字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Yamato, a super battleship. 超級戰列艦Yamato A real sea monster with the height of a 17-story building. 這艘海上怪物高達17層樓 72,000 tons of steel. 500 km of welded joints— 耗費72000噸的鋼鐵,焊接處總長更達500公里 enough to wrap them around Japan and decorate it all with a bow. 長度足以將日本包裝起來再加個蝴蝶結! Building Yamato was like forging the ultimate sword… 建造Yamato 就像是在所有人都在製造機關槍的時候 …while everyone else was making machine guns. 鍛造出的一把終極之劍 Why? This is a tragic story. 為何這麼說?這是個悲慘的故事 The real-life Yamato never met a worthy opponent among other surface warships. 史實上的Yamato 從未遭遇過相稱的對手 Instead, she was met by almost four hundred aircraft 她反而是在兩個小時內 that tore her apart in two hours. 遭到近400架的戰機攻擊給撕成了碎片。 She was at the top of the battleship evolutionary tree, 她曾是戰列艦演化史上的頂端 but she reached this peak too late. 但為時已晚 By the time she did, aircraft carriers 在他到達頂端的同時 and submarines had changed naval warfare. 航空母艦以及潛水艦已經改變了海上的戰爭型態。 The power of Yamato became legendary. Yamato的力量在歷史上成為傳說 But in World of Warships, this legend lives. 但在World of Warships中,這個傳說是化為現實 Just look at this giant. 請看這個龐然大物 How can this sea monster ever be sunk? 這個海上怪物怎麼可能會沉呢? Her side armor thickness is up to 410 mm. 她的船身側面裝甲厚達410mm The main turrets are protected with armor plates more than half a meter thick. 主砲塔更是被厚達半公尺的裝甲保護著 And look at those gorgeous lines! 再來看到她華麗的線條! Yamato just slices through the waves. Yamato正破浪前進 And that shape was not a whim of the Japanese designers’ poetic souls. 這樣的外型絕對不是日本設計師們的一時興起之作 Her high bow and low aft ensure the best seaworthiness, 高聳的船首以及低矮的船尾確保了Yamato最好的適航性 and the rise at the center is necessary for more convenient arrangement 船身中段的抬高也讓彈藥以及結構 of ammunition and structures. 做了更加有效的安排。 The slight sag between the center 船身中段以及船首間些微下陷的設計 and the bow saves weight without any loss of durability. 使得船隻在保有耐久性的同時亦得以減輕重量 That hull makes Yamato the most durable warship in the game. 這樣的船體賦予Yamato在遊戲中擁有最好耐久性 It will require an entire squadron to deal with this battleship. 你將需要整隊的力量才得以對付這艘戰列艦 She can withstand a torpedo salvo and keep firing from all guns. 她可以在抵擋敵軍的魚雷齊射同時全炮門齊射。 When she fights alone, 當她隻身戰鬥時 the battle will become something like a scene from a Godzilla movie. 畫面會變得有點像哥吉拉的電影場景 When you’re at the wheel of this ship, 當你掌舵這艘船艦時 the most difficult thing about this monster is to wake it up. 最困難的部分就是要如何喚醒這頭怪獸 Just imagine: it devours 62 tons of fuel per hour. 只要想像每個小時她將吞噬掉62噸的燃料 That works out to 130 tons of fuel per 100 km. 航行100公里就要消耗130噸燃料便可得知 Stopping this leviathan is as hard as accelerating or turning. 要將這頭海中巨獸停下就如使她加速以及轉向般困難 The inertia of thousands of tons propels the ship forward. 數千噸的慣性使得船艦仍會繼續前進 You have to plan all your maneuvers in advance, and don’t even try to hurry. 你必須事先計畫你所有的操作,且不能貪快 But there’s no need to hurry. 不過你也不需要著急 The Emperor doesn’t pay attention to the annoyance of small destroyers and cruisers. 這位皇帝可沒有將那些小驅逐艦以及巡洋艦放在眼裡 The turrets traverse slowly and the reload takes a long time. 砲塔旋轉得非常緩慢且裝填相當耗費時間 While the shells are flying, you can sit back and sip your tea. 當砲彈發射之後,你應當可以輕鬆地坐著並啜口茶 But when the shells reach their target… 但當砲彈擊中目標的時候... What? How can it be? Yamato should have torn it apart! 什麼?怎麼可能?Ymato應該要把他們扯成碎片的呀! Remember, Yamato was gigantic for a reason. 記住,Ymato的巨大是有原因的 She was built to carry guns of the largest caliber in the history of naval artillery—460 mm. 她是被建造來攜帶海軍史上最大口徑的艦炮-460mm艦炮 A shell of this caliber weighs as much as a car. 一顆炮彈的重量相當於一台汽車 In fact, this battleship could lob a shell out to 42 km: literally beyond the horizon. 事實上,她的射程可達42公里,距離上來說這已經超越了地平線 A spotter aircraft would be needed to direct and adjust the fire. 射擊時需要偵查機提供指揮以及發射校準 There are no maps of such large size in the game, 但遊戲中並沒有這麼大的地圖 otherwise it would be the end of the battle 否則遊戲結束前 before you even got an enemy warship in your gunsights. 可能沒有任何一艘船艦會出現在你的瞄具中 In World of Warships, Yamato’s maximum firing range is 26 km. 在World of Warships中,Yamato的最大射程是26公里 If you try to hit a destroyer at that distance, 如果你想要在這個距離下攻擊一艘驅逐艦 it will be able to sail a few circles around the base waiting for your salvo. 他可能都繞了基地好幾圈才會等到你齊射的機會 However, destroyers can survive for a different reason. 驅逐艦可以不同的理由存活下來 An armor-piercing shell hit, but it just flew in one side and out the other. 若被穿甲彈擊中,砲彈只是從一邊穿進去再從另一邊穿出 If the enemy warship had been more massive and durable, 如果敵人戰艦體型較大或較為堅固 the shell would have stuck inside and caused severe damage to its compartments. 炮彈會卡在船身內造成機件損傷等重大傷害 But here it only caused a hole through the hull 但在驅逐艦上只會造成貫穿的孔洞 and a controllable amount of flooding. 以及可以控制的進水量 So, when you fire at small targets, load HE shells. 所以當你在攻擊小型目標時,請裝填高爆彈。 But should you waste such great power to destroy minor ships and aircraft? 但你需要浪費這麼龐大的火力去對付那些小船隻以及飛機嗎? Of course, Yamato can do the job. 當然,Yamato可以自己勝任這個工作 She carries about one hundred AA guns as well as 155-mm secondary guns. 她共攜帶了一百支的防空炮以及155mm的副炮 All those weapons work quite well 所有這些武器都會在你專心瞄準目標時 while you’re focused on aiming your main batteries. 各司其職 So what’s the best way to use those monstrous guns? 所以到底要怎麼樣運用這些可怕的火炮呢? There are two ways. The first is daring, and the other is convenient. 以下有兩種方法,第一是大膽的方法,另一個則是輕鬆的方法 Let’s talk about the convenient way. 我們先來說說比較輕鬆的方法 Think where the main action will take place… and don’t go there. 盡量避免讓自己身處主要戰區 Turn your side to aim all three main battery turrets in that direction, 將船身打橫,讓所有主砲砲塔指向那個方位 and support your team with mighty shots of 15 tons of steel per salvo. 以齊射重達15噸的鋼鐵炮彈支援你前線的隊友 Your shells can fly so far, enemy warships just won’t be able to reach you with theirs. 你的射程之長以至於對方戰列艦沒有機會在那樣的距離下攻擊你 The rest is a matter of your skill at leading your targets. 剩下的就是主導攻擊目標的技術了 And here’s the daring way. 再來是大膽的方法 Choose a flank and lead your team forward, protecting them with your armor. 挑選側翼並帶領你的隊伍前進,以你的裝甲保護他們 You must always be wide awake 你必須常保清醒 and plan out the maneuvers it will take to pass between islands, 且在島嶼之間有計畫的機動穿梭 trying not to expose yourself to enemy torpedoes. 並試著避免將自己曝露於敵人魚雷的攻擊區域 Aim your main guns at the enemy flagship, 同時瞄準敵軍的旗艦 while your allies keep enemy destroyers and aircraft away from you. 其他盟友則驅離試圖接近你的敵軍驅逐艦以及飛機 Yamato is good in both roles. The path to her is a green wave. Yamato在這兩種策略上都可以發揮良好的戰力 With every successive Tier, Japanese battleships become bigger and bigger. 隨著等級的上升,日本的戰列艦越來越宏偉 And there are no hidden pitfalls. 同時也沒有隱藏的缺陷 What could be a better reward for those 有什麼能夠比擬 who reach the top than firing the guns of the largest caliber in the world 在傳奇的戰艦上發射世界上最大口徑的炮彈 from the deck of the legendary battleship? 更高的榮耀呢?
B2 中高級 中文 美國腔 船身 驅逐艦 炮彈 攻擊 砲彈 船艦 ARMADA--"山戶 "號戰列艦 (ARMADA - Battleship YAMATO) 478 31 噹噹 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字