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  • Hi there. My name is Emma, and in today's video I am going to teach you the difference

  • between "be" and "being" when we are talking about people. Okay?

  • So, I'm going to show you some sentences.

  • The first one: "The boy is naughty."

  • So "naughty" is like a bad boy.

  • And the second one: "The boy is being naughty."

  • What is the difference in this...? These two sentences? What is...? Like, just looking at the grammar,

  • what is something that you notice? Well, you probably notice this is the only thing that's different.

  • "The boy is naughty.", "The boy is being naughty." Okay? Now, one of these has to do with behaviour.

  • The other one has to do with personality. Okay? So, if we look at: "The boy is naughty."

  • what we really are saying is the boy is usually bad. It's a part of his personality. It's

  • his feelings. He's... He's a bad boy, it's who he is. He's a naughty boy. That's a little

  • bit different than: "The boy is being naughty." In this case, we're just looking at a behaviour

  • or an action. The boy is usually a good boy, maybe. Maybe he... You know, he usually does

  • what his parents tell him to, he listens to his teachers, he's a good boy, but that one

  • day he is acting a certain way, his actions are naughty, his behaviour is naughty. The

  • boy is being naughty. So, again, the difference is this is more about the boy... It's his

  • personality type, and this is usually a temporary behaviour. Okay? It's not forever; it's just

  • right now he's acting that way, but it's not who he is. So let's look at some other examples.

  • "You are rude." Okay? Not you personally, but just an example. "You are rude." "Rude",

  • for those of you who don't know, means not polite. So a person who's not polite is a

  • rude person. Okay? If I say: "You are rude." I'm saying it's your personality. You're usually

  • rude. You're a very rude person. It means this is who you are. Now, compare that to:

  • "You are being rude." In this case, you're not usually a rude person; you're quite a

  • polite person, maybe. But in this situation, your behaviour in this moment is rude. Okay?

  • So, again, this is who you are; and this is your behaviour in a specific situation.

  • So I'll give you an example. Okay? You know, I know someone who is always... Well, no,

  • I don't actually know somebody. But imagine if there's somebody who's always picking their

  • nose. We could say: "Ugh, that guy's rude. He's so rude." But if he, I guess does it

  • once... Okay? If it's just a behaviour that happens only one time, you could say:

  • "He's being rude." He's not always rude; it's just this one time.

  • Here's another example: "He is a smartass." Versus: "He is being a smartass."

  • A smartass is a person who tries to be funny, but they do it in kind of a not nice way. So it's almost

  • like not-nice funny. So if you think about when you were a kid, maybe there were some

  • smartasses in your class, those were the kids who always said things that made the teacher

  • very angry. Okay? So those people are smartassess, they purposely try to make people angry.

  • So if you say: "He is a smartass." it just means that's his character. He's usually this way,

  • this is how he is. If you say: "He is being a smartass."

  • it means maybe just this one time.

  • It's his behaviour in this moment, but it's not usual for him. It's just right now.

  • So let's do some work on this together, let's do some examples together.

  • Okay, so now let's do some examples together. The first sentence I have:

  • "I was careful when I drove." So when I drive a car, I'm careful.

  • "I was careful when I drove."

  • And again, "was" is the past tense for "be".

  • Okay, so this is something I usually do, I'm a careful person, I drive very carefully.

  • I want you to imagine this: Imagine if I'm not usually careful,

  • but I see a police officer close to me. Okay? Maybe that might change the way

  • I drive. So now I have a behaviour. How can I make this into a behaviour or an action

  • that's not always true? If you said we can add something, you are right. What are we

  • going to add? We're going to add "being", that

  • "I was being careful when I drove."

  • Let's look at the next one: "Jack is stupid." Jack is a stupid person.

  • I'm sorry if any of you are named Jack, I don't mean you; this is just an example.

  • "Jack is stupid." It's who he is, it's in his personality.

  • It's Jack, Jack's a stupid guy. Now I want you to imagine

  • this: Imagine if Jack is like Einstein, he's actually a really, really smart guy, but just

  • today he did something very stupid. He did one stupid action. What could we say? We could say:

  • "Jack is", what are you going to put here? Great. If you said "being", you are correct.

  • "Jack is being stupid." That's his behaviour right now, but he's usually a smart guy.

  • Okay, the last one: "Stacy is lazy." Stacy is lazy, Stacy never does any work. She watches

  • TV all day, all night. She doesn't do anything. She's a lazy person. Now, I want you to change

  • this to something different. Instead of Stacy being lazy, I want you to imagine she's a

  • hard worker, but today she's feeling tired. What could we say about her action right now?

  • We can say: "Stacy is being lazy." It's not usual. It's not her... Her... It's not a part

  • of her personality, it's just her behaviour or her action in the moment.

  • Okay, so I invite you to take our quiz at

  • There, you can do a bunch of practice questions to make sure that you really understand this material.

  • And until next time, take care. Thank you for watching.

Hi there. My name is Emma, and in today's video I am going to teach you the difference


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A2 初級 美國腔

用英語描述人。BE還是BEING? (Describing people in English: BE or BEING?)

  • 390 83
    Shuwen Wu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日