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  • - You know, ever since we announced

  • One Direction was gonna be on our show

  • we have gotten thousands of e-mails from their fans.

  • I am gonna read just one to you right now.

  • I just--it's--I can't believe--

  • "Hi, Ellen. I watch your show every day.

  • "I can't believe you're having One Direction on.

  • "They're my freaking favorite.

  • "Words can't describe what they mean to me.

  • "Not only are they the hottest guys,

  • "but their music, like, really inspires me.

  • "I would do anything to meet them.

  • "Could you please make my dream come true?

  • "Sincerely, Rebel Wilson." And I--

  • [laughter]

  • Hey, Rebel, are you here?

  • [One Direction's "What Makes You Beautiful"]

  • [cheers and applause]

  • - [singing] The way you're tossing your hair

  • Gets me overwhelmed

  • But when you smile at the ground

  • It ain't hard to tell

  • You don't know

  • You don't know you're beautiful

  • - Hi. - Hi.

  • - Hi, Rebel.

  • - This is crazy.

  • Oh, my God, I almost wore that same shirt.

  • - Uh...Rebel I... - Oh...cheers.

  • - I can't--you were just here recently,

  • and I didn't realize you were such a huge fan.

  • - I am. I just-- [all chuckle]

  • - When was the first time you saw them?

  • - Well, like, before they were legal.

  • - Uh-huh. [all laugh]

  • What's your favorite song?

  • - Um, well, I know you guys have

  • a new song on the album called "Olivia,"

  • but I know that's really about me.

  • [laughter]

  • So, that's, like, my new favorite.

  • - Oh, so, why did you really come here?

  • - Well, I was--okay.

  • Well, I am a massive fan. - Yeah.

  • - Legit.

  • Um, but you guys were saying,

  • like, before, you are all single,

  • and I'm single,

  • and I'm also starring in a new movie

  • that I know these guys are really gonna love

  • called "How to Be Single"... - Uh-huh.

  • - And it comes out 12th of February,

  • and so, while these guys are dropping their album,

  • I'm gonna drop the new trailer...

  • - Oh, here? - For "How to Be Single."

  • - Whoo! - Yeah.

  • - Okay. - I brought it.

  • - Is that here? - Yeah.

  • - Okay. - Yeah.

  • - Should we watch now? - Yeah, we can drop it now.

  • - All right, Let's drop the trailer now.

  • - Boom. - Where are you going?

  • - I'm going home. - I know breaking up sucks,

  • but you know what's even worse?

  • Wasting a night in New York City.

  • [Fifth Harmony's "Worth It"]

  • Whoo!

  • Let me teach you how to be single.

  • Go get us some drinks. - Okay.

  • - No, you don't buy the drinks.

  • Boys buy the drinks. - Okay.

  • - Not with this wallet. - Okay.

  • - With the [bleep] wallet. - I got it.

  • - [singing] Uh-huh You see me in the spotlight

  • - Hey, what's up ya'll. [giggles]

  • I don't know why I just said ya'll.

  • You all would have taken just as much time.

  • Oh, my God. Can I have two margaritas?

  • Oh, my God.

  • - [singing] I'm worth it

  • Baby I'm worth it

  • - [screams] - Whoa!

  • - You need to get out. - You're in my apartment.

  • - This is not my apartment. Sorry.

  • You were great last night. - Was I?

  • - [whispers] I can't remember.

  • - [singing] Give it to me I'm worth it

  • [cheers and applause]

  • - "How to Be Single" opens everywhere February 12th.

  • We'll be right back. - [laughs]

- You know, ever since we announced


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A2 初級 美國腔

艾倫的叛逆驚喜嘉賓。 (Ellen's Rebellious Surprise Guest)

  • 576 69
    Pei Ting Chang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日