字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Cleaning the kitchen counter is something we do just about every day. 我們幾乎每天都會清潔廚房檯面 Yet there are some special ninja/wizard techniques that I can teach you to make 我要教你一些像忍術、巫術般的技巧 the task of cleaning your kitchen counter faster and as close to perfection 好讓你在清潔廚房時能夠更快速且更接近完美 as you're probably ever going to get it. 可能會是你曾未見的完美程度喔 I've spent eight years figuring out the best way 我花了八年的時間鑽研 to clean kitchen counters, and today you're going 清潔廚房的最佳方法,而今天 to learn my secrets. So let's go. 就讓我們一起來學習這些秘密技巧,讓我們開始吧 ♪ [music] ♪ ♪背景音樂♪ First we need to figure out what material your counter is. 首先我們必須要知道家裡的廚房檯面材質的屬性 It can be quartz like mine. It could be granite, marble, 有可能是石英材質,例如:礦,或是花崗岩、大理石 which are stone. It could be laminate, Corian, Formica, 也就是石頭材質,或是層壓板、人造石、胶木 tile and grout, or cement, or even stainless steel. 磁磚、水泥漿、水泥甚至是不鏽鋼 I think that covers probably most 上述我想已經包含了 of the counters you're going to see out there in the world. 世界上所有廚房檯面的材質 Now since YouTube favors shorter videos, I'm not going to get 由於YouTube希望影片能越簡短越好 into all the specifics and care instructions for each material. 所以我不會一一介紹每一廚房檯面材質該注意的保養細節 But what you can do is pay a quick visit to the manufacturer's 但你可以瀏覽檯面的製造商 or installer's website or play it like the '90s and just pick up 或是安裝公司的網站又或者像活在90年代那樣 the phone and call them and find out exactly what they recommend for care. 直接打電話給他們,詢問建議的保養方法 Some general basics I can give you are these. 我能交給你們的一些基本知識如下 Counters don't like heat, abrasive materials, and vinegar will ruin natural 檯面應該遠離高溫或具有磨砂性的材質,還有,醋會毀掉天然 and manmade stone countertops. And bleach, don't even think about it. 以及人造石材質的廚房檯面,漂白劑就更不用說了 It will probably stain almost any counter surface, and if you want 它會侵蝕所有材質的檯面,如果你想要 to disinfect your counters, I've got a way for you to do it. 消毒檯面,我有一個方法可以推薦給你 ♪ [music] ♪ ♪背景音樂♪ Let's just cover some general care tips for your counters, 我們先來了解一些對於檯面保養的基本小秘訣 regardless of what kind you have. 先不論材質 Always use a trivet or a rack when anything hot comes out of the stove 從火爐或烤箱內端出來的熱食,請務必用三角架或架子作為隔層 or the oven, because heat can permanently damage a surface. 這是因為熱度會對檯面造成永久性的傷害 Wipe up all your spills ASAP. If not, they're going to set and become 快速擦拭掉灑出至檯面的液體,如果不這麼做的話 really difficult to remove. Some non-porous materials, 灑出的液體有可能會變得很難清洗,有一些無孔的材質 like Corian, are impervious to stains. But still, why risk it? 如:可麗耐,雖是液體無法滲透的材質,但你也不必要冒這個險對吧? Use the most basic cleaner for daily care and something 每日使用最基本的清潔劑來保養檯面 with a disinfectant for post-meal or contaminant clean-up. 對於餐後或餐後留下的髒污,則使用含有消毒劑的清潔用品 I've got recipes and videos on those topics, 對此我自己有一套秘訣以及短片 which I will link down below for you. 在影片最後有連結可供參考 Sealants are also available for countertop surfaces. 也可以使用密封劑來保護檯面 A sealant is designed to prevent stains and damage to the original surface. 密封劑可避免檯面表面受到污漬殘留及外在破壞 But since we use our kitchen counters all the time and clean them, 因為我們每天都在使用及清潔廚房檯面 the sealant comes off after a while. 所以密封劑經過一段時間就會脫落 You can reseal your counters annually and purchase 對此你可每年加以重新密封 the appropriate sealant at a big-box store. 並購買大量適用的密封劑 I know this sounds complicated, but trust me, 我知道這聽起來有點複雜,但相信我 it is much easier than it sounds, my friends. 做起來會比聽起來簡單許多的,我的朋友們 ♪ [music] ♪ ♪ 背景音樂♪ I myself have been there. The panic of a terrible stain setting in 我自己曾經歷過,那種可怕的污漬留於 on your beautiful counters and the fear that that stain is going to be an 美麗檯面上的恐慌感,還會擔心它有可能會成為永久性污漬 everlasting reminder of your laziness or bad cooking skills. 看到這些污漬就會讓你想你的懶散以及超差的廚藝技巧 But not to worry, because I have some answers for you. 但無須擔心,我能為你提供解答 Firstly, you must know that certain finishes will scratch or stain, 首先,你必須要了解檯面表面的材質是否容易刮傷或留漬 and you can't use anything abrasive or acidic on them. 你不可以在檯面上使用任何粗糙或酸性的物質 So we've got get creative. That's why it's important 所以我們必須變得有創意一點,這也就是 to know your finish and its specific care instructions. 我們必須了解廚房台面材質和保養特點的重要性 Any method you use to remove a stain on your counter 任何一種用於去除檯面污漬的方法 must be tested in a small, hidden corner that your landlord 在使用前都必須要在一個不易見到的檯面角落測試 or future home purchasers are never going to find. 一個在房東或未來房子買家看不到的地方 Once you've seen no damage, then proceed. 測試之後如果沒有發現任何損壞狀況,就可以繼續進行 Now for scratchable surfaces, like stone, I have found great success 對於易刮傷的表面材質,例如:石頭,我找到了一個非常成功的辦法 and I've experimented like crazy in mixing up a small batch 我曾做過一個瘋狂的試驗,將一匙多功能去漬粉溶於 of one scoop of OxiClean to a cup of hot water, 一杯熱水中 placing a piece of plastic wrap over the stain with some of that product 將上述混合物滴於污漬上後,將一小塊保鮮膜片置於污漬部分 applied, the plastic helps keep it wet, and then leave it for about 保鮮膜可以幫助該部份保持濕潤 10, 20, 30 minutes until the stain lifts off. 接著靜置十、二十、三十分鐘後撕除 And then I wipe everything away. 就能將該污漬完全去除 Literally, every terrible stain I've gotten on my new counter 毫不誇張,所有留於我的新檯面上的污漬 has come right off with that solution. 用這個方法都能去除得一乾二淨 Now, if you don't have OxiClean, you can try using acetone 如果家裡沒有多功能去漬粉,你可以試試丙酮 or hydrogen peroxide as stain removers. 或過氧化氫以去除污漬 Again, remember to test them first and don't mix those two items. 記得在使用前必須經過測試,還有記得不可二次混合 For non-scratching surfaces, you can try a paste of baking soda and water. 而對於抗刮的材質,你可以試試將小蘇打與水混合成糊狀狀態 Apply with your finger, leave for a few minutes, 用手指沾取後塗於污漬上,靜置幾分鐘後 and then wipe in a circular motion to buff out the stain. 以畫圈方式擦去污漬 You can also try a Magic Eraser, but again, 你也可以使用神奇擦布,但同樣的 be careful and test in a hidden area first. 在使用前,應先測試於一個看不的角落 ♪ [music] ♪ ♪ 背景音樂♪ It's a good habit to keep a cloth and a spray bottle filled with your 在檯面周圍放置一塊擦布和一瓶裝有檯面清潔劑瓶子 countertop cleaner of choice around and to create a habit of wiping up 是一個非常好的習慣,也應該要養成 after you've used the kitchen. For example, if I'm making a snack, 使用完廚房便立即擦拭檯面的好習慣,舉例來說,如果我正在做烘焙 once I'm done, I'll just wipe the counter up, rinse the cloth and air-dry it out. 一旦完成後,我就會馬上擦拭檯面,沖洗擦布並將擦布晾乾 Now for anything with potential contaminants, say when I'm preparing 對於有可能會留下殘留物的食品,例如 the cat's raw food meals, as in raw meat, I clean up 我準備貓咪的生食後,如果是生肉食品的話 by using my disinfectant, leaving the product for the appropriate dwell time, 我會將消毒劑噴灑於產品外部,停留適當的時間之後 about five minutes, and then wiping it up 大約五分 with a paper towel and of course tossing the paper towel. 使用紙巾將消毒劑擦拭乾淨,並且將紙巾處理掉 Now if you don't know what dwell time is, I will put a video 如果你不知道確切的消毒劑停留時間的話 down below for you to check out. 請參閱影片連結 ♪ [music] ♪ ♪ 背景音樂♪ If you're looking to give your kitchen a thorough cleaning, this is the truest, 如果你正需要一個能徹底清潔廚房的方式的話,這絕對會一個最可靠 bluest, most proper way to clean your kitchen counter. 環保且最適當的檯面清潔方法 Working clockwise, remove everything from the surface. 照著步驟來,先移除所以有檯面上的物品 Work in sections to make this easier. Place items on the section 區段性的工作會讓過程更加簡單,將物品統一置於一個區塊 of the counter to your right or on the kitchen table or even on the floor. 檯面的右邊、餐桌上甚至是地板 Then spray your counter with your cleaner of choice. 接著將適用的清潔劑噴灑於檯面上 Let the product sit for the appropriate dwell time. 讓清潔劑停置至正確時間後 Then wipe with a microfiber cloth using an S pattern. 使用微纖維擦布,以S形的方式將清潔劑擦除 Flip the cloth over and buff it dry to remove streaks. 將擦布翻面後,使用乾淨面繼續擦拭 Then get down to eye level and check for stains, spot, or crumbs. 接著讓眼睛與檯面同高,檢查是否還有污漬、斑點或碎屑 Touch the counter up with anything that you've missed. 並再次用擦布將未清潔完全的部分清潔乾淨 Finally, replace each item, wiping it clean over 最後,將物品歸位 the floor or the sink as you replace it. 並將剛剛放置物品的地板或水槽清理乾淨 Repeat this as you work your way around the counter. 使用檯面時記得要重複這個步驟 And if you want to be mother-in-law clean, 如果你想讓婆婆滿意的話 line your items up parallel and perpendicular to the edge 就將所有物品對齊並與牆面垂直擺放 of the counter to ensure clean lines. 以表示有做過清潔動作 I'd say we've learned a lot today. Haven't we? 我必須要說今天真的學到很多,對吧? Kitchen counters are complex little beings 廚房檯面是一個 who need lots of love and special attention. 需要愛與細心呵護的物體 But when they're cared for properly, they'll keep you 適當的保養清潔,能讓你享有健康 healthy and make your kitchen truly shine. 也能讓檯面光彩照人 Now, if you don't know what dwell time is or how to make 如果你不知道正確的清潔劑停留時間 your own countertop cleaners, or how to properly clean your 不知道怎麼自製檯面清潔劑,又或者不知道如何正確地清潔廚房水槽 kitchen sink so that it's nice and sparkly, don't worry. 以保持其清潔和亮度的話,別擔心 I've got you covered. I've put all those videos in the 我有一套方法,我已經將短片 description box down below for you. 放置於描述框中 So Clean My Space nation, tell me: Clean My Space的粉絲們,請告訴我 What's your kitchen counter cleaning routine? 你們廚房檯面清潔的程序是怎麼樣子的呢? That's quite a mouthful -- kitchen counter cleaning routine. 聽起來很繞口,廚房檯面清潔的程序 Anyway, let me know in the comments down below, 總而言之,請寫在評論區裡 because I'm very curious about how you do it. 因為我真的很想知道以們是怎麼清潔廚房的 Also remember, I check Instagram about 32,479 times a day. 還有,請記得,我每天上instagram的次數大概是三萬兩千四百七十九次 So please feel free to tag me in your cleaning, cat, or food 所以可以在你的照片上標註我喔,不管是清潔、貓咪、食物 or any other photos. I'm @MelissaMaker. 或是其他任何的照片都可以,我的帳號是@MelissaMaker He's @TheChadReynolds, and we are @CleanMySpace. 他的是@TheChadReynolds,我們共用的帳號是@CleanMySpace There's a button down there that lets me know you care. 照片底下會有一個表示喜歡的按鈕 So click it if you liked this video, and click this button right here 所以如果你喜歡我們發布的影片,記得點擊這個按鈕 to subscribe and begin your journey to a cleaner life. 訂閱之後就可以開始你的清潔人生了 Thanks so much for watching, and we'll see you next time. 謝謝你們的觀看,我們下次見 As some of you guys know, Chad and I were on vacation last week. 有些人應該知道我和查德上週去度假 We launched three videos and probably commented on like two of your posts. 我們發布了三則短片,並且有回覆了兩則你們的留言 But trust me, we read all the comments, and it's just been very busy 但相信我,每一則留言我們都有看 getting back from vacation and trying to catch up on everything. 只是因為度假回來後真的太忙了,我們會趕快跟上大家腳步 So if I don't get back to your comments on those videos, I do apologize. 所以如果我沒有回應影片的留言,請原諒我 But trust me, I have been reading them, and I love your questions. 相信我,每一則留言我看過了,我很喜歡你的提問 So thank you so, so much for asking and, of course, 謝謝你們這麼熱情的提問,當然 for your wonderful comments. See you soon. 也謝謝你們的每一則留言,下次見
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 清潔 污漬 材質 廚房 清潔劑 保養 如何清潔廚房檯面!清潔廚房的簡單方法(清潔我的空間)。 (How to Clean Kitchen Counters! Easy Ways for Cleaning Your Kitchen (Clean My Space)) 3716 142 Pedroli Li 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字