字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Why do you think every Asian person is Chinese? 為什麼認為每個亞洲人都是中國人? That's like me saying to like a white person, 那就像我對白人說: "hey, you're English." "I am English." 「欸,你是英國人吧?」(我是英國人啊) F*ck. (髒話消音) 26 Questions Asians Have For White People 亞洲人對白人的 26 個疑問 Media 媒體 Why do you think a film or TV show is diverse just because there are one or two black people in it? 為什麼只因為裡面有一兩個黑人就認為一部電影或電視節目是文化多元的? We're here, too. 還有我們! Why are the awkward nerd characters the only roles available for Asians in film? 為什麼不善社交的書呆子角色是唯一適合亞洲人的電影角色? We do a lot of other stuff, too. 我們也做很多其它的事。 Why are all of you talking about our penises? 為什麼老愛討論我們的老二大小? Why do you think Asians can't be the stars of movies? 為什麼覺得亞洲人不能當電影明星? There aren't gonna to be Asian celebrities out there to cast if we haven't been given a chance yet. 如果不給亞裔明星演出的機會,自然不會有亞裔明星大放異彩。 Why do you think that watching Korean dramas and K-Pop makes you an expert on Korean culture? 為何認為看韓劇和聽韓國流行音樂就能讓你成為韓國文化專家? Like, does me watching Girls make me an expert in white culture? 就像,是否我看《女孩我最大》(註:美國情境喜劇) 就能變成白人文化專家? It does. 是喔! Why do you cast white people to play roles that are meant for Asian people? 為什麼用白人演員飾演亞裔角色? I'm not gonna forget Emma Stone. 我不會忘記艾瑪史東 (註:飾演亞裔混血兒而引起爭議) Culture/Language 文化/語言 Why do you think saying "namaste" is an appropriate way to greet me? 怎麼會認為用「namaste」(註:印度問候禮) 來問候我,是恰當的? Why do you think saying "ni hao" is a good thing to say to us? 為何認為向我們說「你好」是件好事? If you're not actually gonna to converse with me in Chinese, 如果你並沒有打算要用中文和我交談, I don't need to hear it. 我不需要聽到這句。 Why do you think I eat dogs? I have two dogs! 怎麼會覺得我吃狗呢?我養兩隻狗耶! Why do you think that Hindi and Hindu are the same thing? 為什麼覺得「Hindi」和「Hindu」是一樣的?(註:Hindi:印地語;Hindu:信奉印度教的印度人) Why are you so surprised that I can speak English well? 為什麼如此驚訝我能說一口流利的英文? I was born in America. 我在美國出生。 Geography 地理 Why do you always ask me, "You know, where are you really from?" 為什麼老是問我:「你到底是從哪裡來?」 because obviously I'm from my mom's vagina. 因為,很顯然我來自我媽的陰道。 Why do you guys think it's okay to call me an immigrant or a foreigner? 為何你們認為可以稱呼我移民或外國人? I was born in America. 我在美國出生。 Why do you think Indians aren't Asians? 為什麼認為印度人不是亞洲人? India is literally in Asia. 印度毫無疑問地在亞洲。 Why do you say it's basically the same thing 為什麼你會說,那基本上沒差 when I tell you I'm from Sri Lanka and not India? 當我告訴你我來自斯里蘭卡而非印度的時候? They're different countries. 那是兩個不同的國家。 Talking about race 種族議題 Why does a person of color automatically mean "black" to you? 為什麼有色人種對你而言,直接等於「黑人」? I'm a person of color, too. 我也是有色人種。 Why do you think all brown people are Indian? 為什麼認為所有棕色膚色的人都是印度裔? Why do you think you deserve a high five for pronouncing my name correctly? 唸對我名字有什麼值得擊掌慶祝的呢? Why do you think including diversity in the workplace reduces the quality of work? 為什麼會認為多元 (種族) 的工作環境會降低工作品質? I thought you thought we were all nerds. 還以為你覺得我們都是書呆子呢! Why do you think it's okay to call me "exotic"? 為什麼可以說我帶有「異國風情」呢? I mean technically we're the largest part of the world population, 技術上而言,我們占據世界人口最大一部分, so shouldn't white people be exotic? 那白人應該才帶有異國風情吧? Why do you think I can't see properly? 怎麼會認為我看不清楚? Do you really think my eyes are that small? 你真的覺得我的眼睛小到那種程度嗎? Why is it weird when all Asian people hang out, 為什麼一群亞裔玩在一起很怪, but it's fine when all white people hang out? 但一群白人玩在一起就沒有問題呢? So tell me, what does a sunburn feel like? 告訴我,曬傷是什麼感覺? Why do you keep trying to justify "yellow fever"? 為什麼要合理化「亞洲熱」? I don't know why they use fever for all of these things, 我不懂為什麼要用「熱潮」來形容這件事, it's not a disease. 這不是一種疾病 ,(註:fever 為狂熱,也是發燒) It's just f*cking. 而是非常討人厭。 Why are we being stereotyped as cheap or stingy? 為什麼對我們有小氣、吝嗇的刻板印象呢? Maybe I'm just cost efficient. 或許我只是花費符合經濟效益。 Why do you think all Asian people are smart? 為什麼認為亞洲人很聰明? I mean, when I was in high school, there was a Korean valedict... 我高中的時候,有韓裔的畢業生致詞代表... (註:美高中傑出畢業生之殊榮) No, actually there was an Indian valedictorian-- 其實也有印度裔的畢業生致詞代表 — No, dammit. 天殺的。 I guess you guys are right! 你們是對的! Asians are smart! 亞洲人很聰明! Have you tried that new white people restaurant? 你們吃過那家新的白人餐廳嗎? There's like, a mayonnaise dish that is so mayonnaisy. 他們的美乃滋料理有夠美乃滋的。
A2 初級 中文 美國腔 亞洲人 亞裔 白人 認為 畢業生 文化 【超有趣】刻板印象急轉彎!26個亞裔想問白人的問題 (26 Questions Asians Have For White People) 72165 3580 YSI 發佈於 2021 年 07 月 17 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字