn't like to rest more than 10 seconds.
Five breaths is usually about 10 seconds.
you say it's--
you say it's 10 seconds,
you know, in your mind, but um,
really it might be 10 seconds before you decide to pick up the dumbbells,
and then by the time you actually go and pick the dumbbells up,
you're at 15 seconds,
so you have to think about that as well.
I'm feeling fatigued on the run now.
Feeling my midline kind of breaking a little bit,
and what I mean by that is when you get tired when you run,
typically, you're going to start to overarch
on your back. Your belly's going to start to stick out a little bit,
and your hips are going to drop backwards,
and that's going to negatively affect you being able to lift at the knee
and get the proper stride length that you typically do.
So to be cognizant of that, you're almost
kind of squeezing your butt a little bit and keeping your hips tucked
underneath you rather than breaking at that midline.
And I can start to feel that
on this round, like the run started to hurt a little bit,
a little bit more, I guess.
It was always a little bit hard on the other two rounds,
but this one, I could really start to feel it here.
And again, I think if you really want to maximize this workout
and really get everything you want out of it,
run a little harder than you think you should.
I think I should have ran these 75 or under
now that I'm thinking about it.
But again, I'm being careful with my foot,
being careful with what I'm doing
to make sure that I'm not injured for the Open,
so this was a great test for it,
and I feel pretty confident on my foot right now.
But yeah, I couldn't move my arms. My arms were in molasses on this one,
just all the blood in your arms,
and the--I don't know, whatever you want to call it--lactate,
ions--who knows?--whatever,
whichever you want to choose,
but again--kryptonite, yeah--but again,
run straight to it, grab that rope
and try to just go.
Not a whole lot of break for your shoulders in this whole thing.
Man, I'm definitely going to try and fix that. My right arm is definitely higher than my left.
I think a lot of people do that with double-unders.
And despite previous tips I've given on double-unders,
I was definitely trying to do a little bit of a pike, or a knee tuck,
I guess, on the double-unders on this last round
to make sure that my feet cleared the rope.
Just trying to pull my feet up that extra hair,
because I was having trouble jumping on that last quarter mile.
Put the rope down, get your hands on those dumbbells,
put them up to the shoulders, and go.
I was surprised on the shoulder-to-overhead how bad my grip hurt,
even just holding onto the dumbbell.
I look like I'm laughing there.
I'm not.
Thirty-fives were definitely appropriate,
even though, I guess though,
the fourth--the fourth workout I've done today.
The other two were fairly shoulder-intensive.
The 35s, I still feel like, would be a good test for somebody to just blast through
every round and see if you just don't have to put them down
or don't have to stop.
Oh good, see, I'm really glad to see that it's just kind of turn around and onto the next movement.
Just go. Don't really think about it.
Crank out what you can. Short breaks.
You only have a minute.
Let fatigue be the guide.
Go ahead and go to failure.
You know what I mean?
Go ahead and go there, and then
count to five and jump back on the bar
and see what you can get. Test yourself.
You can always do better. You can always change your strategy
the next time you go back and redo a workout,
and it's important to redo workouts,
because that's how you know if you're getting fitter or not.
And taking a chance in training usually means
that you're going to, um--
you'll probably get more out of the workout, period,
just because you don't have the adrenaline from competing,
and you will take the chance in competition.
Oh, there's a big wad of drool.
Oh, that was bad.
I was trying to keep it in.
I was trying to keep it in.
Guess that means I was working hard.
It would be annoying to hear that they'd say that you're 30 seconds in.
It's like, "Gosh, why can't I just keep holding onto these things?
There's just another 30 seconds,
another 10 seconds."
Very deceptive on the grip.
I knew the arms were going to be hurting though.
Pretty bad.
Oh, my arms.
I went to near-failure on everything I could do.
I tried to do all of the shoulder-to-overhead unbroken.
I tried to only drop the dumbbells once
on any of the squat cleans,
and most of the time when I was going to drop them they--
I just felt my hands just peeling open,
and uh,
if I would change anything I would definitely sell out a little more on the run.
Again, because I've been kind of hurt I took it a little bit slow,
that 75- to 80-second pace.
If you're anywhere between a 5:20 and 5:40 miler,
I would look at going sub-75 for sure
for all three of these.
Especially if you want to get a better score, you can crank out more double-unders.
Heart rate was jacked during the workout but not--
not that I've experienced--not the worst that I've experienced.
It definitely comes down to,
you know, muscular fatigue, how long you can hang onto the dumbbells,
how long you can stay on the pull-up bar,
what's your grip going to allow you to do,
and how many chances do you want to take.