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We're now going to focus on drawing clouds. My favorite clouds are these
big puffy clouds. I always think that when I'm in an airplane how fun it
would be, in my imagination of course, to bounce from cloud to cloud. Those
are the types of clouds I love drawing. What we want to do, clouds
obviously live in the sky, and a lot of what makes them feel so puffy and
so white is because they're against blue tones.
I'm going to very quickly shade my paper. I'm using chalk pastels, they
come in many, many different colors, many different brands. Any brand and
any color is fine. Even though I'm making a blue sky, maybe you want to
create a pink sky or an orange sky. You always want to bring in your own
ideas and your own imagination to anything that you're drawing. What's
great about pastels is they blend wonderfully. I'm going to very, very
quickly blend this blue and white together.
As I continue, one thing to think about with the sky is that it tends to
get a little darker on tops and it's typically a little lighter on the
bottom. I'm just going to put a little darker tone of blue with my pastel.
I'm not even using the tip as if I were writing with a pen, I'm using the
side. I'm using the side to just cover more surface. I'm going to add a
little more blue, now it's a lighter tone of blue. To the bottom third, I'm
going to put white over it. Again, typically skies tend to get lighter and
lighter when they're closer to the earth, and darker and darker when they
move up. For blending with pastels, I'm just using my fingers, as you can
see. You can use a few fingers, you could use one finger. This all comes
out when you wash your hands, so you don't have to worry about making a
I want to think about my clouds. I always suggest finding a photograph of
something that would inspire you. A lot of people think drawing can come
straight out of imagination, but in fact, most people don't have the
capacity in their brain to remember exactly what something looks like. With
something like a cloud, there are no two clouds that are the same.
What you want to do first is choose some clouds that would inspire you, and
you're going to start sketching in the shape. For clouds, what you
typically have are these little bubble forms. It's not a circle; it's
almost like a half-circle, and it's a lot of different shaped half circles
that start to connect. Instead of thinking about the whole cloud, just pay
attention to one little half-circle at a time. I'm going to start sketching
in my cloud. I'm just moving around, I'm looking at whatever it is that's
going to be my inspiration. All along the top I'm looking for these little
half-circles, looking for the outline of the cloud. A lot of times, the
bottom of a cloud is not as puffy, it's not that cotton feeling, it's
almost more of a smooth, soft form. What I'm going to do now is I'm going
to draw, basically, straight lines, but the straight lines will connect
with one another. Instead of a perfect straight line, maybe it's like a
soft line. I'm going to create these very soft lines. Again, because no two
clouds are the same, as you're drawing this, if it's not exactly what shows
in the photograph, it's okay. No one will know.
Now I'm going to think about what colors are in the cloud. Typically if
you're looking at a white puffy cloud, the sun will be shining, and because
the sun is shining, you'll have areas that are very light, you'll have
areas of the cloud that are in shadow, and then you'll have different
colors in between. What I'm going to suggest is first find the area of the
cloud that is the darkest, the shadow area, and what you want to do is
block in that entire shape. Just look for, is there a curving line of the
shadow? Is there a straight line of the shadow? What general shape the
shadow looks like? For my shadow, it curves up around, and then circles
right down. Again, around, up, and down. I'm just going to, with the side
of my charcoal, shade that right in with the side of the pastel. I'm
choosing purple because I love purple. I don't have to use grays all the
time; I can use any colors that I want.
I'm going to take the white and I'm going to draw and sketch in, and add
the white to show the lightest part of the cloud. You're going to continue
to bring in the absolute lightest areas, the absolute darkest areas, and
then you're going to think about other colors that might show in this
cloud. Perhaps there's a little bit of a peach color shining through,
perhaps there's a touch of yellow, perhaps there's a touch a blue. You're
going to start, with your, mixing these colors together. Always coming back
to, what are the darkest areas? What are the lightest areas? What shape do
they make? You can come back in; redefine the tops of those white clouds. I
would continue doing this. I would probably bringing in more clouds, as
well. I will probably also go behind the cloud; bring back in that blue
tone. I would continue to work on it until I feel really happy about how
the cloud looks, and until I've expressed myself creatively, and have
allowed myself to expressed myself through my drawing.
Here's an example of more of a finished drawing of that cloud. I have used
the exact techniques that I have described: I added some clouds, I had
added a puffy cloud underneath, then a softer cloud here, and a little bit
of a softer cloud here. Again, through looking at the shapes, simplifying
the shapes, drawing these little half-circles on the bottom, it's more of
just soft lines bringing in those areas of darks; looking for the shape of
dark, looking for the shape of light, and then coming back into the
background, adding a number of shades of blue from light, from the bottom
the dark at top, and bringing in any colors that are inspiring to you.