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  • When it comes to creative problem solving, young Koreans are TOP notch.

    講到創意解題的能力 韓國學生算是頂尖的程度

  • The OECD released the results of its 2012 Program for International Student Assessment,

    OECD(經濟合作與發展組織) 發表2012年國際學生能力評量(或稱PISA) 計劃的結果

  • or PISA, which surveyed about 85-thousand 15-year-olds from 44 countries, including


  • member nations of the OECD.


  • Korean students scored an average of 5-hundred-61 points on the computer-based problem solving


  • section. That's just one point behind Singapore,


  • putting the island nation and Korea "first-second" in the assessment, and well above the OECD

    在島國國家中 韓國被列為"第一到第二名" 同時也比OECD的平均分數500分高

  • average of 5-hundred points. Asian countries dominated the rankings.


  • Japan came in third place, followed by Macao and Hong Kong respectively.

    日本則是第三名 之後第四第五名分別是澳門和香港

  • Considering the margin of error, the results are referred to in scopes such as "first-second" when there is no significant difference in the scores.

    考量到誤差幅度 當韓國和新加坡平均測量成績沒有明顯的差異時 將兩國同樣列為"第一到第二名"

  • It was PISA's first assessment of creative problem-solving skills in students


  • in terms of confronting problems that are encountered in everyday life.


  • It looks at whether they have acquired the key knowledge and skills needed for full participation in modern society.

    重點是 是否能獲得生活在現今社會中 所需的關鍵知識和能力

  • The percentage of Korean students that scored a rank of level five or above, out of a

    將韓國學生的實測成績分為六個等級 五級以上和六級以下的比例製成百分比

  • scale of 6, stood at over 27 percent. That led the OECD countries by a large margin.

    前者占百分比27以上 這導致OECD會員國的實測成績有著極大的落差

  • As for gender, male students scored 13 points higher than their female counterparts.

    以性別比來說 男學生的平均成績比女學生的(平均成績)高出13分

  • The Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation said that the findings reaffirm the strong

    韓國課程與教育協會 指出此項發現再次證明

  • competitiveness of Korean students against their overseas peers when it comes to creative

    當談到創意性解題能力時 韓國學生擁有強韌的競爭力與海外的同儕匹敵

  • problem solving. Connie Kim, Arirang News.

    記者金康妮 阿里郎電視台報導

When it comes to creative problem solving, young Koreans are TOP notch.

講到創意解題的能力 韓國學生算是頂尖的程度


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