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歡迎你來學 每日一句學英文
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The pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步
或是烏鴉笑豬黑, 類似這種句子
Here is an example of how to use The pot calling the kettle black
We were both late with our homework, but you're laughing at me? That's like The pot calling the kettle black!
我們兩個交功課都晚交,但是你還在笑我 真是五十步笑百步
Another example would be
My haircut's not so bad, yours is worse! It's like the pot calling the kettle black
我的頭髮沒有剪得那麼難看,你的更難看 真的是五十步笑百步
Welcome to come to FREEbird English And look at some of our other free English lessons, We hope you'll be able to come and find something useful
希望你可以到FREEbird English 來參觀看看我們的免費英文課程
也希望從這些免費英文課程你可以找到 一些對你有幫助、有用的課程
Thanks! Bye-bye!