字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 PREVIOUSLY ON MARGOT VS LILY Previously on Margot Vs Lily: 大宅女VS健身狂 上集回顧 Margot and Lily make a stupid bet and Margot跟Lily打了個很蠢的賭 dad just wants to go to bed. 但老爸只想趕快上床睡覺 Hey, how much longer is this gonna go? 嘿 你們還要多久才會結束 NIKE PRESENTS A BETTER FOR IT PRODUCTION NIKE 原創影集 只為更讚 出品 BRIGETTE LUNDY-PAINE 大宅女VS健身狂 SAMANTHA MARIE WARE 第二回合: 菜鳥報到 MARGOT VS LILY 等到開始訓練幾週之後 EPISODE 2 BEGINNERS (倒數)五 Couple more weeks of these... 妳就要改叫女強人 ...five... 因為妳會變成肌肉女 ...and you'll have to change your last name to The Ripper... 保持 別停下來 ...because you, my friend, will be jacked. 我能懂為甚麼大家都喜歡這些影片 Alright, just don't stop there. Allie 妳是認真的嗎 Keep on going. 她非常的激勵人心 I see why people like this. 她讓我相信 我一定能做到 Oh, Allie, are you serious? 雖然這些動作我百分之百做不到 She is very encouraging. 好吧 She makes me think, 要更激勵人心 hey, I could do that, 她還扯了些甚麼 and...I...definitely 輕鬆一點 can't do that. 而且要有笑容 Okay... 讓這些動作看起來都輕而易舉 be encouraging. 還要幫妳自己取一個很蠢的名字 what else do we know? 瘋狂肌肉學家 Be chill... 肌肉實驗室 ...and smile... 實驗肌肉狂 ...make it look easy... 肌肉狂想症 Brand yourself with a dumb ass name. 肌肉嘛咪嘛咪轟 The Mad Scientist of the Abratory... 也許不一定要跟肌肉有關 The Ab Lab? 好吧 A Lab for Abs. 嗯 Ab Lab Labbin? 女壯士秀 Ab-a-ca-ab-ra! 壯碩女時代 Maybe don't make it about abs. 強壯 性感 女生 Kay. 而且要全大寫跟斜體 Um... 我越來越覺得Lily在這方面真的很厲害 Strong... 天啊 ...Woman Show. 喔 Big...Strong...Woman Time! 妳就這麼喜歡忍者Lily嗎 Strong...Sexy...Woman... 快轉動妳的小腦袋瓜跟上 in all caps and italics! 維京海盜Margot The more we do this, 維京海盜Margot the more I realize how good Lily's is. 維京海盜Margot Ugh! 要用心 要思考 Oh! 要用心 要思考 Okay, you like Lily Ninja so much? 要用心 要思考 Try wrapping your puny little mind around... 卡 ...Margot Viking. 畫面都好了 五點發佈 Margot Viking! 對了 明早我有個讀書會 Margot Viking! 還要整理環境 準備零食跟牙線 Ta-da-da-daaaa! 這要花好多時間 Hearts...and smarts! 你想要跑步嗎 Hearts...and smarts! 我不跑步的 Ah bu... 或是慢跑就好 Hearts...and smarts! 慢跑就是跑更久啊 Cut! 那散步一下呢 Got what I need, post at five. 我們可以邊散步邊聊天 Remember, tomorrow morning I'm hosting book club. 天啊 妳是要開除我嗎 Gotta clean up, get snacks, floss... 你說什麼 ...it's a lot. 不Glenn Do you wanna go for a run? 有時候跟朋友散步聊天才是最好的運動 I do not run. 你懂的 這對心臟很好 Or, uh...a jog? 對友誼更好 Jogging is just running that takes longer. 我們是朋友啊 How about a walk? 開玩笑的 We can...walk and talk! 我們不是朋友 我是你老闆 Oh my god, are you firing me? 好吧 What? 但要不要一起吃晚餐呢 No, Glenn... 喔 我已經跟我男友有約了 ...sometimes the best exercise is simply a walk with a friend. 沒關係 不過或許我們可以喝一杯 You know, it's good for the heart, 掰 然後一切都會 and it's good for the soul... 好吧 We're friends! 好吧 不是Glenn Joke. 先這樣吧 We're not friends! I'm your boss. 維京海盜Margot Okay... 快來關注維京海盜Margot You know, but, how does dinner sound? 我是單車達人加上搏擊高手 Oh, I have plans with my boyfriend. 嗨 Okay... 我是傳說中的維京海盜Margot you know, that's fine, but maybe we can get a drink... 我不是沒有人性跟體脂肪的健身狂 Bye! ...and everything will... 我只是一個平凡的人類女性 Alright... 就跟妳們一樣 Okay, not Glenn... 至少還是人類 ...right. 今天我們要做的是 Margot Viking! 一個叫做體能極限的NTC訓練 Time to take a liking to the Viking 這被列為中級難度 所以應該不會太難 that is striking and goes biking, yah! 或許妳應該要從初學者等級開始 Hello! 不用管她 從來沒訓練過的傢伙才會這麼說 I'm Margot Viking! 妳在說妳自己吧 I'm not a workout junkie with 好喔 (APP: 歡迎來到Nike訓練營) no personality or body fat. 海盜們 讓我們一起做這個動作 I'm just...a regular human woman, (APP: 開始30分鐘訓練) just like you. (APP: 小跑步兩分鐘) The human part, at least. (APP: 你已經完成暖身) Today...we're doing... (APP: 使用你的雙手 並把重心放在足弓上) ...an NTC workout called Wipeout. 你看吧 It's listed as intermediate so...it shouldn't be that hard. 簡單到難以置信 Maybe you should start with beginner. (APP: 深蹲跳30秒) Oh, don't listen to her. That's just the voice of (APP: 分解式跳躍30秒) someone who's never worked out in her life. (APP: 俄羅斯旋轉一分鐘) Literally, neither have you. 這根本就做不到 Okay! APP: Welcome to Nike Training Club! (APP: 深蹲俯臥接跳躍30秒) Let's do this, Vikings! 不 APP:..30 minute workout! 不要再叫我做這個動作了 拜託 APP: Light jog for 2 minutes! (APP: 深蹲俯臥接跳躍30秒) APP: You're warming up the body. 不做就是不做 你這個冷血的機器人 APP: Use your arms and stay on the balls of your feet. 妳在哭嗎 See? 才沒有 I cannot believe how easy this is! (APP: 深蹲俯臥接跳躍30秒) APP: Squat jumps for 30 seconds. 妳還是把級別轉到初級吧 APP: Split jumps for 30 seconds. 我才不要 APP: Russian twists for one minute. 啊啊啊 This is completely impossible! 再也不幹了 APP: Burpies for 30 seconds. 妳要做個總結啊 No! 大家下週見 No burpies, please, no burpies! 怎樣才能交到朋友 APP: Burpies for 30 seconds. 交朋友的第一步 NO MEANS NO, ROBOT! 好友租借 Are you crying? 妳現在有多少粉絲了 No! 兩個 但我還沒上傳影片呢 APP: Burpies for 30 seconds. 他們分別是老爸跟Allie嗎 Just switch it to beginner. 我的第一支影片超棒的 Never! 我一定會徹底的擊垮妳 AHHHHHHHH! 等著瞧 Never again! 影片快上傳好了 You should end with when your next thing is. 啊啊啊 I'll see you next week. 這根本就做不到 HOW TO MAKE FRIENDS Margot粉絲數: 002 Lily好友數: 0 MAKING FRIENDS FROM SCRATCH Margot目標達成率: 0.2% Lily目標達成率: 0% RENT A FRIEND 大宅女VS健身狂下集預告 how many subs r u at? 大家來這裡就是針對同一本書做討論 two. and I haven't even posted my first video 不然妳以為呢 is one of them daddy? and is the other one Allie? 對啊 i am going to crush you. my first video is amazing. 不就是讀書會嗎 lets see it. Margot這不適合妳 just finishing up. 我要性感起來 AHHHHHHH! 妳願意跟我做朋友嗎 This is completely impossible! 我要強佔妳們的村莊 THE SCORE MARGOT SUBSCRIBERS: 000 LILY FRIENDS: 0 PERCENT TO GOAL 0% 0% 布魯克林 騎單車 讀書會 THE SCORE MARGOT SUBSCRIBERS: 002 LILY FRIENDS: 0 PERCENT TO GOAL 0% 0% 請妳離開 THE SCORE MARGOT SUBSCRIBERS: 002 LILY FRIENDS: 0 PERCENT TO GOAL 0.2% 0% 更多資訊請上NIKE.COM/BETTERFORIT Next time on Margot Vs Lily: You thought this was a club where everyone shows up and talks about a completely different book? Yeah... ...book club! Margot, no. I'm gonna sex it up! You wanna... ...be my friend? I'm gonna pillage your village. The Brooklyn... Bikin'...Bookclub. Please leave. LEARN MORE AT NIKE.COM/BETTERFORIT
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 lily 海盜 維京 肌肉 朋友 單車 瑪格特VS莉莉--"初學者"--NikeWomen(2 of 8) (Margot vs Lily – "Beginners" by NikeWomen (2 of 8)) 2216 85 Wang Ling Chieh 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字