字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 (upbeat mysterious music) - 好的,我的魔術師職業生涯開始了。 - Well, there goes my career as a magician. 歡迎各位來到《最新十佳排行榜》 。 Welcome, everyone, to a brand new Top Ten. 我是馬修·桑托羅。今天的主題是 My name is Matthew Santoro and today is 那些銷聲匿跡了的人。 all about people that vanished. 不錯, That's right. 突然消失的無影無蹤,令人百思不得其解。 Gone without a trace and surprisingly, 有不少記載了 there are more than a few documented instances 一些憑空消失的人,沒留下一點蛛絲馬跡的案件。 of people who have disappeared with no explanation. 那麼今天我們就來探究一下這些 So, today we are going to dive into these bizarre cases 有關人物失蹤,時至今日謎底 of human disappearances that still 仍未揭開的神秘案件。 have not been solved to this day. 所以 就讓我們一起來看吧。 So, let's get to it. 十個人物失蹤, Here are ten mysterious disappearances 謎底從未揭開的神秘案件。 that were never explained. 第一個是勒普林斯失蹤案 Number One is Louis Le Prince. 勒普林斯今天被人們稱為 Louis Le Prince is known today as 電影拍攝藝術之父, the Father of Cinematography 因為他用單鏡頭攝像機在紙膜上 for shooting the first moving pictures on paper film 拍攝了第一個移動畫面。 using a single lens camera. 不幸的是這個成就並不是 Unfortunately, that achievement is not 他成名的原因。 what he's most famous for. 1890 年 9 月 16 日, On September 16th of 1890, 勒普林斯在去往英國的火車上, Le Prince was on a train bound for the UK 正獲得他的新式攝像機專利的時候, where he was patenting his new camera when 突然莫名其妙地失蹤了。 he inexplicably vanished. 儘管乘客們說看到了他, Not a single trace of him was found on the train, 但在火車上沒有發現任何他留下的蛛絲馬跡。 though passengers claimed seeing him there. 他的行李箱和隨身物品和他一起消失了, His luggage and belongings vanished with him and 而火車門都是關上的,沒有跡象表明他跳下了火車。 none of the train doors were open to suggest that he jumped. 有很多假設出現來解釋 Multiple theories have been presented to make sense of 勒普林斯的失蹤案,包括是 Le Prince's disappearance, including an assassination plot 湯瑪斯·愛迪生密謀的暗殺。 made by Thomas Edison. 好吧,我的意思是大衛·科波菲爾(英國著名小說家)曾經在故事裡讓 Well, I mean, David Copperfield once made 一整輛火車都消失了,所以,你知道, a whole train vanish, so, you know, 回到當時,或許他們只是開始了一個更小的故事, back in the day maybe they just started a little smaller. 你知道…… You know ... 讓人們看。 with people. 第二個是斯普林菲爾德三人失蹤案。 Number Two is The Springfield Three. 1992 年 6 月 2 日,綺麗兒·萊維特和她的女兒 On June 2, 1992, Sherrill Levitt, her daughter 以及家裡的一個朋友 and a family friend all vanished 從萊維特在密蘇裡的家裡全部失蹤。 from Levitt's Missouri home. 兩位較年輕的女士,蘇西·斯特裡特和史黛西·麥考爾 Two younger women, Suzy Streeter and Stacy McCall, 參加了一個畢業派對,在大約淩晨 2:15 時返回。 attended a graduation party and headed back around 2:15 am. 這是她們家的一個朋友最後一次見到她們三個中的人。 This was the last time any of the three were seen. 警方接到他們家的一個朋友報警說這三個女士失蹤了, Police were alerted to the missing women 但是讓他們困惑不解的是他們發現 by a family friend but were baffled when they found 她們的衣服、錢包和鑰匙都在房子裡, their clothes, purses and keys all in house, 而且萊維特的小汽車也停在車道上。 and Levitt's car still in the driveway. 實際上現場中的唯一可疑之處是 In fact, the only odd thing about the scene was 在前廊中有一個摔碎的電燈泡。 a smashed light bulb on the front porch. 而讓這個案件更加怪異的是 What makes the story even more bizarre 有個名叫羅伯特·克雷格·考克斯的人來 is that a man named Robert Craig Cox came forward 聲稱他知道這三位女士實際上是 claiming to know that all three women were, in fact, 被謀殺的,她們的屍體是永遠找不到的。 murdered and that their bodies would never be found. 但是因為沒有證據, But, because of the lack of evidence, 他們沒辦法指控他。 they couldn't charge him. 大家知道這和電影《破綻》 You know, this is alarmingly similar to the plot 裡面的情節驚人的相似, of the movie "Fracture," 只不過這個傢伙沒有安東尼·霍普金斯那麼恐怖。 except this guy isn't nearly as creepy as Anthony Hopkins. 沒有人像安東尼·霍普金斯那麼恐怖的了。 Nobody's as creepy as Anthony Hopkins. 第三個是吉米·霍法失蹤案 。 Number Three is Jimmy Hoffa. 1975 年 7 月 30 日, 62 歲被判有罪的工會積極分子 On July 30th, 1975, 62-year-old union activist and 吉米·霍法從 convicted criminal, Jimmy Hoffa, disappeared from 密西根州,奧克蘭郡的一家餐館停車場失蹤。 a restaurant parking lot in Oakland County, Michigan. 他去那家餐館見 He had gone to the restaurant to meet 兩位黑手黨頭子。 with two Mafia leaders, 這讓許多人認為他是被 leading many to believe that he had been 這個犯罪團夥謀殺的。 murdered by The Mob. 這個神秘案件吸引了廣大媒體的關注,因為 This mystery got wide-spread media attention due to 霍法曾經擔任過 Hoffa's former role as the President of the 國際卡車司機兄弟會的主席, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, 這是一個很著名的工會。 a well-known labor union. 有關霍法失蹤的原因 Rumors about where Hoffa ended up are 直到今天依然是眾說紛紜,包括他是被 still coming in to this day and include being 燒死的,被埋進了油桶, burned and buried in oil drums, 然後放到了碎木機中,甚至還說 put through a wood chipper and even 被埋在了紐約巨人隊的球門區。 buried under the New York Giants' end zone. 所以說如果一名球員在比賽的時候被絆倒的話, So, if a player ever trips over a rock during a game, 絆倒他的不是石頭, that's not a rock. 而是一根骸骨。 It's a skull. 第四個是麗蓓嘉·科瑞姆失蹤案。 Number Four is Rebecca Coriam. 2011 年 3 月 21 日, 麗蓓嘉·科瑞姆 On March 21st, 2011, Rebecca Coriam, 當時 24 歲,是一名 a 24-year-old youth worker aboard 迪士尼神奇油輪上工人。 the Disney Wonder Cruise Ship, 她在這艘油輪上無緣無故失蹤,當時船 disappeared from the vessel while it traveled 正經過大西洋。 through the Pacific Ocean. 沒有人確切知道發生了什麼事, Nobody knows exactly what happened, 但安保錄影顯示麗蓓嘉 but security footage shows Rebecca in 情緒激烈地在打電話。 a very heated phone conversation, 那是她最後一次出現。 which was the very last time she was ever seen. 麗蓓嘉的父母和她的同事聲稱 Rebecca's parents and some of her co-workers claim 迪士尼和巴哈馬皇家警方瞭解的 that Disney and the Royal Bahamas police know more than 比他們實際上宣佈的要多,但是他們沒有找到更多的證據。 they're saying, but no further evidence was ever found. 啊,但是案情變複雜了。 Ah, but the plot thickens. 莫名其妙的是麗蓓嘉從船上失蹤之後, Somehow, well after vanishing from the ship, 有人動用了她的信用卡, Rebecca's credit cards were used and, 據他的叔叔所說, according to her uncle, 她在臉書上的資料密碼被修改了。 the password to her Facebook profile was changed. 那麼,問題是 So, the question is, 這是冒名頂替的騙子所為,還是駭客所為呢, is this the work of an imposter or hacker, 還是麗蓓嘉的鬼魂 or is Rebecca's ghost just getting really good wi-fi 在她的葬身之處都可以接收到無線信號? from Davey Jones' Locker? 呀。 Yarr. 她是加勒比海中最新的迪士尼海盜,夥計。 She's the newest Disney Pirate of the Caribbean, matey. 呀。 Yarr. 抱歉,失禮了。 Sorry, no disrespect. 她死了。 She dead. 第五個是馬來西亞航空 370 航班失蹤案。 Number Five is Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. 370 航班從吉隆玻 Flight 370 took off from Kuala Lampur on 在當地時間 2014 年 3 月8 日上午 12:41 起飛, March 8, 2014 at 12:41 am local time, 不到一小時之後,就與空中交通管制隊 and lost contact with air traffic control 失去了聯繫。這被廣泛認為是 less than an hour in, what is largely considered, 史上最大的一次航空神秘事件。 one of the biggest aviation mysteries in all of history. 據報導,這架飛機嚴重偏離了 According to reports, the plane drastically changed 航線,於是就消失在了雷達探測範圍之內。 its flight path and vanished from radar. 239 名乘客以及機組人員全部都沒有被找到。 None of the 239 passengers and crew have ever been found. 當時這個事件創造了 At the time, the incident gained the record as both 馬來西亞航空史上發生的 the deadliest aviation incident to occur 最嚴重的航空事故記錄,也是 in Malaysian Airlines history and 傷亡人數最多的事故記錄,共有 777 人遇難。 the deadliest involving a 777. 令人難於置信的是這兩項記錄僅僅在 Unbelievably, these records were both broken only 131 天之後就被 17 號航班的墜毀打破了。 131 days later with the crashing of Flight 17. 嘿,夥計們, Hi, there. 需要一張廉價機票,但不想有 Need a cheap flight but don't want the hassle 安全到達目的地的麻煩嗎? of actually making it safely to your destination? 好吧,馬航可以捎你一程。 Well, the Malaysian Airlines has a ride for you. 第六個是瓦倫提斯失蹤案。 Number Six is Frederick Valentich. 1978 年 10 月 21 日, On October 21st, 1978, 澳大利亞飛行員瓦倫提斯 Australian pilot, Frederick Valentich, 正在澳大利亞巴斯海峽上空飛行時, was flying over Australia's Bass Strait 突然他發送無線電說有一個不明飛行物 when he radioed in that an unidentified flying object 正在跟蹤他。 was following him. 記錄顯示這個不明飛行物正在跟蹤他, According to the transcript, the UFO was tracking him, 在半空中停了下來,然後就消失了。 stopped in mid-air and then vanished. 他傳送的最後一段話是 His final transmission was “它在空中懸浮著,不是一架飛機。” "It's hovering and it's not an aircraft," 之後就出現了白噪音。 followed by white noise. 沒有發現瓦倫提斯和他的飛機留下任何蛛絲馬跡。 No trace of Valentich or his plane was ever discovered. 好的,看,這個失蹤案讓我有點忐忑。 Okay, see, this one makes me kind of uncomfortable. 不僅是因為這又是一個 Not just because this is one more piece of evidence 證明有外星人存在證據 to support the existence of aliens 讓我驚訝不已, which totally freaks me out, 也是因為如果他們確實逮著了他的話, but, because, if they did in fact get him, 他的屁股很可能就會成為外星人的針墊兒了。 his butt likely became an alien pincushion. 哦哧。 Ouch. 第七個是比拉·凱斯失蹤案。 Number Seven is Bela Kiss. 1916 年 7 月,匈牙利警方突襲了比拉·凱斯的家, In July, 1916, Hungarian police raided the home of 當時他正在參與第一次世界大戰。 Bela Kiss while he was serving in World War One. 慘絕人寰的一幕是突襲隊發現了 24 具女屍, To their horror, the team found the bodies of 24 women, 脖子上面全部都有刺傷, all with puncture wounds on their necks and 全身的血都被放幹了。 their blood completely drained, 這讓許多人相信凱斯是一個吸血鬼。 which lead many to believe that Kiss was a vampire. 啊,但這事變得更加怪異了, Ah, but it gets weirder, 因為在 10 月 4 日,調查人員追蹤殺手 because on October 4th, investigators tracked the killer 到了塞爾維亞的一家醫院,但是當他們到達時發現 to a Serbian hospital only to find upon their arrival 他憑空消失了,只有一個死了的士兵躺在他 that he had vanished and a dead soldier was in his bed, 以前躺過的床上。 where he had recently been. 啊,但是事情變得又一次更加怪異了。 Ah, but the story gets weirder, 因為就在四年之後的 1920 年, because just four years later in 1920, 一個長的像凱斯的人 a man matching Kiss' description and 以他的一個別名出現, using one of the man's aliases appeared, 在法國外籍軍團服役,但是又一次 serving in the French Foreign Legion but again, 在警方到達之前突然銷聲匿跡。 suddenly disappeared just before police arrived. 最後,在 1932 年,同一個人再次露面, Finally, in 1932, the same man once again surfaced, 這次是在紐約市。 this time in New York City. 現在有好多人說他在做守衛。 Now, many people reported him working as a janitor, 但當警方去那裡詢問他時, but when officers when there to question him, 這個吸血鬼最後一次消失了。 the vampire vanished for the final time. 沒有人知道他發生了什麼事, Nobody knows what happened to him or 也不清楚他是如何接二連三地逃過追捕的。 how he managed to evade capture so many times, 對此我困惑不已。 which is especially odd to me. 我的意思是光天化日之下當你光鮮亮麗地遊走而 I mean, it's got to be hard walking around undetected 不被人發現,這是很難辦到的。 when you sparkle in the sunlight. 你看上去會像是在進行怪誕的遊走表演。 You'd look like a freak show walking around. 第八個是皇家諾福克團失蹤案。 Number Eight is The Royal Norfolk Regiment. 戰爭肯定是恐怖的,但是第一次世界大戰中 War is definitely scary but a battalion of 英軍陣營裡的士兵不僅得要害怕他們的敵人, British World War One soldiers had to fear not only 還得要害怕超自然的力量。 their enemies but paranormal forces as well. 1915 年,三名軍官看著一個 250 人組成的 In 1915, three officers watched as a regiment of 隊伍向土耳其的蘇弗拉灣前進, 250 men marched up a hill in Suvla Bay, Turkey and 當時地面上霧氣很大,他們開始進入那片濃霧之中, into a dense fog that had settled on the ground. 但是當最後一個人進去之後,霧就上去了, But, after the last man entered, the mist lifted 出現了讓人震驚的一幕,之前進去的所有士兵都不見了。 to reveal that, shockingly, every last soldier had vanished. 因為沒有找到任何屍體,當戰爭結束的時候, Since no bodies were ever found, when the war ended 英國政府要求讓這些士兵回國, that British government demanded the return of their men, 但是只得到了土耳其政府的否認,他們稱從沒有見過 only to have Turkey deny that they'd ever encountered 這支英國軍隊。 the British regiment at all. 好嚇人呀 。 (screeching eerily) 第九個是喬伊塔號失蹤案。 That's some creepy (bleep). 一個史上最令人不寒而慄的 Number Nine is MV Joyita. 海上神秘事件當屬 Easily one of the most unsettling 喬伊塔號失蹤案了,這是一艘商船, maritime mysteries of all time, 在 1955 年 10 月 3 日從薩摩亞島港口出發, the MV Joyita, a merchant vessel, 船上有 25 個人。它在五周之後的 11 月 10 日被人發現 left port in Samoa on October 3rd, 1955 有一半沉在水下,被完全丟棄了。 with 25 people aboard and was found five weeks later 船上的無線電廣播被調在了 on November 10th, half submerged and completely abandoned. 國際遇險台, The radio on board was set to 其中的一個引擎被 the International Distress Channel, 床墊全部蓋了起來,所有東西 one of the engines was completely covered 以及全部的救生艇都不見了。 in mattresses, of all things, 令案件更恐怖的是 and all of the lifeboats were missing. 調查人員發現所有時鐘指標 To make matters even more creepy, 都被神秘地封凍在了 10:25 處, investigators found that all of the clocks 一個醫生的包上發現有沾滿血跡的繃帶。 had mysteriously frozen to read 10:25 and 喬伊塔號上面發生了什麼事, a doctor's bag was discovered full of bloody bandages. 船員們行蹤至今都是個謎。 What happened aboard the MV Joyita and 雖然許多人推測這應該歸咎于海盜 her crew's whereabouts are unknown to this day, 或者瘋子甚至是外星人所為。 although many have theorized that pirates, 我的錢在外星人海盜的瘋子手裡。 lunacy or even aliens could be to blame. 啊哦。 My money's on the pirate alien lunatics. 我不知道那是個什麼東東。 Arrgh. 第十個是羅阿諾克的殖民地失蹤案。 I don't know what that was. 1590 年 8 月 18 日,約翰·懷特登陸 And Number Ten, the Colony of Roanoke. 羅阿洛克島,他是從英格蘭返回來,帶著物資 On August 18th, 1590, John White landed on 給他三年前剛協助建立的殖民地。 Roanoke Island, returning from England with supplies 但是懷特發現自己走前島上由 117 個人建成的殖民地村落 for a colony he'd helped establish just three years prior. 不見了,看到這片區域 However, instead of the village of 117 settlers 杳無人煙。 that he'd left behind, White found the entire area 在它的前方,所有臨時搭的建築物都被 completely devoid of human life. 用手拆毀了,給他留下的唯一資訊 On top of that, every makeshift building had been 是刻在一根木樁上的“Croatoan”一字,還有 taken down by hand and the only signs left for him 刻在旁邊一棵樹上的“Crow”一字。 were the word "Croatoan," carved on a wooden post 直到今天,沒有人能夠說出 and the word "Crow" carved into a nearby tree. 那些殖民者們究竟發生了什麼事。 To this very day, nobody can say 但是這個故事在許多書籍、 what happened to the colonists, 電影、電視節目中被描述了出來,多數都是 but the story has been portrayed in many books, 屬於恐怖類型。 films, television shows and, most often, 好的,根據我手中的這個資料表明 in the horror genre. 此事完全屬實,我絕對不可能 Well, according to this document that I have in my hand 把它拋擲腦後。 that is totally factual and in no way completely off “Croatoan”是一個第一國家的詞指的是 the top of my head, “哦,媽媽,島上有一個怪物,媽媽,不。” "Croatoan" is a first-nation word that means 這是翻譯過來的意思。 "Oh, Mama, there's a monster on the island, Mama, no." 然後,朋友們,這就是十個人物失蹤, That's the translation. 謎底從未揭開的神秘案件。 And, those my friends, were ten mysterious disappearances 現在知道為什麼你不管在哪兒 that were never solved. 隨身都帶著手機了吧。 Now, you know know why you carry 你永遠都不知道誰會把你帶走。 a cell phone with you everywhere. 一如往常,如果大家喜歡本視頻, You never know who's going to try to take you. 請點擊這個“贊”鍵,讓我知道, As always, if you guys enjoyed this video, 把它分享到臉書和推特網上,或者 please let me know by giving that "Like" button a click, 其它任何您想分享的地方。 and sharing it on Facebook and Twitter or 我會在下個週六回來與您見面, anywhere else you want to share it and 猜對了, I will see you all back here next Saturday, 我會帶來一個新的視頻。 you guessed it, 拜。 with a brand new video. 驚喜。 Bye. 我真是個很棒的魔術師。 Surprise. 哇啦啦。 I'm such a good magician. 不應該喝掉那杯多餘的咖啡。 Whoo. 嘿,朋友們。 Shouldn't have had that extra coffee. 再次感謝您的收看。 Hey, guys. 記得點擊那個大的紅色“預定”按鈕, Thanks again for watching. 以便接收我台以後的視頻。 Remember to click that big red "Subscribe" button 在右邊,您會看到我上次的視頻評注, to be notified of future videos on my channel. 還有一些很酷的商品,如果您有興趣 On the right, you'll find an annotation to my last video 成為城裡最酷的小子,可以試試。 and some cool merch if you're interested in looking 只是不要在穿它的時候做。 like the coolest kid in town. 您也會找到有關我第二個台的評注, Just don't do this while you wear it. 我在那裡有放了一些有關拳擊的視頻博客還有大量的其它更多內容, You'll also find an annotation to my second channel, 所以一定要預定它哦。 where I make vlogs on boxing and a ton more content, 然後,當然,對於所有使用 so be sure to subscribe to that. 移動設備 And, of course, for all of you watching 比如手機、平板、 on your mobile device, 或者數碼松鼠的觀眾來說, like your phone, your tablet 我剛才提到的所有連結都在 or maybe your digital squirrel, 下方的說明中。 all of the links I just mentioned will be 我愛你們。 in the description below. 下周見。 I love you guys. 拜。 See you next week. Bye.
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 失蹤 神秘 凱斯 警方 外星人 發現 10個從未被解釋的神祕失蹤事件! (10 Mysterious Disappearances That Were Never Explained!) 1364 55 噹噹 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字