字幕列表 影片播放
they were designed to be the best
they met enemies face to face
endure tragedies and enjoy victories
they went down in history due to the bravery of their crews
they are the ships that deserve to be called
naval legends
in this episode
USS Yorktown
USS Yorktown 號
pride of US Navy
on December 7th 1941 Japan attacked US naval vessels moored at Pearl Harbor
1941 年 12 月 7 日,日本帝國海軍在為宣戰下攻擊美國海軍停泊在珍珠港的軍艦
without a declaration of war the majority the US fleet station there was sunk or disabled
the main strike was delivered by Japanese planes
brought to Hawaii by aircraft carriers
the attack signal the United States
entry into World War two
the assault on Pearl Harbor showed that powerful arm the battleships
ceased to be the main naval force
the US navy needed a fleet of aircraft carriers
to successfully operate in the Pacific Ocean
新航空母艦的首艦 Essex 號
the lead ship from a new class USS Essex
在 1941 年 4 月安放龍骨
was laid down in April 1941
CV-5 Yorktown 號作為新一級航空母艦的原型艦
the USS Yorktown cv5 that bravely fought the Japanese
and was sunk during the Battle of Midway served as prototype for the new class
原先被命名為 Bon Homme Richard 的二號艦
the second ship initially named Bon Homme Richard
重新命名為 Yorktown 號以紀念前艦
was then renamed USS Yorktown to honor her predecessor
當設計 Essex 級時
when designing the Essex class
American engineers took shortcomings from earlier carriers into
Yorktown 號更大
consideration the New Yorktown was bigger
had increased anti-aircraft armament powerful air group
and host other new features
Yorktown 號在 1943 年 Virginia 州的 Newport News 造船廠服役
USS Yorktown was commissioned in 1943 at Newport News Virginia
and where she left for her sea trials in the Atlantic
and then she was sent to the Pacific theater of operations
從 1943 年一直待到終戰的 1945 年
from 1943 through the end of the war in 1945
全長:266 公尺
length 266 meter
全寬: 54 公尺
beam 54 meters
全高:接近 25 公尺
height almost 25 meters
總排水量: 36,200 噸
total displacement 36200 tons
吃水約 8.4 公尺
draft about 8,4 meters
防空火力: 12 門 MK. 12 5 吋炮
anti-aircraft artillery 12 times 127 mm
17 座四聯裝 Bofors MK.2 防空炮
mark 12 guns 17 times quadruple Bofors mark two 40 mm
51 門 Oerlicon MK.4 防空機炮
51 times Oerlicon mark.4 20 mm
主裝甲帶:64 到 102 毫米
armor belt 64 to 102 mm
艦橋屋頂:37 毫米
pilot house roof 37 mm
艦載機數:最多 100 架戰機
air group up to a 100 aircraft
F6F Hellcat 戰鬥機
F6F Hellcat destroyers
SB2C Helldiver 俯衝轟炸機
SB2C Helldiver Bombers
TBF Avenger 魚雷轟炸機
TBF Avenger torpedo bombers
推進系統: 8 座 Babcock & Wilcox 鍋爐
propulsion 8 times boilers from Babcock & Wilcox
4 具 Westinghouse 蒸汽輪機
4 times Westinghouse geared steam turbines
功率:150,000 匹馬力
power 150000 horsepower
極速:32.7 節
maximum speed 32.7 knots
續航力: 15 節下 15,000 海哩
range 15,000 nautical miles
Yorktown 號是 Essex 級主力航空母艦中的其中一艘
at 15 knots
Yorktown is one of the heavy strike aircraft carriers Essex Class
在 1942 年至 1945 年間 美國海軍一共有 17 艘本級航空母艦服役
Constructed by the US during world war 2
最終建造了 24 艘 Essex 級航空母艦
the US Navy Commission 17 ships at this class between 1942 and 1945
In total, 24 Essex class aircraft carriers were built
Essex 號是本級的首艦,舷號 CV-9
It was the first time in history vessels that size were mass-produced
稍後建造的 Yorktown 號舷號則是 CV-10
the USS Essex first the class receive the hull numbers CV-9
Yorktown 號在 1943 年 4 月 15 日服役
USS Yorktown built later was assigned CV-10
Joseph Clock 上校成為首任艦長
USS Yorktown was commissioned on the 15th of April 1943
Captain Joseph Clock commanded the ship during her sea trials
Yorktown 號並沒有厚重的裝甲和強大的主炮 但航空母艦不需要這些東西
and first training air group flights
Yorktown lacked thick armor and powerful main guns but aircraft carrier does not need either
she stays away from the line of fire
Yorktown 號利用甲板上的兩座彈射器將戰機送上天空
and uses her air group to attack the enemy
一具位於左舷 另一具則位於右舷
Yorktown launched aircraft from to catapult on the flight deck
one was located port and the other starboard
the catapults were operated from below decks
These big tanks here to store all the hydraulic fluid that was needed
to propel the piston
this thing would be pulled
and then the hydraulic fluid would be pumped
into the cylinder and which would push the bar all away forward
and these cable with run backward
and then it would propel the aircraft off the flight deck that very intricate very
complicated because you had cable
與她的前輩相比 Yorktown 更快
that would running through the show to get to the flight deck
並且能多航行 3,000 海哩
compared to her predecessor Yorktown was faster
Yorktown 號的另一項優勢是 4 間輪機艙交替配置
And could go 3,000 miles farther
another important advantage of Yorktown was the independent work for four engine boiler rooms
she was the first aircraft carrier to have this feature
each machine had boiler and turbine rooms
in the event of loss of three machines
the ship could still function properly with one remaining engine boiler room
重油非常黏稠 像布丁一樣
this is their boiler right here the you something called bunker oil
which is very very thick like a pudding
接著才能加熱水產生蒸氣 接著送到隔壁艙間驅動輪機
they have to heat it before to the boiler
Yorktown 號上的員起居空間非常接近工具區域
they could burn it then and then that would heat up the steam the water into steam which will go into the next room for to run the turbines
Crew quarter on Yorktown was situated very close to workshops
which could cause serious problems in the event the ship was hit
Yorktown 號上的所有武裝都儲存在船艦的下層甲板
special attention was paid to the safety of the ship and her crew
一旦起火 這些艙間可以馬上注水
all of Yorktown's ordinance was stored on the lower decks at the cabin
in case of a fire these compartments could be easily flooded
to prevent explosions
A bomb would be brought up from the bunker down below
any would be brought and the bomb would be assembled on a on a carrier
將炸彈組裝起來 但他們不會裝上引信
and they would put the the fins on the back to the bomb
they will put that against the bomb itself but they wouldn't put the fuse in
the fuse would be waiting for them already up
就有可能引爆 進而損害整艘船艦
on the flight deck because if you put a fuse in a bomb
there's the possibility that the bomb would explode in damage the carrier
all the carrier’s decks have their own damage control compartments
which gave access to venting and fire fighting systems
another important issue was the safety of the ship and her crew
這邊在 1944 年被炸彈擊中
in case the ship was struck by enemy bomb or torpedo
right here in 1944
A bomb actually went through here and then went down the side the ship exploded on the whole
The systems with special escape hatches were designed
to save the lives of the crew
if the ship was hit below the waterline sailors could abandon the damaged
一旦所有水兵都安全撤離 水密門就會被徹底鎖上
or flooding compartment and climb up to the next level
once all the crew members were safe the hatches to the department was sealed shot
the pilot house have direct control of the ship
the control station gathered all the information about ship status
Yorktown 號上也擁有數個備用輪舵室
such as heading and speed
Yorktown also had several backup control rooms
it tells everything it reads same way
as it does up in a bridge the revolutions, the direction,
the shaft speed it's all here
1943 年春天,她第一次參加大型行動
and the shaft can be controlled from here
Gilbert 群島附近的 Tarawa 之役
in the fall of 1943 the aircraft carrier took part in her first major operation
隨後在 1944 年年初 她參與支援 Marshall 群島進攻的行動
near the Gilbert Islands, the Battle of Tarawa
later in the beginning in 1944 the ship support the invasion of the Marshall Islands
Yorktown 號和其他 Essex 級航空母艦
and attacked Japanese air force bases on Guam
USS Yorktown another Essex class aircraft carriers
became a US Navy's main weapon in the Pacific theater of operations during world war 2
they participated in nearly every operation in the pacific
the ships were considered so dangerous by the Japanese they were frequently
Yorktown 非常幸運能夠躲過這些攻擊
selected his targets by kamikaze pilots
但例如 Bunker Hill 號等則遭受神風特攻隊的嚴重損害
Yorktown was lucky enough to avoid them
儘管損傷嚴重 Bunker Hill 仍舊未沉沒
USS Bunker Hill for example sustained heavy damage after a kamikaze attack
Essex 級航空母艦擁有不可思議的生存能力
Despite the extensive damage Bunker Hill survives
事實上 日本人沒能擊沉任何一艘 Essex 級航空母艦
the Essex class vessels were incredibly durable ships
1945 年 4 月 1 日
in fact none of these ships were ever sunk by the Japanese
沖繩島登陸行動展開 接下來六週
on April the first 1945
Yorktown 號上的艦載機持續提供島上的部隊掩護
the assault on the Okinawa Island began over the course of the next six weeks
Yorktowns aircraft provided continuous Air Support to troops landing on the island
every 3 days the ship would leave the battlefield
to refuel and resupply
當時 Yorktown 號接到命令攻擊日本最有名的戰艦大和號
this routine was broken only once when Yorktown received the order
to repel the attack with the famous Japanese battleship Yamato
到了 1945 年 日本帝國海軍已經處在毀滅邊緣
the flagship for the Combined Imperial Japanese Navy
by 1945 the Japanese Navy was on the brink of destruction
the high command was forced to resort to extreme measures
Yamato was tasked with repealing the attack to the US aviation
and defend the Ryukyu Island against invasion
it was effectively a suicide mission
4 月 27 日 Yorktown 和其他第 58 特遣艦隊的航空母艦
as the ships did not have enough fuel to come back from Okinawa
on April 27 Yorktown together with the other carriers of Task Force 58
在美軍戰機的兩波攻擊下 大和號看似屹立不搖
advance to intercept the Japanese ships that by the steel monster Yamato
Yorktown 號參與對大和號的最後兩波攻擊
after two waves of attack took the US aircraft Yamato seemed invincible
Yorktown participated in the final two attacks on the Japanese battleship
Yorktown 號的飛行中隊就成功摧毀大和號上多數的火炮
on her first wave
Yorktown's aircraft managed to destroy most Yamato's gun batteries
在被超過 20 枚魚雷和炸彈的直接命中後
and damage the engine room and the battleship lost maneuvering control
after more than 20 direct torpedo and bomb hits
隨著傾斜角度增加 鋼鐵巨獸開始起火並引爆彈藥庫
Yamato began to this as earnest increased she capsized
巨大的爆炸將艦身扯成兩截 濃煙竄上 4 英里的高空
and ammunition stores detonated a monstrous blast tore the ship apart
就連距離戰場遙遠的 Yorktown 號上的乘員都能看到這次爆炸的威力
a smoke billow rose up to four miles even crew members on Yorktown
some tens of miles away from the battle could see the effect to the explosion
the destruction of Yamato established the defeat to the Japanese Navy
Japan did not have large battleships anymore
再擊沉大和號後 Yorktown 號上的飛行中隊
the Land of the Rising Sun was powerless to stop the US Navy in the pacific
after sinking Yamato, Yorktown's Air Group participate
in a bombing at the Cure Naval Base
在太平洋戰區的行動過程中 Yorktown 號獲得 11 枚戰鬥之星勳章
the military targets near Tokyo
她在 1947 年年初除役
Yorktown received 11 battle stars for her service in the pacific
再五年的封存後 她接受各項現代化改造
she was decommission in the beginning of the 1947
並在 1953 年重新服役
Mothballed for 5 years the ship then went on several modernizations
改造後的 Yorktown 號被賦予不同任務
and was recommissioned in 1953
the newly modernized Yorktown assume different roles
1965 年她再次投入戰場
ranging from a movie set to a flagship during a large scale US Navy deployment in the Pacific
in 1965 she participated in combat operations again
再服役末期 Yorktown 擔任阿波羅 8 號太空艙回收艦
this time in South China Sea during the Vietnam War
1970 年 Yorktown 號除役
towards the end of her military service Yorktown served as the recovery ship for Apollo 8 space station
1975 年 她正式被改建成博物館並在 South Carolina 州的 Charleston 展出
in 1970 the old town was decommissioned
and in 1975 she was formally opened as a museum in Charleston, South Carolina
Yorktown 號在這的目的是傳承在船上服役的水兵們的犧牲奉獻和記憶
where she remains to this day
the purpose of the Yorktown being here is to perpetuate the memories
and sacrifices of those who served on this vessel
and to make it more interactive than it has been in the past
and the young people will see more about the history and they will enjoy it more