字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 One, two, three 一、二、三 G'Day 你們好 My name is Josh. This is my mate, Reese. 我是Josh,這是我的夥伴Reese。 We are from Australia, and we love good chat. 我們來自澳洲,很喜歡聊天 But not for too long. 但最好別太長 So what Aussie is gonna done is abbreviate everything 澳洲人最會做的事就是縮寫所有詞 Australia. Straya. 澳洲 Football. Footy. 足球 Tennis ball. Tenno. 網球 Biscuit. Biccy. 小餅乾 Chocolate. Choccy. 巧克力 Chocolate biscuit. Choccy biccy. 巧克力餅乾 McDonalds. Maccas. 麥當勞 Laptop. Lappy. 筆記型電腦 ACDC. Acadaca. ACDC(重金屬樂團) Devestated. Devo. 被摧毀的 Definitely. Defo! 確切的 Morning Tea. Mornos. 早茶 No one is ever said that. 沒有人那樣說 I say that all the time. 我一直都這樣說啊 What time is it? Mornos! 現在幾點?該喝早茶囉! Get the biccy. 去拿餅乾 Afternoon. Arvo. 下午 This afternoon. S'arvo. 今天下午 Dinner. Din-Dins. 晚餐 Breakfast. Brekky. 早餐 Service Station. Servo. 服務站 Petrol. Petty. 油槍 Bottle Shop. Bottle-o. 賣酒的店 Tomorrow. Tomorra. 明天 Bowling Club. Bowlo. 保齡球俱樂部 Garbage Man. Garbo. 清潔人員 Postman. Postie.? 郵差 R.S.L. Arrie or Rissole. 退伍軍人俱樂部 Smoke Break. Smoko. 抽菸休息 Registration. Rego. 註冊 Aggressive. Agro. 積極的 Pregnant. Preggas. 懷孕的 Woolongong. The Gong. 臥龍崗市(澳洲一城市) Swimming Costume. Cozzie. 泳裝 Mosquito. Mozzie. 蚊子 Tracksuit Pants. Trackie Dacks. 運動棉褲 Monday. Mondy. 星期一 Tuesday. Choosdee. 星期二 Wednesday. Wensdee. 星期三 Thursday. Thursdee. 星期四 Friday. Fry-dee. 星期五 Saturday. Sat-dee. 星期六 Sunday. Sundee. 星期天 Birthday. Birthdee. 生日 Musician. Muso. 音樂家 U-Turn. Uey. 迴轉 From out west. Westie. 來自西部 Facebook. Facey. 臉書 Vegetarian. Veggo. 素食者 Cab Driver. Cabbie. 計程車司機 Lipstick. Lippy. 唇膏 Sunglasses. Sunnies. 太陽眼鏡 Present. Prezzie. 禮物 Christmas. Chrissy. 聖誕節 Christmas Present. Chrissy Prezzie. 聖誕禮物 St Vincent De Paul. Vinnies. 聖保羅 Salvation Army. Salvos. 救世軍 Cup of Tea. Cuppa. 一杯茶 Is that British? 那是英文嗎? We are British. 我們是英國人啊 Avocado. Avo. 酪梨 Have an Avocado. Avanavo. 吃個酪梨 Spagetti Bolognase. Spag Bog. 紅醬義大利麵 Bog? Bog? do you call it Spag Bog or Spag Bol? 你通常都講哪一個? I think there's 2 variations 我覺得有兩種說法 Underpants. Undies. 內褲 Beverage. Bevvy.? 飲料 Chewing Gum. Chewy. 口香糖 Toasted Sandwich. Toastie. 烤土司三明治 Methylated Spirits. Metho. 工業酒精 Turpentine. Turps. 松節油 Fellow. Fella.? 夥伴 Poverty stricken Person. Povvo. 窮人 Husband. Hubby. 老公 Give me. Gimme.? 給我 Trying to. Tryna. 試著 Hectic. Heckers. 鬧哄哄的 Cigarette. Ciggie.? 香菸 Tin can of beer. Tinny. 罐裝啤酒 Schnitzel. Schnitty. 炸肉排 Ambulance. Ambo. 救護車 Fireman. Firey. 消防員 Cop. Coppa. 警察 Bricklayer. Brickie.? 磚瓦工人 Tradesman. Tradie. 零售商 Umbrella. Brolly. 雨傘 Sick day of work. Sickie. 病假 Kangaroo. Roo. 袋鼠 Champagne. Champers. 香檳 Relatives. Relos. 親戚 Expensive. Exxy. 昂貴的 Brisbane. Brissy. 布里斯班(澳洲一城市) Derelict. Dero. 被遺棄的 Cabernet Sauvignon. Cab-sav. 卡本內蘇維濃(紅酒的一種) Kindergarten. Kindy. 幼稚園 I did write like a little... 我寫了一些東西... After smoko I might go down the bowlo sarvo for a schnitty and bevvy with tommo. 今天下午我抽完菸之後可能會去保齡球館吃炸肉排和喝點飲料 then I'll head back to the missus for din dins with the fam and watch some soapies on the tele. 然後我會回家跟家人一起吃晚餐,開電視看肥皂劇 hopefully on the way I don't get pulled over by coppers... coz I don't have my rego. 希望我在路上不會被警察攔下來... 因為我無照 We're so bogan 我們好潮 if you want to learn how to speak Aussie (Australian) 如果你想學怎麼講澳洲語 see you can have short convos (conversations) 用簡短的對話 That's how... do the.. 用那個... this guys is an actual actor. Check out his page here. 他個演員,可以上他的粉絲專頁 See you next time. See you later. 下次見囉! See you later. 下次見!
C1 高級 中文 澳洲腔 澳洲 餅乾 縮寫 俱樂部 警察 禮物 道地的澳式英文怎麼講?拚命縮寫! (How to speak Australian : Abbreviate Everything) 19590 2763 Ruby Lu 發佈於 2018 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字