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字幕列表 影片播放

  • Little bird, little bird

  • Can you clap?

  • No, I can't

  • No, I can't

  • I can't clap

  • Little bird, little bird

  • Can you fly?

  • Yes, I can

  • Yes, I can

  • I can fly

  • Elephant, elephant

  • Can you fly?

  • No, I can't

  • No, I can't

  • I can't fly

  • Elephant, elephant

  • Can you stomp?

  • Yes, I can

  • Yes, I can

  • I can stomp

  • Little fish, little fish

  • Can you stomp?

  • No, I can't

  • No, I can't

  • I can't stomp

  • Little fish, little fish

  • Can you swim?

  • Yes, I can

  • Yes, I can

  • I can swim

  • Gorilla, gorilla

  • Can you swim?

  • No, I can't

  • No, I can't

  • I can't swim

  • Gorilla, gorilla

  • Can you climb?

  • Yes, I can

  • Yes, I can

  • I can climb

  • Buffalo, buffalo

  • Can you climb?

  • No, I can't

  • No, I can't

  • I can't climb

  • Buffalo, buffalo

  • Can you run?

  • Yes, I can

  • Yes, I can

  • I can run

  • Boys and girls, boys and girls

  • Can you sing?

  • Yes, we can

  • Yes, we can

  • We can sing

  • Boys and girls, boys and girls

  • Can you dance?

  • Yes, we can

  • Yes, we can

  • We can dance

  • We can sing, we can dance

  • Yes, we can

  • We can sing, we can dance

  • Yes, we can

  • Yes, we can

  • Yes, we can

  • Yes, we can

  • Yes, we can

  • Yes, we can

  • Yes, we can

  • Yes, we can

  • Yes, we can

  • Yes, we can

Little bird, little bird


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B2 中高級 美國腔

是的,我可以動物歌曲 | 兒童歌曲 | 超級簡單的歌曲 (Yes, I Can! | Animal Song For Children | Super Simple Songs)

  • 629 59
    rabbi 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日