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  • Hello everyone. So today, I'm just going to be doing some 3x3 walkthrough solves for Cubing World.

  • So the cube is an Aolong version 2. The scrambles are from CSTimer and they are in the description.

  • I have the scramble image up here, so they should be correct.

  • I'm a white and yellow cross solver, most people probably know that.

  • So I guess there shouldn't be too many problems following along.

  • So for this first one I'm going to go for a yellow cross.

  • So I have these two edges and then this one and this one. So it's a really straightforward cross,

  • just R2 D L F'.

  • Now I saw these two in inspection

  • and I saw these two. I'd probably do this one and this one first,

  • it's just easier, so really basic.

  • These two would probably go next because I was watching them, so

  • and I'll keep track of this edge.

  • Ok, this edge ended up right here, so

  • the corner is right here so I just rotate and solve those two,

  • which pair these two up, so just insert them at the back.

  • So yeah, that was a really basic solve. OLL and PLL. Quite easy actually.

  • So, next scramble.

  • Good.

  • Ok...

  • Yeah, I'd probably go for yellow again, not...

  • not too good, but yeah I can work with it.

  • So I have these two pieces and these two.

  • So starting off, I'll do these two at the back, so... like that.

  • and then these two, keeping track of these two.

  • So the corner is right here and the edge is back here, so I'll solve those two and try to keep track of these two.

  • Pair them up and insert.

  • and I noticed these two which is going to be better than the two I was tracking, so...

  • and that actually set these two up, so I'll watch these two and solve these.

  • Rotate, triple sexy.

  • OLL and G perm.

  • Ok, right off the bat I see a nice Xcross.

  • Yeah, it's what I'm going to go for.

  • I'll check out real quick.

  • Nah...Ok...

  • So, on white here, I have a very nice Xcross.

  • I have this shaped block right here and then this one, so I can just

  • solve those into a 2x2x2, like that.

  • And then I'm just left with these two white edges, so...

  • So I see these two now and those two,

  • so I'm going to solve these two and then keep track of those.

  • And they're actually paired up now, so...

  • And just solve these two,

  • and now those two.

  • So yeah, also a pretty straightforward solve, OLL and PLL.

  • It kind of looks nice for an Xcross too, maybe.

  • Yeah, not really.

  • I'm kind of a fan of doing Xcrosses.

  • Just, like, crazy ones. Alright, so I'll just go for white, normal cross,

  • not particularly good but, oh well.

  • So I have these two edges and this one and this one, so

  • I'll do U' L2 to put that one down, and then

  • R' F u R'.

  • Those two

  • and these two will be split up as I insert it, so do them next.

  • And this is paired up, so it comes out like that.

  • Up here and these are my last two, just like that.

  • OLLCP and Z perm.

  • Solves have been pretty boring so far, actually, so...

  • Fifth solve, this looks nice right off the bat.

  • Oh yeah, easy Xcross.

  • Already found my second pair so you know it's easy.

  • So, on yellow here, I have this block already built back here,

  • and the other one that goes with it is right here.

  • So, I'll do D2 L to get these two set up and then

  • put this edge down, like that, D2 L2.

  • And I saw this pair in inspection, so I would do it first,

  • and then I see these two so, throwing them up and insert, and then lastly, these two.

  • OLL fail and J perm. That would have been a fast solve.

  • rotationless and Xcross, nice last layer, probably a six.

  • Trying to see about my first pair here.

  • Nothing too good. Ok, so going for yellow cross,

  • I have these two edges, and then this one and this one, so I'll start off with these two so

  • R L' D R, so there's three pieces built already

  • then just D2 and insert this one.

  • Now, I was tracking these two in inspection, but actually I see these two

  • on the right side, and they're quite nice, so I'll do them first, just like that.

  • Then I'll pair up these two and insert them.

  • and I've been keeping track of these two kind of the whole time, just since I started with them, so

  • they're the easiest to recognize next, so I do them.

  • join them up and insert, and then finally these two join and insert.

  • OLL and R perm.

  • Ok, big block of pieces on white here.

  • Yeah, white looks pretty nice.

  • Ok, so I just have, well, I guess cross pieces are pretty obvious for white, so

  • I'll just do a D', so these two are already set up, so D' R' U' R D'.

  • And this is the pair I saw in inspection, it didn't actually move throughout that cross, so

  • just join it up and insert. Now I have two options, I'd probably go for this pair, I could also do this one,

  • but this one is in a bit of a bad place, so yeah.

  • Then I was tracking these two, so I do them next,

  • even though this would probably be better, I would probably go for these, just because I saw them.

  • And then that actually set up those two, wasn't really expecting that, but oh well.

  • And I get a sune,

  • and A perm.

  • Let's see, I'll do one more.

  • Ok...

  • Don't really like this, I hate it when I don't like it.

  • Yeah, I'll just go for white, so these two and then these two. So,

  • starting with those two, they're all three set up now,

  • and then put this one down and finish. Now, I saw these two in inspection, but I didn't like them,

  • so I was looking for other stuff. So I'd probably do these two next.

  • Split them up and insert.

  • Once again, I don't have any great options,

  • oh wait, yes I do, these are good. These two, so go like that.

  • Now these two

  • which if I do that, it keeps, like, this pair is already kind of built, so go like that

  • and then since this edge right here is misoriented,

  • I would solve this pair in order to do the edge orientation as well.

  • and I get an OLL skip and a G perm fail.

  • Alright, so that's it for my example solves.

  • I hope you learned something, although I didn't do anything particularly interesting,

  • but yeah, thanks for watching.

Hello everyone. So today, I'm just going to be doing some 3x3 walkthrough solves for Cubing World.


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[Drew Brads]3x3演練解法 ([Drew Brads] 3x3 Walkthrough Solves)

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    steven 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日